MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for morganfisherart

Showing posts sorted by date for query morganfisherart. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query morganfisherart. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Suzuki Omnichord OM 27 Demo

video upload by morganfisherart

"Video recorded June 10, 2024. The first 3'30" is digitally recorded directly from the 6mm output jack of the OM-27. The last 45" is the OM-27's internal speaker, recorded by the iPhone."

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Maestro Rhythm King MRK-4 Drum Machine demo (with MODULATION!)

video upload by morganfisherart

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Maestro Rhythm King MRK-2 Drum Machine demo

video upload by morganfisherart

"Maestro Rhythm King MRK-2 Drum Machine demo. For sale on Yahoo Auctions.

Friday, May 20, 2022

RMI Keyboard Computer w/ Voice Programmer Cards

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
video upload by morganfisherart

"Functions are explained and demonstrated. A little reverb has been added. Headphones recommended to hear the stereo properly!

1: PRESETS & PEDALS - 0:00
2: ORGAN STOPS - 6:30
3: CARD READER - 9:56

Please also enjoy this ambient improvisation on the KCII:"

RMI KCII ambient improvisation

video upload by morganfisherart

"An ambient improvisation, played on my RMI KCII. Reverb added. Images are of the sea in Japan and some of my tiny oil-on-glass-slide paintings. Sept. 28, 2016 in my home studio."

Spotted the above via the following listing. You can find additional demos, info, scans, pics and a demo record featured in additional posts here.

via this auction

"TRUE MUSEUM PIECE, extremely rare.

Sound very similar to the RMI harmonic synthesizer (used by J.M.Jarre in Oxygene)

Everything is working, the synth has never been modified or repaired, all the internal components are "as it came from the factory".

With paper memory reader for sounds totally revised!

there are several "memory sheets" for the digital system of memories it used (visible in the photo).

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

SUZUKI OMNICHORD OM-84 demo by Morgan Fisher


"A short demonstration of the Suzuki Omnichord OM-84, a unique analog instrument that contains drum patterns, bass patterns, rhythmic chords and a kind of synthetic harp. Recorded in 2013 in Morgan Salon.
スズキオムニコードOM-84の簡単なデモ。 ドラムパターン、ベースパターン、リズミカルなコード、合成ハープを含むユニークなアナログ楽器です。 2013年にモーガンサロンで録音。日本語字幕があります。"

EML SYNKEY 2001 demo by Morgan Fisher


"A short demonstration of the EML Synkey 2001, a unique analog instrument that offers parallel harmonies on all 12 intervals of the octave. Frank Zappa used it, and I was first shown it by Eddie Jobson, his keyboard player, back in about 1976. Recorded in 2013 in Morgan Salon.
EML Synkey 2001の簡単なデモ。ユニークなアナログシンセサイザー。 1〜12半音の並列ハーモニーを提供します。 フランク・ザッパはそれを使用し、気に入りました。 私は1976年頃、ザッパのキーボード奏者であるエディ・ジョブソンに最初に見せられました。

You can find additional EML SYNKEY posts here.

RMI Keyboard Computer (KC1) combo organ


1973 - The Computer Keyboard (prototype)
1974 - The Keyboard Computer (this one)
1975 - The Keyboard Computer II (until 1982)

"...'morganfisherart' did an excellent job demonstrating the KC2 [posted here], but there weren't any good ones for the KC1 unless you count the 1974 RMI demo record. I recorded my KC1 direct using no effects or EQ. Hopefully this video should clear up some misinformation around the internet. This instrument is not a sample player or a synthesizer, it was never available to the public with illuminated buttons, and channel 3 is not even in the same ballpark as a "white noise effect".

I have to do a shout-out to a couple of scholarly gentlemen who wrote a book in 2019 that I highly recommend called "Classic Keys, Keyboard Sounds That Launched Rock Music". A few years ago I had my Keyboard Computer professionally photographed and a couple of those pictures were used in this book. Anyway this book is filled with a lot of very in-depth research and even recently won an award."

You can find additional RMI Keyboard Computer posts here.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

RMI KCII Keyboard Computer demonstration

Published on Sep 25, 2016 morganfisherart

"[scroll down for English info]
私の愛蔵ヴィンテージ・キーボード・コレクションから、世界初のデジタル・サンプリング音源を用いた希少なシンセサイザーRMI KC-IIがヤフオクに出品!非常に良い状態で、音源データカードやマニュアルなど付属品も充実しています!

Extremely rare RMI KCII to be sold on Yahoo Auctions Japan. See link above. Will consider offers from abroad if sent by October 2nd, 2016. In excellent, fully-working condition!

Most functions explained and demonstrated. A little reverb has been added. Headphones recommended to hear the stereo properly!

RMI KCII ambient improvisation

Published on Sep 28, 2016 morganfisherart

"僕のRMI KCIIに新しい即興演奏。
An ambient improvisation, played tonight on my RMI KCII. Reverb added. Images are of the sea in Japan and some of my oil-on-glass paintings.
Sept. 28, 2016 in my home studio."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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