Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Live Looping with Music Easel and Echoplex

Published on Jan 17, 2015 Brunswick Synth

"Improvising with the BMI Music Easel into and Oberheim Echoplex Pro. Playing in Cminor."

Buchla Music Easel, OP-1 & a radio

Published on Feb 11, 2015 Red Idiot

"The Buchla Music Easel does the main theme, the Teenage Engineering OP-1 does ambient arpeggios and the radio makes some noise through the Music Easel's aux input.

Performed live with a touch of reverb and delay to enhance the stereo image.

(I edited out the long middle part to not bore you too much)"

Buchla Music Easel - Sound Sketch #10

Published on Oct 28, 2015 ozashikiTECHNO

"Buchla Music Easel Synthesizer Demo
(Random Voltage Automatic Performance)
Effector: Strymon blueSky, El Capistan
Recorder: Fostex MR-8mkII"

All parts:

UVI Falcon Creative Hybrid Instrument

Published on Oct 28, 2015 UVI

"Falcon is an advanced and truly unlimited hybrid instrument, bringing together an extensive collection of cutting-edge oscillators, effects, modulators and event processors and delivering them in a workflow-adaptive and highly-scriptable environment. Falcon allows you to create and manipulate sound with unparalleled precision and finesse, from basic sample slicing and synth design to extravagantly modulated multitimbral hybrids. Falcon runs stand-alone or in your DAW as a plugin, is natively surround capable up to 10.2 channels, can take just about any sound you can throw at it for fuel (and some pictures, too) and is fully compatible with all UVI Powered instruments.

Falcon comes with an incredible collection of factory presets created by some of the most respected sound designers in the world. Tap them for instant gratification or to inspire your own sound design. Component presets are available for everything from oscillators and effects to modulation sequencers, allowing you to quickly explore options and find one that works, fast. Create your own presets for nearly any module and build custom libraries so you can easily recall ideas for future use.

As an added bonus, each Falcon license includes a $100 voucher good towards the purchase of any sound library at Enhance your Falcon experience immediately with one of our premium instruments like CS-M, or grab Mayhem of Loops for a massive fuel injection to your new sampling workstation.

Whether you're looking for a large package of new sounds and instruments to explore or a creative environment to realize efficient, reliable and sophisticated sound design with, Falcon is an innovative and powerful choice."

Yamaha DX7 IID - Performance patches

Published on Jul 29, 2013 roboticrealm

"The performance patches can now be downloaded here:

Yamaha DX7 IID (made in 1987) differs from the original DX7 (made in 1983) in that you can stack two patches on top of each other and make a performance patch. You can either stereo pan the two sounds left and right or have them both at the center. Here I demonstrate some of the performances that I've created from existing patches. The first performance sound however, was found on the instrument when I bought it. The sound at 1:00 is a sound I recieved, and made a perfomrance patch of, from Paul Mangru here on Youtube, that I've tweaked a little bit. The sound at 4:01 is a sound I've programmed myself.

Even though the DX7 is digital and excels at the typical FM electric piano sounds and bell sounds, it can sound pretty warm and analogue which you can hear when you listen to the pad sounds in this video.

I played the DX7 IID is without any additional effects.

If you want to hear my music please visit:"

Yamaha DX7 IID Performance patches with TC Electronic M350

Korg Poly-61 - Demo of a few patches

Published on Dec 11, 2014 roboticrealm

"Korg Poly-61
Analogue polyphonic synthesizer from 1982

FX: Roland Dep-5

This is a great and cheap analogue synth. It has 6 voices with 2 DCO's per voice. It has quite a dirty and gritty sound. I like it very much, and even if I don't use it as often as I used to, when I use it I use it mainly for arpeggios and lead sounds.

In this video my playing is kind of sloppy. I don't practice as much nowadays as I used to so I apologize for that. I hope you can still enjoy the sounds and get an idea of what kind of synth this is.

In my unit I installed CHD Electroservis Midi kit so I can thankfully hook it up with a computer."

Roland Alpha Juno - demo of some patches

Published on Sep 13, 2014 roboticrealm

"*UPDATE: The patches in this video can be found here:

Analogue synthesizer from 1986. Digitally controlled analogue oscillators (DCOs) with 6 voices, sub osc and a 24 dB analogue lowpass filter. A nice low bugdet synth that is perhaps not as good as a Juno 60 or a JX-8P but still pretty nice sounding. In this demo I use additional FX from TC Electronic M350. Enjoy!"

Yamaha AN1x - Some patches

Published on Feb 12, 2014 roboticrealm

"Yamaha AN1x

Digital virtual analog synthesizer from 1997.
Though not a true analog synth, and not as
"fat" (whatever that is) sounding I think this
synth is really inspiring and has an enourmous
range of different sounds.

All the patches you hear in this video I found
on the internet. I think I've only made about
two of them myself. So credit goes to all the
skilled programmers out there who programmed
these great sounds! With my video I just want
to show you what this synth sounds like.

Thanks for watching and listening! I hope you like it!

If you want to hear my music please visit:"

Yamaha AN1x - custom 80's patches

"These are some of the custom 80's patches I've programmed.
Download the patches here:"

Roland MKS 80 - A few patches

Published on Feb 14, 2014 roboticrealm

"Roland MKS 80
Super Jupiter
Analog polyphonic synth module
It's something like a Jupiter 6 or 8 in a module.

In this video the MKS 80 is controlled by a Roland JX 8P. About
70 % of the patches are my own and the rest was found on the synth module when I bought it. I know the camera angle could have been better, but I wanted to show a tiny bit of what I played and at the same time show you the module... I hope you like it!

Sorry for the sloppy playing. I'm not that good at improvising.

No additional effects were used.

If you want to hear my music please visit:"

Roland MKS-80 Super Jupiter - Favourite patches

KORG DW 8000 - A few patches

Published on May 26, 2013 roboticrealm

"Korg DW 8000 - Hybrid Synthesizer from 1985

Digital but with analogue filters. One of my favourite synths that I use on almost all my songs. A wide variety of sounds can be achieved, a few really exciting ones when using the delay. I use it when I need really fat leads, bells, brass, pads and odd, airy, spacy sounds. It can also be good for DX7-like bass sounds but I almost never use it for those type of sounds. When I need bass I mostly turn to my Polysix, Juno 60 or my Jupiter 4.
The DW 8000 is an amazing piece of gear and it's quite cheap!
Highly recommended!

The patches heard in this video are mostly sounds I've found on the web. A few sounds I've programmed myself.

Excuse my sloppy playing. I hope you enjoy the video! This is my first video for Youtube so please be kind!"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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