Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yamaha QY8 music sequencer SN KL03068

via this auction

SN KL03068

Korg M1R synthesizer sound module

via this auction
Perfect Circuit Audio (RSS)

SN 013329

Korg TR61 synthesizer keyboard

via this auction
Perfect Circuit Audio (RSS)

SN 008854

Oberheim OB-MX 2 Voice Vintage Analog Synthesizer

via this auction

"Oberheim OBMX 2 Voice version 1.04. The voice board shown is what's inside the OBMX. Voice board: VC073363. Voice Chip: V941205. Board dated 2/10/95. The synth has some scratches on top and bottom but the face is very clean. Overall looks great! Also, a new battery has been installed. Works great."

Sweet MIDI Player

"Sweet MIDI Player is a MIDI player for not only auditioning all types of MIDI files, but for modifying the MIDI files themselves.

Use its mixer-like interface to easily edit the control messages, transpose the music, change the tempo, mute desired MIDI channels, and save the end results to disk.

View lyrics synchronized with the music (MIDI Karaoke files).

It also includes a Jukebox function which allows you to create and manage playlists.

Built in MIDI sound library with support for DLS files (no need for MIDI cables or MIDI setup).

Upload files using iTunes.

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later."

Sweet MIDI Player - Roni Music
iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

Conn Min-O-Matic Rhythm Box Analog Drum Machine

YouTube Uploaded by trashbaggage on Nov 22, 2011

Octo Tune

YouTube Uploaded by popitem on Nov 22, 2011

"I'm learning to use both the Octatrack and the Tenori On. TNR is midiying my modular sytnh + a korg wavestation rack, and the OT run some drum and vocals samples."

Morning Delight-Alnitak

YouTube Uploaded by Kobolnova on Nov 22, 2011
Roland Jupiter-80
"A short ambient piano music i made some time ago,i hope you like it"

noisering quantimator jam

YouTube Uploaded by siebenjager on Nov 22, 2011

"Excuse the shitty camera and sound quality, it was all I had available to capture this patch and I liked it too much to let it completely vanish. It can be a bit slow to change sometimes due to the number of random control elements.

Basically it's a Noisering into a Quantimator controlling 2 E350s through an Optomix and Pittsburgh delay. Lots of feedback/recursive modulation from Wogglebug and Maths. Drums are Monotribe through Blacet I/O & Final Filtre and Bugbrand VCA/Drive."

"Destruction" Electribe EMX + ESX

YouTube Uploaded by SlaughterClub on Nov 22, 2011

"'Destruction'-Electribe EMX + ESX - Future Retro Revolution R2"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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