Sunday, July 24, 2022

Cre8audio EAST BEAST Semi-Modular Desktop Synth w/ Original Box

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Roland JX-3P & Jupiter-8 comparison | Is it possible to make them sound the same?

video upload by Espen Kraft

"How close can you get the Roland JX-3P and Jupiter-8, in terms of basic sound? The Jupiter-8 can do much much more of course, but for basic sounds like strings, pads, bass they can get very close since they do share a lot of common ground, Even if the 3P is a DCO synth and the Jup has VCOs."

Analog FX SER-2020 semi-modular Synthesizer Sound Demo (no talking) with Empress Reverb

video upload by Bonedo Synthesizers

Making a new Dtronics prototype..

video upload by Dtronicsmusic

"Today we make some new prototypes on our pick and place machine...

deckard's dream (ring mod demo)

video upload by studio snippets

Saturday, July 23, 2022

M8 on the treadmill (5 minutes w/ Dirtywave Tracker)

video upload by Chris Hunt

"You are walking... on a treadmill... and all you want to do is get off the thing...
FIVE... more... minutes.

00:00 Select your speed
00:21 The first step
00:46 NINE
01:23 Re-tie your shoes
01:53 Second set, here we go
02:09 Walker's high
02:20 NINE
02:46 Sweat in your eyeballs
03:25 Ok, just a few more steps folks
03:54 NINE
04:08 Bonus minute, it's pizza night
04:48 Thank god, shower time

All tracks are different lengths. Some are in 6/8 and some 4/4. Everything just keeps looping in an unpredictable way (to me). You call it a polyrhythm, I call it a never-ending walk on the treadmill."

3am - ARP 2600 FS and Audity One

video upload by justin3am

"In this video I'm playing my ARP 2600 through an Audity One recording amp from Curious Audio.

The 2600's balanced output is connected to the Audity One's transformer balanced line input. The mics I'm using are a 414 and an SE VR-1 ribbon mic through a pair of 1073 preamp clones. This amp is ideal for re-amping synths or anything really because of it's broad frequency spectrum and surprisingly low noise floor. This patch is using relatively little of the Audity One's available gain, just to illustrate the character of the amp. I hope to do some more extreme sounds when I can really let it rip!"

Yamaha CS-30 Analog Synthesizer SN 2715

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"Beast of a synth. Excellent and very clean unit. Unit has been updated for North American power."

Akai AX80 Synthesizer w/ Tauntek Firmware Upgrade

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LS8 Computerized Light Synthesizer

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"LS8 Computerized Light Synthesizer 'Visual Music' Magazine Advertisement Ad. In great condition. This is a one page ad."


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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