MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Circadian Rhythm

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Circadian Rhythm. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Circadian Rhythm. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

TipTop Audio Circadian Rhythm - basic operation principals

Published on Oct 8, 2014 ZV_K

"the upcoming Circadian Rhythm gate and trigger sequencer from TipTop Audio. basic operation principals

bass: z3000mk2 - Z2040 LPF / VCA - controlled by two Z4000 envelope - Z-DSP with Valhalla reverb card
sequenced by Circadian Rhythm - rhythmic pattern, Z8000 clocked by Trigger Riot - notes pattern

BD: BD808
Maracas: MA808
both sequenced by CR"

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Meta Demora - Demo 002

Published on Aug 20, 2015 Owen Canivet

"Braids Meta Vs Roland Demora
Patch using the meta mode in braids as main sound source and outputting to Roland Demora.
QCD is master clock, different clock measures fed to Macro Machines Dynamic Destiny and stepped through in random mode then output sent to clock Modcan Touch Sequencer and Tiptop Circadian Rhythm, and Demora sync finally also used to clock sync time on Modcan Dual Delay. Clock measures stacked and used to sync Modcan Quad LFO, Make Noise Wogglebug and SSF Ultra Random.

Wogglebug stepped output activates braids Meta mode, various random modulation on braids and split output to one channel of Make noise optomix for percussive hits and also to Roland Demora. Quad LFO modulates Demora feedback and width. Demora has custom patch with clock syncing and modulated 12db filter. Bypass switch is also activated by triggers to cut off and gate effect. Finally Demora Output is put through Eventide Space.

Pad is Intellijel Shapeshifter in chord mode put through Mutable clouds. Randomly modulated for interest then passed through ADDAC 601 fixed filter bank. Bands are pinged with triggered envelopes and LFO’s from Quad LFO. Finally output to Modcan Dual delay.

Percussion is Mutable Peaks kick (x2) sequenced by Circadian Rhythm, SSF Quantum Rainbow white Noise Hats. Snare created on ALM Dinky’s Taiko with noise envelope randomly opened with attenuated trigger from Circadian Rhythm. Two Channels from Modcan Touch Sequencer controls pitch for Braids and Clouds .

All Euro except for Eventide Space Mixed Eq’d and panned on Soundcraft mixer into Logic. Live muting and fading. Vintage warmer strapped on master bus to glue it all together :) "

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tiptop Audio Circadian Rhythm

Published on Mar 28, 2017 Perfect Circuit Audio

"The Tiptop Circadian Rhythm is triggering the ALM Dinky's Taiko, Audio Damage Boomtschak, SSF Entity, and Mannequins Just Friends for drums. The bass and melodies are sequenced by the Malekko Varigate 8 which is clocked by the Circadian. The Make Noise DPO and Verbos Complex Oscillator are used for those sounds. All is being mixed in the Intellijel Linix and then routed to the Make Noise Erbe Verb.

The Tiptop Audio ‘Circadian Rhythms’ is a complex grid sequencer module moving modular synthesizer technology another step forward by gluing all the pieces of a system together. Each module or voice can now be programmed to play straight from an intelligent, eight-channel, 512-step master trigger sequencer made for composers looking to make music on the modular. Building on the sequencing concept of step programing, multi-channel patterns of musical phrases can be repeated, looped, chained, muted and manipulated on the fly in real-time, and most importantly, all of this is done through a simple, clearly labeled interface. Using an array of multicolor illuminated buttons and innovative grid views the Circadian Rhythms provides a highly functional live performance sequencer with a beautiful glowing appearance of the programmed music that will look amazing on stage for both performer and crowd. As a master controller, the heart of the modular synthesizer, Circadian Rhythms generates high precision clock and reset signals for all the other sequencers and devices in the system to align with and can also act as a high precision bridge for DAW synchronization.

Available here:"

MATRIXSYNTH members get a %10 discount at Perfect Circuit Audio!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Tiptop Audio Circadian Rhythm Spotted At Namm

New Circadian Rhythm analog step sequencer in left side of the black Station 252 system. Click image for the full size shot.

Booth 6735

Monday, March 10, 2014

Tiptop Audio Circadian Rhythm prototype Swing and Zoom Test

Published on Mar 10, 2014 Tiptop .Audio·55 videos

"Testing the new features added to the Circadian Rhythm. Swing and micro notes in Zoom mode."

Friday, January 23, 2015

NAMM2015 Tiptop Audio Circadian Rhythm and Serge Eurorack

Published on Jan 23, 2015 Analogue Zone Showroom / Hangszer

"Gur Milstein Introducing the new Tiptop Audio Sequencer, the Circadian Rhythm and Serge modules at the NAMM2015 Show"

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Tiptop Audio Circadian Rhythm Coming Soon

Tiptop Audio Circadian Rhythm coming soon from Tiptop Audio on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

NAMM 2015: TipTop Audio Circadian Rhythm

Published on Jan 25, 2015 Electronic Musician Magazine

Tiptop Audio shows off their Circadian Rhythm at the NAMM Show 2015.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Tiptop systems in action

Published on Jan 26, 2015 Tiptop .Audio

"Good times at the Tiptop booth composing music on the modular."

NAMM 2015: TipTop Audio Circadian Rhythm

Published on Jan 26, 2015

"TipTop Audio shows off their Circadian Rhythm at the NAMM Show 2015."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

New Tiptop Audio Quantizer & Circadian Rhythm Eurorack Modules in the Flesh

Two pics via StromKult I believe from the recent workshop in Berlin.

"The circadian rhythm will be a very complex step sequencer with 8 by 8 plus 8 multi colored buttons and more that makes it very easy to use as Konstantin Gervis could show live in a workshop at Central Music around the corner now.

The second one was an even better looking module – the quantizer, that unfortunately could not have been explained too deep nor showed as good as the sequencer because the time became short. There was so many other hot stuff by tiptop audio to be explained and performed in the workshop, but we will check the remaining details very soon."

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Strum - Modular Patch

Published on Aug 16, 2016 Richard Devine

This was a patch experiment using the new Mutable Instruments Rings/Clouds Modules, and trying to create strumming/plucking guitar like sounds within a patch. The inspiration came from playing around with the Clouds Parasites 1.3 alternate firmware running in the Resonator mode highlighting the 'scatter' (or strum) function. The master clock was the Tiptop Circadian Rhythms module, taking the first 4 outputs into my Nord Drum 2 for the Kick, snare, closed and open hi-hats. From there the clock output from the CR was multiplied and then sent to the Modcan Touch Sequencer. First row output from the TS was sent to the intellijel Shapeshifter creating a two note baseline sequence that comes in at 1:58. The second sequence Row2 output from the TS was sent to the "ALM Akemie's Castle" module OSC A output using the chord function, that comes in at 25 seconds. The gates from the modcan where set to a 16th's pulse sequence. Modulation from the synthesis technology E102 Quad Temporal Shifter output 1 modulating the Multiplier input on Operator 1. The 2, 3 and 4 outputs from the E102 where also modulating the Operator 2, 3, and 4 inputs on the Akemie's Castle. This was creating the harmonic timbre changing as the sequence was playing.
The slowly evolving sweeping noise textures that come in at 1:09 is from the Music Thing Radio Music module. The sample was a white noise sampled lightly filtered and then sent to the intellijel HexVCA with the amplitude CV control via a Intellijel Dixie modulating from slow to high rates (free running). The Make Noise Rene was being externally clocked from the Circadian Rhythm, and was sending out a quantized output to the Mutable Instruments Clouds pitch input creating the chord guitar sequence. The strum sounds on Clouds was played by the 4ms QCD running in 32th division output into the Trigger input. The freeze input was also triggered by a Ladik R-110 Random clock module. The combination of the two created the trill chord like strums.

The bass guitar tone sound that comes in at 1:24 are from the MakeNoise Mysteron, that is being sequenced by the Modcan Touch Sequencer, Row Output 3 was programmed in the same key but a lower octave. The "Rings" module was creating slow attack soft high pitched chords in reverb that come around 2:50. There was additional processing of the Clouds output that was sent into the Tiptop ZDSP module running the "Halls of Vahalla" card program 8 "Ginnungagap" creating the high pitch octave deep reverb shimmer effects. The harmonic slow swells that come in at 3:30 where created using another intellijel Dixie oscillator sine output running into an Strymon "Big Sky" pedal being harmonically controlled by an intellijel µScale V1. The output was being played slowly then processed using the "Choral" mode, creating the slow shimmer swells. The entire mix was sent into the Eventide Space pedal using the "Corridors" patch.

Download the free track here:
Mutable Instruments Rings :
Clouds Parasites firmware:"

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Strum - Modular Patch by Richard Devine

Strum - Modular Patch from Richard Devine on Vimeo.

"This was a patch experiment using the new Mutable Instruments Rings/Clouds Modules, and trying to create strumming/plucking guitar like sounds within a patch. The inspiration came from playing around with the Clouds Parasites 1.3 alternate firmware running in the Resonator mode highlighting the "scatter" (or strum) function. The master clock was the Tiptop Circadian Rhythms module, taking the first 4 outputs into my Nord Drum 2 for the Kick, snare, closed and open hi-hats. From there the clock output from the CR was multiplied and then sent to the Modcan Touch Sequencer. First row output from the TS was sent to the intellijel Shapeshifter creating a two note baseline sequence that comes in at 1:58. The second sequence Row2 output from the TS was sent to the "ALM Akemie's Castle" module OSC A output using the chord function, that comes in at 25 seconds. The gates from the modcan where set to a 16th's pulse sequence. Modulation from the synthesis technology E102 Quad Temporal Shifter output 1 modulating the Multiplier input on Operator 1. The 2, 3 and 4 outputs from the E102 where also modulating the Operator 2, 3, and 4 inputs on the Akemie's Castle. This was creating the harmonic timbre changing as the sequence was playing.

The slowly evolving sweeping noise textures that come in at 1:09 is from the Music Thing Radio Music module. The sample was a white noise sampled lightly filtered and then sent to the intellijel HexVCA with the amplitude CV control via a Intellijel Dixie modulating from slow to high rates (free running). The Make Noise Rene was being externally clocked from the Circadian Rhythm, and was sending out a quantized output to the Mutable Instruments Clouds pitch input creating the chord guitar sequence. The strum sounds on Clouds was played by the 4ms QCD running in 32th division output into the Trigger input. The freeze input was also triggered by a Ladik R-110 Random clock module. The combination of the two created the trill chord like strums.

The bass guitar tone sound that comes in at 1:24 are from the MakeNoise Mysteron, that is being sequenced by the Modcan Touch Sequencer, Row Output 3 was programmed in the same key but a lower octave. The "Rings" module was creating slow attack soft high pitched chords in reverb that come around 2:50. There was additional processing of the Clouds output that was sent into the Tiptop ZDSP module running the "Halls of Vahalla" card program 8 "Ginnungagap" creating the high pitch octave deep reverb shimmer effects. The harmonic slow swells that come in at 3:30 where created using another intellijel Dixie oscillator sine output running into an Strymon "Big Sky" pedal being harmonically controlled by an intellijel µScale V1. The output was being played slowly then processed using the "Choral" mode, creating the slow shimmer swells. The entire mix was sent into the Eventide Space pedal using the "Corridors" patch.

Download the free track here:

Mutable Instruments Rings :

Clouds Parasites firmware:

Saturday, December 03, 2022

Take 5 intro (modular synth cover)

video upload by Planter Music

"This was kind of tough to figure out. Programming the circadian rhythm in 5/4 is kind of confusing but the zoom feature really helps. The ASQ-1 is sequencing the rhythm the piano part with cv 1 and 2 going to two Dixie’s to have some polyphony then the lead part is just the keystep controlling an MCO."

Monday, February 03, 2014

Tiptop Audio Modular Synthesizer Jam 4

Published on Feb 3, 2014 Tomio Ueda·10 videos

"did a pleasant melodic jam on Tiptop Audio's Station 252 + upcoming Quantizer + Circadian Rhythm

a loose wire cut off the audio a tad -- a negligible circumstance given the awesome patch ;)


Audio drops on the right just after :11 at comes back in at 1:10. It's worth watching through.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

ZV_K playing the Circadian Rhythm part 1

Published on Jul 21, 2015 ZV_K

Demo comes in after the 4 minute mark.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

I Wanna Be Adored (Stone Roses Modular Synth cover)

video upload by Planter Music

"What a great song and what a great bass line.

ASQ-1 is sequencing two dixies through a Dannysound filter then the circadian rhythm is sequencing the squid salmple for the drums."

Monday, July 20, 2015

Flame 4vox Passages 001

Published on Jul 20, 2015 Owen Canivet

"FLame 4vox, Qu-bit Nebulae, Mutable Braids, Make Noise Mysteron, Bastl GrandPa, Tiptop Circadian Rhythm + More - Patch Details to follow. All euro except Eventide Space :)

My Rack:"

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

TipTop Audio at NAMM 2014

Published on Jan 28, 2014 perfectcircuitaudio·44 videos

"Gur Milstein leads us through the new TipTop Audio lineup including the Circadian Rhythm, Serge WAD, and Valhalla DSP card for the Z-DSP! Gur also gives a little information about the future of a certain module at the end of the video. Thanks for watching!"

Friday, January 24, 2014

NAMM 2014 Tip Top Circadian Rhythm Videos

Published on Jan 24, 2014 VJ FRANZ K·642 videos

Tiptopaudio on NAMM 2014 introducing a modular sequencer

Tiptopaudio on NAMM 2014 introducing a modular sequencer from Andreas Schneider on Vimeo.

"First guy we met on the first day of NAMM this year was Gur Milstein in the booth of Big City Music. We shot this very first video still a bit shaky and bad done and while filming we could not understand each other in that hall. Just going ahead its still good at least for people that would like to know whats new on NAMM."

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Roland Demora Tails - Demo

Published on Aug 11, 2015 Owen Canivet

"First run through with Roland Demora Module. Cycled nebulae samples through a custom Demora patch with external clocking (fed various clock divisions and randomised by dynamic destiny switch & Circadian Rhythm master clock) 12db filter plugin and internal patch routing via software :)"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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