Saturday, December 23, 2017

Roland Introduces Cloud Version of the Classic JV-1080

Left pic via Ask.Audio

And the announcement via Roland:

"4.8 Holiday Update is Live!

First, the big news...

This holiday season, the folks at Roland Cloud have been working extra hard to bring you a giant dose of holiday cheer. For starters, we’re overjoyed to deliver the highly-anticipated, Roland Cloud software adaptation of one of the most popular synthesizers in history: The Roland JV-1080.

The most famous of the Roland PCM powerhouses, the Roland JV-1080 is the ‘down to the circuit’ inspiration for the Roland Cloud JV-1080 software plugin. It was a huge success with artists and producers, and eventually lead to even more powerful models in the series such as the JV-2080 and XV-5080.

While the Roland Cloud JV-1080 has the look, feel and factory patches of the original, it has the expanded effects, additional waveforms, and increased polyphony of its successors. It’s like the JV-1080 you know and love, but enhanced to go toe to toe in your DAW with any contemporary software synthesizer.

If you are a Roland Cloud Core Member or are enjoying our 30 day free trial, you should see the JV-1080 available for download and installation via Roland Cloud Manager!"


PCM Heaven
Throughout the 1990s, Roland digital synthesizers based on PCM sampled waveforms formed the basis of music as diverse as R&B, pop, hip-hop, new wave and film scores. Some of these sounds, originally meant to mimic acoustic instruments, became so iconic themselves that they’ve become a permanent part of the collective musical sound palette. Some say it’s the most recorded sound module in history, and lately artists have been utilizing these sounds again, in new and modern ways.

The JV-1080 is the most famous of the Roland PCM powerhouses, and the inspiration for the Roland Cloud JV-1080. It was a huge success with artists and producers, eventually leading to even more powerful models like the JV-2080 and XV-5080. While the Roland Cloud JV-1080 has the look, feel and factory patches of the original, it has the expanded effects, additional waveforms, and increased polyphony of its successors. Bottom line: this is the ultimate in 90s-era Roland sound—now in a modern plugin for your DAW.

More of everything
The Roland Cloud JV-1080 has everything artists love about the original hardware plus new capabilities from its successors. Including the 448 waveforms of the original, the JV-1080 plugin has over 1000 waveforms to combine and mutate into fresh, original patches. Effects are an integral part of the JV-1080 sound and here the original 40 MFX types have been expanded to 78, along with more reverb and chorus algorithms. The Roland Cloud JV-1080 also features double the polyphony, two additional time-variant low-pass filters, a step LFO and enhanced Matrix Control functions.

Prime Digital
Dripping with retro-cool stabs and effects, iconic guitars and strings, and evocative plucked and ethnic instruments, the JV-1080 is also a deep, programmable synthesizer capable of some neat digital tricks. Layers of meticulous PCM samples, two LFOs, multiple time variant filters, a flexible modulation matrix and effects galore make the JV-1080 a formidable weapon for those who know how to wield it. The Roland Cloud JV-1080 has full graphical control of parameters making tone-crafting feel new and exciting, whether it’s adding authentic 90s vibe to a track or reimagining these sounds in new ways."

You can fid the user manual here.

Maximum Polyphony 128 voices
Sound Generator D-50 Compatible LA (Linear Arithmetic) Synthesis
Part 1 part
Tone Memory Type 2 Types (Patch/Rhythm Set)
Waves 1,083 waves
Effects Multi Effects: 78
Chorus: 3
Reverb: 5
Sampling Frequency 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz
Memories per bank 128 memories
User can make new user banks
Plug-In Formats VSTi 2.4(64bit)* Windows only
VSTi 3.6(64bit)

Friday, December 22, 2017

SSL FX Capacitor 5U Module

via @AtomicShadow

"There was Collusion! Between @DougSlocum at Synthetic Sound Labs, Russ Hoffman at Evaton Technologies and Mrs. Shadow. The SSL FX Capacitor module arrived in 1 day and ambushed me under the Christmas tree. Thank you all so much!"

Neutron sound poly synth playing braids WMAP (teensy 3.6!)

Published on Dec 22, 2017 neutron7

"This is the 2 main oscillators playing 'WMAP' with original braids waveforms. both at diferrent XY slightly detuned.

both main oscillators have different modulation, the most pronounced modulation you hear is by the LFO, which i adjust a bit. also adjusted, LFO speed and phase, X and Y of the 2 oscillators, release time.

there are no effects, recorded with irig to an ipad.

I guess you could call this a 'west coast' poly synth.

Currently running on teensy 3.6, 'sample at a time' DSP, not PJRC audio library."

Cwejman Acid - A techno patch to test the new VCO-6

Published on Dec 22, 2017 Luke Killen

"Running my new Cwejman VCO-6 through some filtering to test out it's acid synth chops. It's got some serious bark."

It definitely has personality.

The Human League-Seconds-Intrumental Cover

Published on Dec 22, 2017 farmyfarm

"I occasionally like to revisit old sample loops from the Mirage or E-MU ESI-32..I go thru the floppies and make back-ups when needed and check for corrupt discs..You keep your media in a cool, dry place and actually use them once in awhile and they WILL last as long as they are cared for..Along with the synths that utilize them..

Anyways, I learned this song easily over 30+ years ago..It's very easy to play..Nearly as basic as a synth based song can get..BUT, it's always been a beautiful song without the complicated computer driven beat that songs of this period were starting to become..Poignant song about JFK's death...No lyrics here..Just a freestyle intrumental piece.."

Roland JX-8P & Novation K-Station as well.

Kitty Eyes vs. Dreamboat vs. Chaos Brother (SNAZZY FX CHAOS!) #TTNM

Published on Dec 22, 2017 The Tuesday Night Machines

"A quick comparison of the three Snazzy FX chaos modules Kitty Eyes, Dronebank and Chaos Brother :)

PixelNoises Synth T-Shirts by The Tuesday Night Machines:

Audio gear used:

- Snazzy FX Kitty Eyes (almost like the top half of the Dreamboat - it's audio rate fast with nicely controllable chaos!)

- Snazzy FX Dreamboat (top section provides fast chaos at audio rate, bottom section is a bit slower and less chaotic)

- Snazzy FX Chaos Brother (slow and tame chaos at medium to fast LFO speeds)

- Synthrotek EKO Delay"

Buchla Music Easel: Last Christmas (Reprise)

Published on Dec 22, 2017 Kyle Swisher

"A Very Buchla Christmas"

All parts here.


Published on Dec 22, 2017 Christophe Duquesne

"This is a very personal recording since I initially did it specially for my father.

It is "The song for a cold genius" (or 'Cold Song') from Henry Purcell: you probably know the amazing version of Klaus Nomi... I'm of course far from that, but this shows another direction where the Continuum can help you to go.
I recorded the backtrack with the Continuum and a SV1 (and a little bit of Nord Modular G2X). The "machinery" behind if from my friend NaniSound.
I played that track live during last Continuucon in Asheville and also in Nantes for the Synthfest.

And by the way Merry Christmas !!"

Tony Rolando Museum of Art and Design Interview

Published on Dec 22, 2017 MAKEN0ISE

"An interview with Tony Rolando about Make Noise's commissioned piece "Synthesizer for Two Coasts" for the exhibit "Sonic Arcade: Shaping Space with Sound." The exhibit was co-curated by Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe and is showing at the Museum of Art and Design in New York through February 25, 2018.

More information about 'Sonic Arcade' can be found here:"

Critter & Guitari - Partial Party

Published on Dec 22, 2017 Critter & Guitari

"Partial Party transforms external sounds into a synth voice by selecting and amplifying specific frequencies of the incoming signal. Knobs control the the pattern of amplified partials, transposition, waveform and wet/dry mix. The keys or incoming Midi notes also control transposition so you can play a little melody! Partial Party sounds cool with vocals, guitars, other synths and everything else!"

Download here: https://www.critterandguitar­

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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