Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ETI International 4600 Analogue Synthesiser

More images in this flickr set by snarfusmaximus.

Demo korg mx1 + Roland SP 404

YouTube via scaltek.
Auteur compositeur à 100% de cette vidéo. Bon visu ;-)
à visionner sans modération !
N'hésitez pas @ envoyer vos impressions .
Montage vidéo Pascal Dewigne"

Hamster Time! - Hamster Morph

YouTube via PhotoAnimationGuy.

via Bowen:

"Hi, I'm the guy who makes the weird videos on youtube about pets. I just made a Hamster video using a roland sh-2 for bass, Korg Lambada for strings, 909 samples and a frostwave resonator for bleeps."
So when this gets spread around the internets you will be one of the few who know what gear was used.

Modded MOOG Prodigy

images via this auction

"This one-of-a-kind Prodigy has 12 modular connections on the rear:
01. Sync Input,
02. Cutoff CV Input,
03. Oscillator Modulation In,
04. Keyboard CV Input/Output,
05. S-Trig Input/Output,
06. Gate Input,
07. Gate Output,
08. Oscillator 1 Output,
09. Oscillator 2 Output,
10. External Input (1),
11. External Input (2),
12. High Level Audio Out.

These connections allow for modulation capabilities which would be otherwise impossible to achieve. I also also include a simple LFO, noise-source and attenuator, which I built from a Paia kit. This allows you to use one Prodigy oscillator and noise instead of the second, or to route an attenuated signal from Osc.2 into the Cutoff Modulation input for the harsh and 'clang-y' FM mod, or to control the Filter Mod and Pitch Mod from two different LFOs (the internal and external), etc., etc., etc."

Update: "I also also include a simple LFO, noise-source and attenuator, which I built (mostly) from a Paia kit. This allows you to route an attenuated signal from Osc.2 into the Cutoff Modulation input for harsh and 'clang-y' FM modulation, or to control the Filter Mod and Pitch Mod from two different LFOs (the internal and external), etc., etc. Here are some sound samples which I improvised using only the Prodigy and the additional circuit, with some slight spring reverb:

Dor - samples on the SP-1200

YouTube via boomspot.
"A short clip of Dor showing how to sample on the EMU SP-1200 drum machine."

Roland MC-202

via this auction

"This is an analog synthesizer/sequencer. It sounds very much like the TB-303 and SH-101 bass synths. It has a very evolved form of TB-303 like programming (more like the MC-4) and SH-101 like controls of the VCO, VCF, VCA, LFO, Envelope and Mixer sections. The LCD display is a great feature too.

The MC-202 was sort of a next-generation TB-303. So the idea was to program sequence/patterns into it internally which would give you those 303 basslines that we've come to love. You can control it externally by hooking up a MID-CV/Gate converter. Then you basically have yourself an SH-101!

The sequencer is actually a 2-channel CV/gate sequencer, with both channels being capable of driving a separate external synth. It's a very useful unit, also, for its DINsync capabilities; it can receive on one port, and send over two, and also can 'split' DINsync to branch a sync signal out to multiple devices.

This machine is best for those who want to get 303-like patterns (it has accent just like the 303) and basslines with an SH-101 sound. If you can handle programming the notes into its sequencer you can have a lot of fun.

The MC202 is a sequencer and simple monophonic synth with 32 buttons arranged like a small keyboard (F-C).

The monosynth is similar to the SH-101. The VCO is based around the ever-so-popular Curtis 3340 chip and features a slider switch for octave (2', 4', 8', 16'), a slider for pulse width, and one for modulation (LFO) amount. The VCO outputs a square/pulse wave, a sawtooth wave, and a sub-oscillator which are mixed together in the "Source Mixer" section. The sub-oscillator is switchable between a square wave 1 octave down, a square wave 2 octaves down, and a pulse wave 3 octaves down. There are knobs which control fine tune and portamento. The VCF section has a slider for cutoff frequency and resonance. There is a slider for each of its control sources: envelope, LFO, and keyboard. The VCA can be controlled by a simple gate or the Envelope. The envelope is an ADSR with a slider for each stage.

The sequencer is quite powerful for its time. The MC-202 features a large (for the time) LCD display, upon which all the sequencing editing is displayed. The two available sequences can be played simultaneously using the CV/gate outputs to control another sequencer. The sequences can have a combined total of 2729 events. Sequences can be entered in real time via the pushbutton keyboard or via another keyboard using the CV/gate inputs. This feature has a negative side, though. Since all incoming CV/gate signals are routed through the microprocessor, there is a bit of a lag when the MC-202 is played by a another keyboard or a MIDI-to-CV device. The Sequences can also be programmed using step-time, setting a separate pitch and duration for each note. Also programmable in a sequence is accent and portamento. Accent works the same as in the TB-303, with an accent amount knob that can be adjusted in real time as the sequence is playing. The speed of the sequence is also controlled by a knob.

The back panel has a sync input and two sync outputs, a tape interface for saving and loading sequences, CV/gate inputs and two CV/gate outputs (one for each sequence), a headphone jack, and a main output jack.

The MC-202 came out at a time when the synthesizer market was just starting to impliment MIDI. After MIDI became an accepted standard, sequencers such as the MC-202, using the old-style CV/gate interface, quickly lost popularity and died away."

Monday, December 10, 2007

Amtron Oscillator

via Luca of ESP Records

"here is a couple of pictures of the latest addiction to esp-records studio. Unfortunatly I've not yet been able to find any info on this unit."

If anyone has any more info, feel free to comment.

Korg Mono/Poly in the background

Customized IBM

This one in via Josh. This custom qwerty keyboard controller was featured on CDM. It is currently up for auction

* IBM Keyboard, clicky style with removable key caps, custom painted. Includes all the original key caps (all are now painted)
* PS/2 cable for keyboard
* PS/2 to USB adapter cable for keyboard
* 2 Flashpoint vintage joysticks
* One of the joysticks has the springs removed, for free movement
* 1 joystick to USB adapter cable.

Update via Joshua in the comments:
"Just for clarity's sake, the keyboard for sale is the IBM style one featured in the bottom two photos. The keys were painted by Bill Van Loo, who did the stuff in the top photo."

Snoop Dogg -Sensual seduction (official Video)

YouTube via jeanmartz. via Scott in the comments of this post.
"official -snoop doggy dogg new vid."
Anyone know what the keytar is? Answer in the comments.


via sir_dss on the Matrixsynth Forum. Reposting here after checking with sir_dss.

I'm new to the board and have been reading the Matrixsynth blog for over a year now. I do hope it's alright to post this here but I cant think of a better place!

I just released a CD of music from my MOTM system. No other synths were involved but there are some Blacet and Cyndustries modules making guest appearances(all MOTM format though...). NO MODERN COMPUTER TRICKS WERE INVOLVED!

It's about 34 minutes long and covers many moods and styles that I've explored on my Modular Synth. From soundtrack(ish) to Suicide(ish), noise/glitch to French pop...and even as Paul would say "Bug Music". It is 11 tracks with a proper mastering job done at the studio built by The Mars Volta and crew.

This is the link...It is ppm13.

I am also starting a residency this Sunday the 9 to the 13th at Family, this art, music, and underground culture bookstore in Los Angeles.

I will be setting up and playing my MOTM system in the late afternoon for a few hours everyday trying to develop new music and hopefully be "entertaining"! The director Lance Bangs(David Cross, Nirvana,Sonic Youth, YYY's...) is going to be filming a feature with me for VICE TV at some point during the stay.

If you are in LA come by and hang/nerd out with the me and my MOTM!

David Scott Stone"

Update more info here.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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