Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Old Crow's Oberheim OB-X Clone Project

via oldcrow on Muff's

First post with initial diagram above: "Ever since playing MC's OB-X at AHMW, I got it into my head to try and make one--gotta be cheaper than ebay! This meant making my own voice cards, first in the original form factor to test first on a "host board" to power and provide pots and switches for the voice board under test, then later in an actual OB-X. Since the vintage cards used CEM3310s and discrete everything else, I made the EGs in non-custom form using JH's VC_HADSR as a design reference (it was inspired by the 3310). It works on a breadboard, so they're in the CAD schematic and the "hard" part of the layout is done: the VCOs. I squashed the circuits a bit in order to open up some room on the board as my EGs were going to be a tad larger than a single 16-pin chip; they each use 4 chips, 4 transistors and a handful of passives. Throughhole parts as my eyes have gotten too bad to hand solder SMT very well (but I have a full SMT factory line for that if I ever make more than 8 of these ;)

The CA3080s are replaced by 13700s, which are dual 3080s. I do not bother with the darlington buffers. The CA3086 transistor array is replaced by two LS318s, and those mount over SMT TC resistors (see A3A, A3B in image). I do use some SMT bypass caps as the original board features no bypass caps whatsoever, save for the DC filter caps on the local voltage regulators."

Follow-up with the pics below: "Slowly the master vision takes shape: here is a nearly-finished host board with a fully-populated carrier board mounted to it, and the carrier board loaded with a slot adapter and attached crowbx voice board."

For those not familiar with Old Crow, you can find his site here. He has been most often referred to here on MATRIXSYNTH for his KORG Polysix battery fix.

Torino Synth Meeting - Kinetik Laboratories

Published on Aug 21, 2013 noisecollectivenet·13 videos

"Torino Synth Meeting - In occasione della terza edizione, abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitare Andrea Reali e Claudio Granzieri di Kinetik Laboratories, produzione noise made in Torino!"

via Andrea Reali on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

3x3 Matrix Mixer and HNG
Published on Aug 21, 2013

"Action sounding on a Kinetik Laboratories 3x3 matrix mixer and HNG."

Torino Synth Meeting - Lep Loop

Published on Aug 21, 2013 noisecollectivenet·13 videos

"Torino Synth Meeting - In occasione della terza edizione, abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitare Antonio Cavadini di LEPLOOP! Enjoy!"

soundmachines LP1lightplane

via Davide Mancini on soundmachines on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

"Testing our LP1lightplane. A really deep performance controller and gesture recorder.... Soon in production... I need a skiff!

3(recordable) CVs (x,y, pressure) and a Gate. The recorded seq is externally triggerable (GATE IN mode)."

Mode Machines SID - Quick demo

Published on May 1, 2013 mikamulperi·37 videos

"Headphones recommended.
ModeMachines SID quick demo"

Mode Machines on eBay

Mode Machines SID & x0xb0x mk2

Published on Jun 23, 2013

Mode Machines x0xb0x2 - Quick demo

Published on May 30, 2013 mikamulperi·37 videos

Mode Machines on eBay

Elektron A4 and Electribe ES-1 noise jam

Elektron A4 and Electribe ES-1 noise jam from abre ojos on Vimeo.

"Experimenting with the ES1 & A4 combo- ES is doing the main rhythm- routed into A4, two voices of the A4 are processing the ES1 signal, the other two voices are doing blips and a pad sound. Glitches are cuts where it got a bit long and wandering, it's cut to half the length hehe..."

via Abre Ojos on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Mks50 ir3r05 filter Mod

Published on May 18, 2013 marcelo malmierca·5 videos

Not finding any additional details on the mod. Doing a quick search on IR3R05 brought up this post on the Roland MKS-80 rev5 with the same IR3R05 filter/vca.

pgX7 - Yamaha DX7 Series Hardware Controller & PG200V & PG300V for Roland

Published on Aug 20, 2013 marcelo malmierca·5 videos

"Controller for yamaha DX7 TX7 etc"

via Bruno De Vincenti on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

See the update below.

PG200V controller for Roland MKS-30

Published on Feb 24, 2013

"PG200V it´s a controller for Roland MKS-30 by Volt crafty devices."

PG300V controller for Roland Juno Series and MKS-50 module

Published on Feb 24, 2013

"PG300V is a controller developed by Volt crafty devices"

I created a new Volt Crafty label for these.

Update: some additional info via Marcelo Malmierca from the Facebook thread:

"Volt crafty have many products on development. There is allready tested and working the next list of controllers waiting for serial production. All the controllers are specifically designed for each synth (not programable) just plug and play. Price will be around u$s 350 with free shipping.
Pg300v ( for mks50 and alpha junos ) have more controls than the original PG300 !
Pg800x8 for Jx8p
Pg800v for Mks70 and Jx10
Dw8000pg for Dw8000 and Ex8000
ObiMagiX6000 for Matrix 6, 6r and 1000
MICROmini for Miniak and Micron
pgX7 for Tx802 Tx7 Dx7 and Dx7II
INFRARED midi modulator its and infrared sensor that spit midi messages at your choice of Aftertouch Volume Modulation Pitch Bend and General Pourpose CC18"

As of this post there is no dedicated website or FB page.

Boxed Ear "TQS: Magnetic Fields" for Dave Smith Instruments Evolver Series

"Boxed Ear is proud to present TQS: Magnetic Fields soundset for Dave Smith Instruments Evolver series - 128 brand new sounds for the Evolver synthesizer.

The Evolver is a modern classic. Digital wavetables mix with analog oscillators, filters, sequencers, LFOs and delays to create a powerful yet vintage sounding synthesizer that stand up there with the greats.

Included in the soundset are 128 fresh sounds, compatible with any Evolver. Every sound has been designed with one thing in mind, playability. Organics leads, vintage basses, luscious evolving pads and otherworldly atmospheres are all designed to be expressive and musical.

128 brand new sounds delivered in MIDI sysex format and SoundTower Editor format. Detailed instructions for installing are included in the download package. Compatible with all Evolver models including the Poly Evolver Keyboard, Evolver Desktop, Mono Evolver Keyboard and Poly Evolver Rack.

Availability and pricing
TQS: Magnetic Fields costs USD $33, EUR €25 or GBP £21 inc.VAT and is available now from the Boxed Ear website.

About Boxed Ear
Boxed Ear are a new company dedicated to bringing high quality sample sets of rare vintage synthesizers and drum machines. For more information about our products and promotions, please contact"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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