Saturday, November 27, 2010

MOOG Memorymoog Plus with MIDI

via this auction

"Notable features include: Midi In/Out/Thru, Sequencer with gate controls, 99 programmable patch storage, Built in heat sink and fan system to keep internal circuits constant temperature (means oscillators will stay tuned much more reliably!)."

iPad KORG iMS-20 sings 'Smoke On The Water'

YouTube via cyberspacecowboys | November 27, 2010 | 4 likes, 0 dislikes

"Deep Purple Song Cover.
Main synth effect uses Talking Mod.
Arrange & Performed by S_Ishimaru."

iPads on eBay
iPads on Amazon

Athmoscapes - Preview

YouTube via HGFSynthesizer | November 27, 2010 | 1 likes, 0 dislikes

"Athmoscapes - preview: A machine featuring probably the easiest way for stunning spacey soundscapes and athmospheres either let it play in LazyPlay mode or via triggering i.e. switching waves by MIDI keys or MIDI CC. So this plugin is also very suited to be used with trigger pads."

MEECAS Montage 1 of 2

MEECAS Montage 1 of 2 from Creme DeMentia on Vimeo.

"Patrick McCarthy opens the event, interactive exhibits Pignose Amplifier by Patrick McCarthy, Photovores by Sam Piro, Jeff Cox plays the slinky through his circuit-bent parrot using a Creme DeMentia bottle-cap contact microphone, Video Installation by Steve Buck, Mike Kana providing the soundtrack via Chaos pads/etc., Stolen installation by ______,
LIFE Synth Installation by Mike Una (visual only), ______ circuit bent Casio synth, Contact Microphones from Creme DeMentia display, circuit bent parrot by Jeff Cox, circuit bent lantern by Patrick McCarthy, LED Flower sculpture by Steve Buck, Roth Mobot announcement, Sam Piro's lecture on Raymond Scott/Circle Machine Junior demos, Hugo Paquette video segment, Circle Machine Junior close-up (Sam Piro talks with Zach Adams), fellow listening to Circle Machine Junior, Photovores by Sam Piro, impromptu performance by Jeff Cox using glitchy circuits and a rotary phone dial gate (aka Kaiserphone), Pelzwik / Sprite Lite Theater performance video, Roth Mobot announcement and performance. Live Mixed video projections by ___________. "

Craig Padilla Black Friday

Craig Padilla and some Mattson Mini Modular

via George C Mattson's Photos

Side note: the bottom right system is mine - Production Prototype 1 with a few modules added on.

Update via Craig: "I did some tweaking to the mix last night and this morning. I think it's a very cool piece of music, nearly 20 minutes. It's quite a ride. This Mattson Modular Synthesizer in seriously awesome (with infinite possibilities for creating sounds), and extremely lightweight for something that can produce a massive wall of sound!"


Blackfriday(edit) by MMModsynth
"Craig Padilla composed this excerpt with the Mattson Mini Modular on Black Friday 2010. This shows a wide range of sounds that can be created. Thank you, Craig!"


"Sprak is a noise app, noise as in crackles and phat distorted drones. Sprak is an instrument for people who loves to experiment with noise. Sprak was born out of a need to play with evolving noisy noise while riding the train.

You could also make sounds that sound a bit like hypnotoad.

Still not decided if you should shell out .99cents for this most awesomely awesome glitched out noised curcuitbentish app? check out the soundexamples over at"

Sprak - Tinker Team
iPads on eBay
iPads on Amazon

iPod Touch on eBay
iPod Touch on Amazon

Korg GR-1 guts

flickr By ibsendesign
(click for more)

inside a KORG GR-1

"Korg GR-1 vintage stereo gated spring reverb, after restoration and cleaning.
For sale: 200 EUR"

DIY Arduino step sequencer in action

YouTube via KrassesZeug | November 27, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

"Build your own:

Arduino Mega based home-made MIDI step sequencer playes a synthesizer (also DIY). MIDI master is a Roland TR-505."

Korg DDD-5 Drum Machine

via this auction

"# Extras!
1. Original owner's manual is included with MIDI Implementation Chart!
2. A Korg "E-Drums" ROM Card is included adding additional "electronic" drum waveforms!
3. In addition to the "Preset Mode" Panel Plate, the Alternate Panel, "Programmable Mode", Plate is also included!
4. Original Korg Card Library Catalog is included!
5. Original DDD-5 Pattern Chart is included!
6. Original Korg power adapter is included!"

Sequential Circuits TOM

flickr By -thefutureistheresultofourlasthopes-
(click for more)

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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