Thursday, November 04, 2010

Roland Juno 106

via this auction

Note the underside of the 106 is wood.

Kawai K5000S Additive Synthesizer

via this auction

Not the best shots, but you don't see these come up too often. I'm curious if it's because not many were produced or people are just holding onto them.


via this auction

"Estradin 230 is an almost identical copy of the famous Moog Minimoog, made in the Soviet Union. Estradin 230 is powerful monophonic 3'osc synthesizer produced by Estradin military radio plant in 1985 in Zhitomir city. Synth has 4-oct keyboard (F-C) with velocity sensitivity assign to vibrato effect. For live performance there is a wheel which provides pitch shift (called glissando). Synthesizer is based on 3 VCO (OSC-3 can work as the modulator), 1 VCF (lowpass 24dB/oct) with ADSR, 1 VCA, LFO, noise generator (white/pink), portamento(glide), memory. It has an EXTERNAL INPUT allowing to use FILTER and GENERATORS with OTHER INSTRUMENTS such as guitars, synths, etc! Estradin 230 consist of 5 main sections - OSC'S, MODULATION, MIXER, FILTER and AMP (called Contour).

- osc 1,2,3 registers - 2", 4", 8", 16", 32", Low Frequency
- osc 1,2,3 waveshape select - triangle, sawtooth, reverse sawtooth/ramp wave, square, two different width pulse waves
- osc frequency - freq 1..3, freq 2, freq 3 -linked to keyboard pitch on/off
- modulation on/off switch

- portamento on/off, rate;
- mod mixer knob: balance between modulated by OSC3 and noise, depth amount;
- vibrato on/off, octave shift to 1/2
- pitch wheel (glissando)

MIXER section:
- osc 1,2,3 on/off, level
- ext input level, on/off
- noise generator level, on/off
- noise mode switch: white/pink

FILTER section:
- mod on/off
- cutoff, resonance, brightness
- attack, decay, sustain, release
- keytrack on/off

AMPLIFIER section:
- attack, decay/release, sustain
- key hold memory on/off

GLOBAL section:
main volume, phones volume, phones out, A-440Hz tone on/off, power.

CONNECTIONS: All connections has 5Din sockets - Line input, Line output, Phones out, MIDI input and MIDI thru. But i will include in set two professional 5Din to standart 1/4 Jack adapters.

POWER SUPPLY 220-240V/50Hz, fuze 0,125A. For use with 110/127V, a voltage converter is necessary\ not added."

Novation Supernova 2

via this auction

"Novation Supernova II 24 voice keyboard synth with OS 1.5 installed."

Human Controlled Voltage

YouTube via Voltor07 | November 04, 2010

" Lenses by Video made because I was inspired by I decided that instead of using my Little Phatty, I would use my Taurus III instead. Unfortunately, the GATE IN trick doesn't work on the Taurus, so I used a patch called MUTED ARP and let the arpeggiator do its thing while I acted like myself."

Ensoniq EPS 16 Plus - Sampled Drums Part 6

YouTube via TheDaydreamSound | November 04, 2010

"This song was made with the Ensoniq EPS 16+. It was the second song from my album released in 2003.

This is part six of the sampled drums series. One more to go!

As Always Thanks For Stopping By!

Subscribe to me on YouTube!

Join me on Facebook!"

Tek Kit Mini Free

"Tek Kit Mini - the mini mobile techno experience. Create some crazy beats with the littlest brother in the Tek Kit family.

High quality sample library
Classic 16 step sequencer"
Tek Kit Mini - Aran Mulholland
iPads on eBay
iPads on Amazon
iPod Touch on eBay
iPod Touch on Amazon
via @aranmul

The White Launchpad

flickr By tamajoni
(click for more)

via @malaventura

Loren Nerell's setup for Soundquest Fest

via Facebook

"setup for Soundquest Fest performance tomorrow night."

Note the Oberheim OB-Mx in the rack. Korg Z1 center.

Massive Bugbrand Modular

via indexofmetals on Muff's
"Finally had time to take all the modules out of the separate racks, screw them together as 2 x 3 racks, then put everything back in but better set out, and put together the 2 x 1 rack controller unit. the empty space is for the updated ring mod and I need to find space for a couple of the new EG's and clocking modules. In time it's going to become 3 x 3 as I need quite a few more of the SV filters and couple more utility vco's."

Some Wiard in there as well. Synth candy... Be sure to click the image for the full size shot.
via Tom Bugs of BugBrand.

Update via BugBrand in the comments: "Props to Norman Phay for his builds of J.Haible's Living VCOs - more pics:

Also in there are:
Metalbox/CGS (2 x Matrix, Wavefolder and Dual Wasp)
+ Bananalogue VCS

Absolutely mighty system!"

Patch n Tweak
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