Friday, June 06, 2008

Piero Umiliani - Musica Elettronica Vol. 2

you can find the track listing and links on 36 15 MOOG

Thursday, June 05, 2008

SK-crooner VSTi Beta 1.0

"Here is the initial version of SK-crooner. It is a vocal synth based on the 8-bit “human voice” patch from the Casio SK-1. I loved this sound when I was growing up … very spooky and unnatural.

Features include:
Two separate modes:
Original (modeled after the Casio SK-1) and Tone held (for long notes)
ADSR Amplitude Envelope
Vibrato with Rate and Depth
Filter control with Frequency and Resonance
Sample Rate and Bit Depth Crush
Variable Portamento
Master Volume Level
Reverb with Size, Depth and Width Control"
More info including amples and download here

The Korg MS-20: Control Panel Part 2

Sonicstate TV via Automatic Gainsay. Part 1 here

Resonant Neuron Synthesis

"A new sound generation of Jürgen Michaelis

At the beginning of the 21. century there is a clear trend in all areas of science and technology: a departure from the old cartesianic, linear and determinable world view. The new paradigmas are named complexity, order from chaos, self organisation of complex systems, networking and cooperation. A new math of complexity is under way to evolve, powered by new knowledge in biology, information technology and quantum physics.
It shows up that to capture nature by numerical mathematics is not that easy as it was thought of by the classical advocates of the mechanistic and reductionistic view. From a certain complexity onwards a system is not even the sum total of its parts but a greater whole which gains totally new attributes than its sub structures.

Also in cultural spheres of society those new thoughts push forward. Who hasn't heard about neural nets yet, which as technical pendants to the biological predecessor should teach the actually stupid, static and serial working computers the creative "thinking". Currently quite simple models are used to simulate the biological processes in neurons, axons and synapses.

Why not use these thoughts for the development of a new sound generation? A modulation path can be seen e.g. as a branch of a neural net, too. A signal can be a discrete voltage or a frequency or a sound or an oscillator. At last, the only question is in which context of time you see (and hear) those things." [link]

Update via fluxmonk in the comments: "more practical DIY info: link"

Killer synth filter

flickr by watkins.philip

full size

"This is a ultra high end filter you could never buy unless you could find someone to custom make one for you. Its a dual variable slope bandpass moog filter. Low pass filter can go 2-12 poles, the high pass only 4. Independent Q control. Vc frequency and bandwidth. All pass or bandpass mode switch. sounds great, but never added to any system. Can be used as stereo filter too. Stereo MOOG filter."

Introducing The Moog Guitar

YouTube via MoogMusicInc. Follow-up to this post. Leave your comments there.
"The Moog Guitar puts revolutionary new technology in the hands of the guitarist. Moog Music is known for building the finest instruments and the Moog Guitar is first and foremost a very fine guitar; designed to be played by the best musicians as their primary axe. Its AAAAA maple top, mahogany body and ebony finger board bespeak the quality that musicians have come to expect from a Moog instrument.

The addition of Moog Guitar Electronics opens guitarists to a whole new musical vocabulary: Not a guitar synthesizer, not a MIDI guitar or an effects processor; players are intimately connected to The Moog Guitar because it works its magic on the strings themselves." comment here

Roland GR-707 & GR-700

images via this auction

"Roland GR-707 and GR-700 Guitar Analog Synthesizer System. The GR-700 is a stomp-box guitar synth with the same synth engine as the JX-3P."

Pearl Syncussion SY-1 Drum Synthesizer

via this auction

"drum synthesizer made by Pearl Musical Instruments, circa 1985. This is one of the earliest drum synthesizers which I believe pre-dates Simmons."

Anyone know when the first SIMMONS drum synths appeared? I'm showing that the original Clap Trap came out in the 70s.

Circuit Bent Star Trek Noise Toy

via this auction

Just in time for NAMM.
You know you want it.

YouTube via potar.

Pioneering Synthesist Herb Deutsch to Perform Concert in NYC

"Pioneering Synthesist To Perform Concert in NYC

Herb Deutsch, the experimental jazz musician who collaborated with Bob Moog in developing the Moog synthesizer prototype, and who composed the world’s first musical composition using the Moog, “Jazz Images”, is performing a concert in New York City on Sunday, June 8, 2008. Mr. Deutsch will perform with several multi-talented musicians from the Long Island Composers Alliance (LICA), including long-time musical partners Paul Hefner and Jack Hotop. Theremin and electronic violin virtuoso Darryl Kubian will also be featured, along with Grammy Award winning composer/pianist and Thereminist Rob Schwimmer and pianist and electronic composer Phyllis Chen, The concert will feature several world premiers by Mr. Deutsch and others. The synthesizer, theremin, piano, toy piano and computer will be spotlighted.

Details on time, date and location are listed below.

“Music Reflecting The New Electronic Technologies“

Sunday, June 8, 2008 at 2:00 pm
Park Avenue United Methodist Church
106 E 86th Street, New York City

post-concert reception

suggested church donation: $10
seniors & students: $5

For information, call 516-799-8815 or contact"

via the Bob Moog Foundation blog. Image via where you can find a short bio.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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