Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Eowave Magma Synthesizer

YouTube Uploaded by musotalk on Mar 21, 2012

"weitere Videos unter - Der analoge Magma-Synthesizer orientiert sich an Vorbildern aus den Achtziger-Jahren und ist ein echtes Highlight für jeden Soundtüftler . Er besitzt einen integrierten Speicher und einen Step-Sequencer."

Mode Machines SID 8Bit Groovebox

YouTube Uploaded by musotalk on Mar 21, 2012

"Die ersten 300 Exemplare dieses Schmuckstücks werden mit Original Commodore 64 Chip ausgeliefert. Der Synth bietet Drumsektion, Step-Sequencer und eine Verwaltungssoftware, mit der man unter anderem die Wellenformen selbst zeichnen kann. Ein absoluter Kult-Garant!"

Steinberg TV MusikMesse 2012 - Day 1

YouTube Uploaded by SteinbergSoftware on Mar 21, 2012

"Steinberg TV MusikMesse 2012 day 1 highlights:
- Nuendo Live Introduction
- Interview with Martin Tichy from Vienna Symphonic Library"

MESSE12: Korg MicroKeys

via Sonic State

MESSE12: Roland Jupiter-50 Synthesizer

YouTube Uploaded by sonicstate on Mar 21, 2012

"Latest news from Music Messe 2012 - The Roland Jupiter 50"

via Sonic State

MOOG SOUND LAB Season 2: Ra Ra Riot - Oh La

Video re-uploaded by Moog and added to this post. Ra Ra Riot - Boy is still missing.


YouTube Uploaded by teenageengineering on Mar 21, 2012

"In SYNTH and DRUM modes you can press SHIFT + T4 to access the LFO section. Here is a quick demonstration on how to use it. Enjoy!"

Alphasphere DEMO by Rock oN Report

YouTube Uploaded by RockoNCompany on Mar 21, 2012

Renoise Live - Nexternal World

YouTube via Uploaded by vegeta897 on Mar 21, 2012

"This was the first track I ever finished in Renoise, but I only just decided to record and upload it here. I've got several other incomplete ones that I hope to work on more or wrap up eventually.

Vocal samples are from
Piano samples from Max Richter

I really quite like this, and I hope you do too

For more of my music go to my soundcloud:"

Jupiter-80 Version 2.0 Software Update [Video with Deeper Editing]

YouTube Uploaded by DanKrisher on Mar 21, 2012

You'll see some of the deeper synth editing on the Jupiter-80 in this one. It comes in at 1:49.

"New additions include new modeled analog filters for Jupiter-8, Minimoog and Prophet 5. Effects chains can be configured either serial or parallel. New Version 2.0 sound-set. New boot-up screen for live performance and ACT integration with Sonar X1."

Update via Roland:

"Since the launch of the JUPITER-80, many professional keyboard players and producers have praised its expressive SuperNATURAL sounds and live-performance capability. With the Version 2 software update, the JUPITER-80 offers new features that enhance its already formidable synthesis power, and provides more flexibility and creativity for musicians designing their own sounds.

Adds three types of low-pass filters; combined with the previous type, a total of four filters are now available
Adds new MFX structures; in addition to the previous parallel connection, a total of five structures (including serial connection) are available
Adds a Registration Play screen for easier access to sounds during live performance
Better integration with SONAR software; a dedicated plug-in for your computer lets you easily map the JUPITER-80 to control SONAR’s faders and soft synths

The filter section is one the most important tool kits for editing SuperNATURAL synth tones. Version 2 adds three types of vintage low-pass filters to the lineup. With the addition of these filters, each with unique cutoff and resonance behaviors, you can faithfully recreate coveted synthesizer sounds of the past.
New MFX Structures

The previous MFX section allowed only parallel connection of the four effects for one Live Set, but with Version 2 you can select MFX structures that let you place up to four effects in series. By using these five MFX structures, you can take full advantage of the JUPITER-80’s powerful collection of effects to create intense electro-synth sounds and intricate ambient synth textures.
New Registration Play Screen

The new Registration Play screen provides easier access to your sounds during live performance. You can see all eight Registrations in a bank at a glance, and select them directly via the touch screen.
Improved SONAR Integration

The Version 2 update offers smoother integration with SONAR software. A dedicated plug-in for your computer lets you easily map the JUPITER-80 to control SONAR’s faders and soft synths."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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