Tuesday, June 22, 2010


YouTube via bitleyTM — June 22, 2010 — "Remix the sounds presented in this video. Add effects, stretch or manipulate, keep a little bit of the Fairlight feel or don't. Don't add any other sound sources. Twenty free refill packs will be given out. Winner gets the Big Pack ReFill. Runners up get the Fairlight refill and the Orlando JX10 refills respectively."

"Tags: Fairlight Reason BitleyTM Remix Competition Create Produce Propellerhead Record sequencer fairlight cmi electronica techno house drum machine sound design big pack refill fairlight refill orlando refill de light"

Update via BITLEY™ in the comments:
"Thank you for writing about this! The remix kit is now also made available as a download from Soundcloud to simplify things.

And here's the webpage on my site about it;

Patrick Fridh Aka Bitley™

Nord G1 Modular Synthesizer

via this auction

Sold For: US $699.00

Roland TB-303

via this auction

Sequential Circuits PRO-ONE

via this auction

"This Pro One Is one of the first 200 ever made and is the J-wire Version."

The Longing

YouTube via attorks — June 22, 2010 — "I was fiddling around with the arpeggiator of the Waldorf Q Keyboard. Then I tried to synchronize the Q960 sequencer through the Doepfer MAQ16/3 sequencer which more or less succeeded. The Waldorf Q arpeggiator clock is fed via MIDI to the MAQ16/3. The gate output of row 3 of the MAQ16/3 is shifting the Q960 sequencer. The 5-step sequence on row 1 of the Q960 is driving the Modular. The 4-step sequence on row 1 of the MAQ16/3 is driving the self-built Modular. The bird sounds comes from voice B of the Clavia Nord Lead 1.The Mellotron flute solo comes from the Roland XP-80 and the synth solo is performed on voice A of the Clavia. I am sometimes kind of lost in the beats and bars but I hope you don't mind."

テノリオーブ (Tenori-Orb) Acid Jam

YouTube via 808mmman — June 22, 2010 — "Tenori is driving 808, Orb is driving 303.
Tenori-On (Midi Sequence) - -TR-808 Mod(Midi) - - Futureretro Orb (Cv/Gate Sequence) - - TB-303 Mod (Cv/Gate In)"

bC16 and SM9 demo

video by YouTube via ChimSyn — June 22, 2010

"A quick demo of the SM9 analog sequencer driving the bC16 patchable synth."

mpc60 final - Display Repair

YouTube via repeatle — June 22, 2010 — inside an Akai MPC-60

Eurorack Modular

Pic of Navs eurorack modular taken by verstaerker. Click on it for the full size shot.

Navs has a new EP out and will be playing live "as part of the Bloom Garden project at the 48 Stunden Neukölln arts festival in Berlin this Saturday (June 26th)." You can find details here.

velosynth release#001 - DIY Arduino Based Bicycle Synth

velosynth release#001 from velosynth on Vimeo.

"announcement for the first release of velosynth, the open-source bicycle interaction synthesizer. released under a creative commons sharealike license.

video work by the ever-so talented harris porter -
tunes by % -"

velosynth+003 from velosynth on Vimeo.


a hall effect sensor detects the rotation of a spoke-attached magnet. this data is translated into sound via an arduino microcontroller, 8bit R2R DAC, lowpass filter and audio amplifier.

the linkage forms a cognitive loop between the cyclist and their microlocal transportation environment.

more info at:
arduino code:"

soundgin demonstration from velosynth on Vimeo.

"velosynth prototype B iterating through soundgin demo sounds"

accelerometer interaction test from velosynth on Vimeo.

"an accelerometer modulates a 4093-based oscillator through a 5206 digital potentiometer controlled with an adruino microcontroller."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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