Saturday, September 13, 2008

Old Korgs are Cool

YouTube via synthesizerman
"Old korgs are cool. The MiniDoc is doing all the work pushing around a few Korgs, a modular synthesizer, and a Roland TR-808. The MiniDoc can also lace sync tracks onto analog tape or a DAW."
Spot the synths. That little orange one is an EML Polybox.

Pitch shifting & Amplitude Modulating a Drum Sample with a

YouTube via isotopeofme
"In the interest of learning more about the electronics I use, I put together this simple beginners DIY electronic kit from Maplin. I modified it slightly, where there should have been a small condenser microphone I put in a wired input so that I can route sounds from the modular and computer through it. This is an example of the (ahem) high quality pitch shifting algorithm you can get your hands on for 10 GBP and what it does to a drum sample. This little battery powered gizmo pitch shifts up or down 3 octaves, amplitude modulates with a square wave and and has what I assume to be a ring modulation mode. Im using my Doepfer VCA to attenuate the signal. I put it together in about an hour last weekend but botched the job. This morning I went back and traced my error to ignoring the polarity on the LED and a diode. Unfortunately I think I fried the LED because its not doing what it is supposed to do. More on"

Arturia CS-80v

YouTube via GCom67
" A quick demo i made showing some of the sounds from the very nice Arturia CS-80v vsti synth."

And in this room, we keep the 1980s

flickr by orbz

full size

Roland JX-3P

sill in progress

via mono-poly's public channel

click here for a crazy big shot. Note at the top of the image you can select different sizes.

feel free to call out any missed in the labels.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Folktek The Book of Sound

images via this auction
"The Book of sound By Ben Houston.
This extra custom piece is part of a folktek series entitled "philanthropoid"". Also in the series on the site is the Mantis, dronescape sequencer, the moth, the growling insect, the bug, the octa-hedra, walking stick, pendulum translator and others. The sound is phenomenol and continues to amaze us. It is a sonic symphony of nasty and grimy sweetness, endless layers of sound possibilities emenating from High quality OSC originally based on high tech speech synthesis. Seemingly random bits can be rediscovered time and time again and then there are those moments that you will most likely never rediscover. This piece WILL provide sounds that you will not find in other synthesizers and will astonish you every time you turn it on.

This particular piece features four patchable knobs, two with common center points and a twelve point patchbay. This allows you to determine function and provides tons of flexibility. In addition, featured is a light sensitive photo theramin control for global synth sound as well as: two more knobs (global control and power kill), glowing lamp power indicator , 2 folktek button/switches for activate and freeze mode sections,light sensitive photo-contol, reset, 1/4" output, built in battery pack, basic manual of function and layout. You'll be able to cipher through waveforms and textures with extreme sensitivity in thousands of ways. Waveforms (individual, or multiple layers) can be captured and maintained, often intermodulating in beautiful and/or disturbing ways. Super sensitive knobs let you filter through tons of sounds and glitchscapes. Albums are waiting to be created here as the sound is quite different from anything else you'll find.. Runs on 4 "AA" batteries Includes manuel"

Update via stylinghead in the comments: "if it really comes with manuel it is definitely worth it. manuel makes a mean margarita and is a brilliant conversationalist to boot."


images via this auction
# Voltage-controlled filter with resonance, pitch tracking, and variable envelope generator or envelope
# Voltage-controlled amplifier with selectable envelope generator or envelope follow control.
# Hold pedal input.
# Variable foot pedal control over filter cutoff of VCO output.
# CV outputs for Pitch (control voltage), Gate and Envelope Follower.
# CV inputs for Pitch (control voltage) and Gate.
# Effects send and return"

micronAU 1.0

"micronAU is an audio unit that allows one to fully control and automate the Alesis Micron synthesizer. As anyone who owns one of these synths knows, it can generate some wicked sounds but it can be a real pain to program via its single knob. This audio unit provides an interface through which the entire sound generation engine of the Mircon can be controlled in real time. In addition, all parameter settings are saved when the track/DAW hosting micronAU is saved. When one reloads a track hosting mirconAU, the settings are restored, thus avoiding the "what patch did I use for this track" syndrome. Furthermore, if one's DAW supports automation of plugin parameters, all of the Micron's parameters can be automated and controlled by any of the DAW's supported control surfaces.

micronAU is being distributed as donationware. If you like what you see, please consider donating via Paypal" You can find other Micron editors posted here.
via waveformless

Yamaha CS80

YouTube via lewisjp8young

eLEcTRoCRaB HOoKeD oN tV - rAumZeiTPiRatEn

YouTube via tobsen1234567890. "electrocrab watching his favorite tv program"
Bleep Labs thingamakit

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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