MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for MrCaliforniaD

Showing posts sorted by date for query MrCaliforniaD. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query MrCaliforniaD. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Was It That BAD? - Roland Vp-9000 : Basic Sampling

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Can the Roland VP-9000 sound warm?

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

"As I will show you in a upcoming video, the Roland VP-9000 is really bad at sampling normal stuff. Bad range, MP3 like sound, clicky loop points, no filters per voices, etc. But given the right tweaking, can it sound any warm?"

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Roland Glitching Box Speech Processor - Roland VP-9000

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

"Roland needs to bring back a hardware time stretching sampler!"

Additional Roland VP-9000 posts

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Ultimage Glitch Box - The Roland VP-9000

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

"Here's one of the ways you can destroy a drum beat sample with the Roland VP-9000."

Monday, May 20, 2024

DIY Module With Korg35 HP & LP Filters Clones + 12AX7 Overdrive

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

"This box is using 2x clones of the infamous Korg35 filters. They were made with identical PCBs and original discontinued components.

These Korg35 are mounted on a circuit board that is recreating the HPF and LPF circuitry of a Korg MS-20.

Sorry. I don't sell anything."

Monday, May 22, 2023

Nintendo NES Music - Contra - Played on a 1975 Roland System 100

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

"All sounds were made on the Roland System 100."

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Commodore Music on a Super Nintendo & Nintendo NES - Jet Power Jack

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

"Me: Mom, can we have synthesizers at home?
Mom: We have synthesizers at home.
Synthesizers at home:

Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Nintendo NES MIDI Synthesizer

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

"I built this custom Nintendo NES MIDI synthesizer using a real Nintendo (Model NES-001) and a Famimimidi NES cartridge.

The Famimimidi NES cartridge is an incredibly well developped product that lets you control a Nintendo sound chip via MIDI IN. It's rare that such a product is released to the public in such a stable and complete state.

The cartridge is available for purchase (, but it seems to be out of stock at the moment.

The challenge for this project was to fit everything in a 1U rackmount enclosure.

This project is a one-off, and I don't intend to build more of them. Not for sale. Sorry!"

Also see The Super Nintendo Synthesizer with MIDI

Sunday, October 02, 2022

The Super Nintendo Synthesizer with MIDI

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

"I built this custom Super Nintendo MIDI synthesizer using a real Super Nintendo (SNS-001) and a Super Midi Pak cartridge.

The Super Midi Pak cartridge is an incredibly well developped product that lets you control a Super Nintendo sound card via a MIDI I/O cartridge. It's rare that such a product is released to the public in such a stable and complete state.

The cartridge is available for purchase (, but there's a long waiting list for it.

The challenge for this project was to fit everything in a 1U rackmount enclosure. One of the things that had to be modified was the cartridge port angle, so that it sits parallel to the board instead of perpendicular.

The pitch adjustement knob uses a LTC1799 Precision Oscillator instead of the original crystal assigned to the audio chips. Credit for this mod goes to Sam from Look Mum No Computer. Go check out his channel if you haven't already.

This project is a one-off, and I don't intend to build more of them. Sorry!"

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

"YAY OH" Demo Song - E-MU Emax 1

video upload by MrCaliforniaD

"The Emax 1 sequencer in all its clumsiness.

I could not find any information about this demo song on the web."

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Analog Filter Comparison - Korg 35 / ARP 4072 / Moog 4-Pole Ladder

video by MrCaliforniaD

Music: Lead track from Pitfall II
Oscillator: 70% Pulse of a Korg MS-20

Korg 35 filter : Korg MS-20 (early revision)
A.R.P. 4072 filter : A.R.P. Explorer I
Moog 4-Pole Ladder Filter : Moog Minimoog Model D

"It is virtually impossible to do a fully comprehensive video of all the aspects of a filter. This video is not trying to achieve this goal, but to document just some of these variations.

All filters do not lose or add gain over frequencies the same way, and even though I tried to normalize the gain as closely as I could to one another, there are always differences, especially at the early stage of filter oscillation. The type of speakers you're listening this video with will also make a huge difference in the perceived tone."

Monday, April 26, 2021

I'll Be There (Jackson 5) - Arp Explorer I Analog Synthesizer From 1974

video by MrCaliforniaD

"I made this video back in 2013. I then tried to upload it on YouTube, but it got rejected because of copyrights infringements.

Now that they can monetize it all they want, maybe I can share it with the world.

This song was originally recorded in 1970. This is what it could have sounded like if all the tracks were recorded on a Arp Explorer I Monophonic Analog Synthesizer from 1974.

Polyphony was achieved by adding monophonic tracks on top of each other but it was kept pretty minimalistic."

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Boss Theme - Played on a E-MU Emax

video by MrCaliforniaD

"To be listened at a reasonable level on a stereo setup."

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Synthesizer CV to X-Y Recorder Visual Art

video by MrCaliforniaD

"In this video, a 2 channel MIDI to CV converter is controlling a X-Y Recorder.

This technique is pretty straight forward. The X-Y Recorder is listening to voltages signals on its two X-Y axis. The voltages are taken straight out of the MIDI to CV converter's two channels.

I used a 2 track song. One melody moves the X axis on the plotter and the other melody moves the Y axis. The pen is drawing the resulting mix of theses to axis interfering with each other.

Special thanks to RAMCUR for his help and support in that project!"

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Fairlight Intro Cover on the Commodore Music Maker Deluxe

video by MrCaliforniaD

"In this video, I've re-recorded the famous hack intro from Fairlight.

I tried to edit the Commodore 64 patches as close as I could to the original.

I used a C64c with a 6581 R4-AR."

See this post for MrCaliforniaD's DIY C64 Keyboard

Saturday, March 06, 2021

King's Quest VI - The Isle Of Wonder (PC) - Played on a Korg DW-6000

video by MrCaliforniaD

"Aliasing digital wavefoms festival."

Saturday, November 21, 2020




This obscure demo might have been produced at some point by the E-MU team when the SE upgrade was released, but there's no mention of it on the Internet.

Therefore, I am sharing it with the world.

Special thanks to Jay Boy for helping me find my Emax and to Olivier Van Tassel for selling it to me!"

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Korg MS-20 Keyboard Voltage Out to a Plotter


"Note that I ran out of paper at the end of the song."

Monday, July 20, 2020

DIY ARP 4072 Lowpass Filter (ARP 2600)

Preview of latest circuit: The ARP 4072 Lowpass Filter (ARP 2600) MrCaliforniaD

"Version 1.0 is working like a charm.

Once in a proper enclosure, I'll try to record something more substantial.

Thanks to Eddy Bergman for his unconditional support.

You can visit his website to get the schematics. Also check out his other awesome projects while you're at it:

I don't sell theses modules. Sorry!"

Some details via Eddy Bergman's website (note the schematic is from YuSynth):

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Synthesizer Build part-21: ARP2600 LOWPASS FILTER (4072).

The best sounding filter of any I built so far! With verified stripboard layout.

A word of warning right at the start; this is an advanced project, not for beginners. You need to know your electronics and you also need to have a good multi channel oscilloscope.

Friday, July 03, 2020

DOOM - Map 01 - Played on a Yamaha Reface CS


"All the sounds, except for the drums were generated by a a Yamaha Reface CS.

No effects has been added."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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