MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for MrRidgebackman

Showing posts sorted by date for query MrRidgebackman. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query MrRidgebackman. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

"Darkness Inside" - Korg Radias - Andy Barrow

YouTube Uploaded by MrRidgebackman on Nov 2, 2011

"Piece of music featuring the Korg Radias. I had planned on using a few other Synths but settled on using just the Radias. I played around with some sounds using the Filters, Arpeggiator and the Mod Sequencer. This would be Part One of this piece.

I may at a later date revisit this and expand on the Pad sounds using the Akai, Moog or even the Kawai K4 (the latter I haven't even used in any of my work in progress yet)."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Akai SG01v Vintage Synth Module

YouTube Uploaded by MrRidgebackman on Oct 30, 2011

"Hi, this is my beloved AKAI SG01v - Vintage Synth Module bought back in 95. Finally got this little beauty out of mothballs and decided to have some fun. So before I release any of my stuff, I thought you might like to listen to one of the 5 Demo Songs inbuilt into this unit.

It is as small as it looks and is probably just a little bigger than a decent sized pair of Headphones and won't take up too much room on your Computer Desk.

It has sounds ranging from Oberheim, Moog, PPG to mention a few, I even believe there are some Solina Strings on this unit.

It is a 16 Part Multi Timbral device and can be great fun to play with. Editing the sounds can be tricky and limiting as to what you can edit. It features the Drum sounds from TR-808 and Simmons, which by todays standards are Old Fashioned but can still turn a bad song into something more bearable, even if only for a brief moment in time.

So sit back and enjoy the work of someone else trapped inside a pint sized box making some noise."

Monday, August 08, 2011

Moog Voyager XL, Roland MC505 and JEN SX1000 and Korg Radias Live

YouTube Uploaded by MrRidgebackman on Aug 8, 2011

"All music performed live into a Behringer X2442USB 24 Channel Mixer into Cubase. First live performance and featuring my Oldest Synth the JEN SX1000 (approximately 30 years old). The Voyager XL is connected via MIDI to the Roland MC505 via Midi Out to the In on the MC. JEN is a standalone and no MIDI, no memory, just Pots to twiddle. The Radias is standalone in this piece also. The Keyboard not being used is the Kawai K4 which I picked up cheap from eBay. All the Synths connected tot he Behringer Xenyx X2442USB with compression being applied to the JEN and the Radias, all but the MC Groovebox have some Echo and Reverb (Program 15 on the Mixer).

The Audio is recorded Live as is the video, except I had to manually sync the vid to the audio - Sony HD camcorder appears not to to be able to operate as an external camera. Working in iMovie is probably not the best package to try and sync video and Audio...I think I managed to get away with it...maybe. The thumbs up at the end was for my purpose. and a thank you to all for watching.

Since doing this, I have a few other options for this piece - no title as yet, but I feel it needs some catchy Vocoding to be thrown in.

The Touch panel works great on the Voyager XL and you will see me trying (in vain) moving to one side, hoping the camera picked it up...Fail.

Also - one thing to note, when playing live, the Wood on the Moog is not playable but does allow your fingers to slip off and hit that top C...if you're lucky.

Sorry for the view of my Back and an ill fitting T-Shirt. Trust me, when I do turn round, the Minimoog wins in the Beauty contest, i definitely have a face for Radio.... :-)"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Roland MC505 Groovebox - Andy Barrow

YouTube Uploaded by MrRidgebackman on May 22, 2011

"All music performed and sequenced on the Roland MC 505. First real attempt at piecing a track together. Didn't realize how easy that part was until now. Recorded direct into Wavelab 7 and processed the sound."

Roland MC 505 First Run - Andy Barrow

Uploaded by MrRidgebackman on May 14, 2011

"First attempt at creating some music on this Roland MC 505. Not too sure on what I am doing with this yet, still going through the manual. Recorded direct into Wavelab and processed the sound."

Update via Metrosonus in the comments:
"Photo credits are mine:

Used without permission. I don't care really, but come on, at least ask."

Remember, always give credit to the source.

Moog Slim Phatty - 4 Tracked Slim Phatty

YouTube Uploaded by MrRidgebackman on Jun 21, 2011

"The Moog Slim Phatty being put through a casual workout via Cubase LE (not the best version of cubase I have used). Sequenced via MIDI and recorded each track and processed, little bit of Echo and Phaser on the Bass. Short piece of Music demonstrating how versatile this little module is. I find the Slim Phatty a pleasure to work with and easy to use.

The fact it can sit at my desk between my iMac and keyboard, makes it a dream to work with."

Minimoog Voyager XL Compilation - Andy Barrow

YouTube Uploaded by MrRidgebackman on Jul 6, 2011

"The Minimoog Voyager XL - What can I tell you about this Synth? I could go on for hours, however, you may get drooled on, so I shall refrain from that. This Video is just a scratch on the surface of what this excellent Synth can do. It contains 3 pieces of Music, one of which is more ambient or experimental (I was just messing around with patch cables and Filters - so experimental is almost right). I cannot give you an unbiased opinion on this Analogue Monster for 2 reasons, One - Its mine and second its a Moog - I cannot begin to tell you how long I have wanted one of these. So before you complain about the price of this synth and its only Monophonic, I hear and understand all of that, the thought did cross my mind and I did even consider a Motif or a G7/8 - I already have a Korg Radias, so I don't want another headache.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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