MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for 308 Distortion Module

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query 308 Distortion Module. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2014

Synthrotek 308 Eurorack Distortion Module SYNTH DEMO

Published on Nov 14, 2014 synthrotek

"Get ready for the bright lights of the colosseum!

We've taken our rock-solid RAT clone, squeezed it into a Eurorack module and added CV control over Gain. The 308 will take your playing to new heights with tremolo and other distortion modulation techniques.

3 controls - Tone, Filter, and Drive - to customize your tone. Tone sets the brightness level, Filter dials in the high frequency response, and Drive determines the signal gain.
4 Diode Settings - An on-board 4PST DIP Switch selects between 4 different clipping diodes to drastically alter your sound. Turn on the stock version 1N4148s, LEDs, Germanium diodes, or none at all with flick of a little switch.
Vintage Tone - The PCB is designed from the original RAT tone IC, the LM308 single op amp.
Control Voltage CV Input
Guitar AND Modular - Adjust the input impedance with a trim pot.
Plug your guitar in using Circuit Abbey's Axis module.
Current draw: 10mA on the positive rail"

Synthrotek Eurorack 308 FULL Modular SYNTH DEMO with Drums

Synthrotek 308 Eurorack Distortion Module GUITAR Distortion DEMO

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year From MATRIXSYNTH! - A Look Back at 2014

Happy New Year everyone!

I want to start by thanking everyone that comes to MATRIXSYNTH and helps make it what it is - the readers, the supporters, and of course all the sponsors on the right.

THANK YOU and have a GREAT 2015!!!

This site is a labor of love and a ton of work. This site is ultimately meant to be an testament to everything synth in the making. We have over nine years of daily synth history captured here, 119,983 published posts. I can't wait to see what the future brings us in 2015!

That said, here are a few interesting bits from 2014 in the longest post of the year. ;)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Synthrotek 308 Eurorack Distortion Module

via Synthrotek

"We’ve taken our rock-solid RAT clone, squeezed it into a Eurorack module and added CV control over Gain. The 308 will take your playing to new heights with tremolo and other distortion modulation techniques.
3 controls – Tone, Filter, and Drive – to customize your tone. Tone sets the brightness level, Filter dials in the high frequency response, and Drive determines the signal gain / amount of distortion
4 Diode Settings – An on-board 4PST DIP Switch selects between 4 different clipping diodes to drastically alter your sound. Turn on the stock version 1N4148s, LEDs, Germanium diodes, or none at all with flick of a little switch.
Vintage Tone – The PCB is designed from the original RAT tone IC, the LM308 single op amp.
Control Voltage (CV) Input
Guitar AND Modular – Adjust the input impedance with a trim pot.
Plug your guitar in using Circuit Abbey’s Axis module.
Current Draw: <10 mA on only the +12 rail."

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Synthrotek 308 RAT - first look

Published on Nov 16, 2014 noisythang

"A quick patch with the new Synthrotek distortion module. Just for fun, we mutate some guitar sounds."

Synthrotek on eBay

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Modular Synth and Guitar Crossover

Published on Sep 13, 2016 FatSynthDude

"For some reason you don't see much talk about doing stuff like this. For this demonstration, I'm running a guitar through various modules on my Eurorack system before sending it to the amp. In all cases, the guitar is a Schecter Avenger 7, the amp is a Schecter Hellraiser Stage 100, the mic is an SM57, and the preamp is an Eleven Rack. For most of these sounds, the clean channel was used. No post-processing effects were used. The order of the modules being used is as followed (also see corresponding picture.)

1. 0:00 Flame FX-16 (Autowah)
2. 0:19 Flame FX-16 (Bitcrusher)
3. 0:52 Audio Damage Aeverb
4. 1:20 Analogue Solutions SY02
5. 1:39 Doepfer A-136 Distortion/Waveshaper
6. 1:55 EMW Fixed Filter Bank
7. 2:35 A-125 Phase Shifter (Modulated by WMD DPO)
8. 3:27 Synthrotek Echo
9. 4:22 Dave Smith DSM-02 Character (5:42, drive turned up to max. Kinda of has a Tube Screamer-esque quality here.)
10. 6:03 Synthrotek 308 (Rat Clone) (6:43, Lead Channel engaged and a bad cover of 'Where the Slime Live" is played)
11. 6:58 Doepfer A-105 SSM Filter (Modulated by WMD DPO)
12. 8:36 Mutable Warps
13. 9:18 OSC303 (being CV modulated by the guitar, oddly enough)
14. 10:16 Mutable Elements
15. 10:58 Mutable Clouds
16. 12:12 Uoki-Toki Polivoks Filter (Modulated by WMD DPO. Uoki-Toki has super cheap Polivoks clone filters available on Muff Wiggler and I can't recommend them enough.)
17. 13:16 Trouby Tube Fuzz (Can't believe I've actually found something usable for this module! Sounds terrible on synths, but great as a guitar front end.)
18. 13:41 Music Thing Radio Music
19. 13:57 Waldorf NW1 (Wave 80 is my new god)
20. 14:30 Pittsburgh Modular Verbtronic (love how it has such a spring reverb character to it)
21. 15:30 Dwarfcraft Hax
22. 16:18 Flame Talking Synth
23. 16:50 Soundmachines UL1 Looper (very lofi quality even at highest quality)
24. 17:31 4ms Atoner
25. 18:42 Synthrotek APC (Modulated by WMD DPO)"

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