Saturday, July 21, 2018

OBERHEIM SEM CPS-1 1976 PRO Serviced (June '18) SN 0092

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via this auction

"Fantastic example of the original amazing sounding Oberheim SEM from 1976!

Extensive future proofing in June 2018, all tantalum's replaced, local and main power supply recapped, all PSU and pitch related trimmers updates to high precision trimmers.
All pots cleaned lubricated.

These raw sounding oscillators combined with the multi mode filter is just heaven like!"

OBERHEIM XPANDER 6 Voice Analog Poly Synth

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via this auction

"Here is a chance to own a true analog beast and a highly collectible and sought-after piece of synthesizer history.

This US manufactured version of the Oberheim Xpander (far superior in build and component quality to the later Japanese ones) is in full working order and been in a smoke free studio with good temperatures in my ownership since 2015.The only evident defect is that the front panel is slightly faded with age (see photos)."

Korg Polysix Analog Vintage Poly Synth

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via this auction

'A legendary poly synth one of the first available at a sane price, launched back in '81 near enough the same time as the Juno-6.

Has many great features, like patch memory, arpeggiator and six amazing sounding oscillators.

In good used condition
Has had battery replaced"

032//An Angel Falls - a beautiful ambient Eurorack patch using 2x Moog Mother 32

Published on Jul 21, 2018 Alastair Wilson

"A heart-wrenching, semi-self-generating modular patch using a small Eurorack setup sent through an Eventide Space black hole reverb and an Eventide Timefactor on digital delay setting.

Having only 2 sequencers and 3 dedicated oscillators, I rarely make chordal patches - but if I'm not pushing my gear to its limit, what am I doing? So I built this patch up from the idea of morphing between notes in chords. Many cables later it's not so chordal, but morphing notes still fill in the background as the melody and bass sing.

The lower M32 supplies the pluck melody, clocked by a square LFO. Another LFO (the rate of which is modulated) stops and starts the sequence, while sequence steps are randomly held. The filter cutoff is modulated randomly, and resonance by the gate output of the higher M32.
The bass comes from the higher M32, clocked randomly by the lower - the filter cutoff is modulated by an LFO, and the resonance randomly modulated.
The oscillators that form the morphing background chords are a Maths LFO running at audio rates and the Minimod VCO. A gate (attenuated for tuning) changes the note of the Maths oscillator. The oscillators are mixed together with a square LFO controlling the mix, before being mixed with the bass to be filtered.

If you want to recreate this patch, you can find it here:"

Modular Diary #12 - Azores - Eurorack Modular

Published on Jul 21, 2018 Jericho

"Some footage and sounds from my recent trip to the Azores.
I have recreated some of the ideas with my larger rack at home and added some sounds.
Lot's of Mutable instruments Rings and Plaits (Bass).
Resampled a lot with ER301 and Morphagene. Strymon Magneto adds this beautiful shimmer.

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ROLAND SE-02 // DREADBOX EREBUS V. 2 playing Bach Prelude D major // the odd couple 9

Published on Jul 21, 2018 LESINDES

My challenge here was to tweak a proper sound for the BACH Prelude D major, BWV 850.
Dry humour here because there are no FX used at all!
So different machines lead to different ideas -- so please don't look
for too much similarities!
Since (nearly) all of them are pure mono synths
all recordings are done in 2 takes. I filmed
the melody part."

DSI Tempest, Roland SE02, Elektron Octatrack & Boss RV6 Reverb

Published on Jul 21, 2018 3rdStoreyChemist

"Jamming with the Tempest, Octatrack & SE02.

The Octatrack is sequencing the SE02. Voice 1 on the Tempest is sent through the RV6.

No further processing except for a small amount of reverb and normalisation."

Dreadbox Nyx

Published on Jul 21, 2018 3rdStoreyChemist

"Playing with the Nyx synthesiser."

"Conundrum Lounge: Part 2" - Digitone, Digitakt, Rytm mk2, Op-1, Monologue, Tb03

Published on Jul 21, 2018 lostsystems1

Friday, July 20, 2018

Dave Smith: OB6 vs Pro6

Published on Jul 20, 2018 Starsky Carr

"A quick tour of DSI's OB6 and Prophet .

I've tried to give a feel for how they sound individually rather than recreate sound on both as they've got such different characters. They're so similar in their architecture, but so different sonically, I hope I've captured it in 30 mins.

This might give an idea of which is best for your studio, which might cut through in your mixes or fit with your current rig.

I don't consider one is 'better' than the other, they simply have different characters.

Hopefully someone will find it useful ;)_


Oscillators 6:45
Subs and Bass 8:30
Unison Detune 10:20
Squelchy Bass 13:50
Distortion 13:00
Filters 13:55
High Pass 16:15
BandPass 16:55
Filtering Polys 18:00
Adding FX 20:00
THE 'Notch' 21:20
Some Sounds 24:35
Conclusion 35:00"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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