MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Justin with the Dead

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Justin with the Dead. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Justin with the Dead. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2019

Warp Records WXAXRXP 30th Anniversary Novation Bass Station II

via Novation

"Warp Records celebrate their 30th anniversary with three-day NTS Radio takeover, including exclusive mixes and giveaways.

For the past 30 years, UK based label Warp Records have been consistently setting the bar in the electronic music world, always pushing the boundaries of the genre and thrilling music fans worldwide.

Founded by Steve Beckett and Rob Mitchell in the back of a record store in Sheffield in 1989, Warp has become the pioneer of its genre with a unique yet reliable catalogue of electronic music. Responsible for bringing to the world the likes of Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Squarepusher and Nightmares on Wax, plus loads more, Warp have also more recently ventured into film, art installations and their own online independent record store,

This weekend, Warp are set to celebrate their 30th anniversary. Partnering with NTS, they’ll bring together their legendary roster with a packed out 100-hour schedule of music, including exclusive mixes, tributes and giveaways.

As part of the celebrations and in honour of the release of our recent Bass Station AFX update, listeners will have the chance to get their hands on a very limited edition Warp Records x Aphex Twin x Novation Bass Station II, 1 of only 5 made. For a chance to win, simply sign up for the WXAXRXP mailing list following the link below [bottom of page here].


We’ve also compiled a selection of our favourite Warp releases spanning the past thirty years. With so many releases, we could have kept this list going on for ages, but here are ten particular highlights from the past three decades chosen by some of the team over at Novation HQ:

Friday, December 21, 2012

NoiseTheorem - A New Cycle & Dust by NoiseTheorem

Published on Dec 21, 2012 by Tony Scharf

"The world only ended for those who made profit from the Mayan calendar stupidity. Meanwhile, I am starting a new 'cycle' of my own in working on beginning work on my next album.

You can find my recent release, Dust, on BandCamp ( as well as iTunes, CDBaby and Amazon

This is my first attempt at a performance video, and I have no good tools for this. Please be kind."

"Your hearing the Makenoise DPO modulated by a Hertz Donut and into Makenoise EchoPhone. The feedback loop on the Echo is patched through a Bubble Sound SEM20 filer. An Axe-FX is being used for basic chorus and reverb. Sequencing is the Doepfer DarkTime. There is some manipulation of VCAs and the like in there too."

"Have you ever really though about time? Not just seconds or minutes or hours, but deep time - timescales where a million years is a blink of an eye. Have you ever thought about how truly old you are?

We are a conglomeration of dust from perhaps millions of dead stars, galaxies apart. When our star dies and blasts our little speck of planet back out into the universe, it will be just another renewal. Like blowing the dust off a table so that it can settle once again.

We are dust.
released 07 December 2012
All songs written, performed and recorded by Tony Scharf, AKA NoiseTheorem

With special guests:
Janet Paliatka (Vox on 'Dead Hands')
Nikki M. Pill(Vox on 'Emergent Forces')

NoiseTheorem would like to thank:
Angela, Trent, Jason Weaver(Invasive Species Radio), Don Hill (Millipede), Kassi Kork (mend), Scott Jaeger (The Harvestman), Suit & Tie Guy, Rod Mitchell (Atomic Shadow), Niall Munnelly, Muffwiggler forum, Justin McGrath (Trash Audio)

And everyone else I am forgetting right now but deserve to be mentioned!


Saturday, February 10, 2024


video uploads by Justin with the Dead

SEQUENTIAL PROPHET 6 - Journey: Separate Ways
SEQUENTIAL PROPHET 6 - Eurythmics: Sweet Dreams

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Dance with the Dead - Sledge (Justin synth playthrough)

video upload by

"All music and merch available here:
Synths used in the video:
UDO Super 6
Sequential Prophet 6
Korg Prologue 8
Sequential Pro 3
Sequential OB-6

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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