MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for riotbell

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query riotbell. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query riotbell. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sequential OB6 Demos by riotbell

video uploads by riotbell

Sequential OB6 Fairy Fountain
Oberheim OB6 Notch Filter Exploration with ADG-1 and Mercury7
Oberheim OB6 Ambient with Arpeggiator and Mercury 7
Sequential OB6 and Meris Mercury 7 Improv
Sequential OB6 and Shallow Water: Dying Robot Sounds
Sequential OB6 Ambient with Shallow Water and ADG1

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Moog Matriarch and Subharmonicon Generative Ambient Dusk

video upload by riotbell

"This is another generative ambient long play. I started patching in the late afternoon and let this run from sunset until dusk. This is my first attempt to pair the Matriarch with the Subharmonicon for any extended period of time. Hopefully it came out okay.

The SubH is being modulated by the Matriarch LFO and is running directly into the Matriarch through Instrument-In giving it access to both the filter and the delay.

The Matriarch is playing an accompanying 3 octave arp.

Reverb provided via Oto Bam.

Thanks for listening!"

Friday, November 25, 2022

Lo-Fi Debussy Clar De Lune with Tascam Portastudio 424 and Make Noise Strega

video upload by riotbell

"This is just a simple short piece using the Strega to process Debussy on incoming tape from the Tascam Portastudio 424.

Recorded the Debussy on an old Hammond piano from the mid 1950s that's partially out of tune and has some serious key bed issues (built in lo-fi character I suppose).

When the Strega was first released I was really interested at how it would function as a processor of other instruments. It's surprisingly good at processing a variety of incoming signals. The filter and the delay can add a lot of character, though I wish there was some way to trigger the oscillator.

Honestly, I have mixed feelings on the Strega as a whole. It does some things incredibly well, but lacks a couple of basic features (like Midi) that would really open up the possibilities. Meanwhile, as much as I want to like the touch plates, they feel a bit like gimmicky overkill considering all the patch points (hope I'm wrong about this).

I might do a spoken review if folks are interested. I'm kicking around the idea of making spoken reviews and tutorials a bigger part of this channel, but haven't had as much free time as earlier in the year.

Thanks for listening."

Friday, July 01, 2022

Nymphes and Linnstrument Etude

video upload by riotbell

"This is a little study piece on the Nymphes. I'm trying to encourage myself to practice more frequently on the Linnstrument by creating these short videos.

Thanks for listening!"

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Moog Subharmonicon High Resonance Patch Birds In The Well

video upload by riotbell

"This is a subharmonicon patch playing the filter by maxing the resonance and cutting the oscillators to achieve a sine wave (presumably). Both the filter and the envelope amount will have a significant effect on 'tuning' the sounds coming out of the synth.

This piece is being partially sequenced offboard via Midi, though the SH's steps are still be recognized. A longer 'bird calls' were achieved with midi input and looped via the Microcosm.

It's a weird piece, but kind of fun."

Monday, May 08, 2023

Moog Matriarch and Rossum Eurorack Ambient Ghost Horns

video upload by riotbell

"This is an attempt to pair the Matriarch with some Eurorack. The Matriarch is being filtered through the Rossum Morpheus filter which is in turn being modulated by the Mob of Emus.

The patch on the Matriarch is totally standard triangle patch (nothing special).

Trying to get back into recording and uploading some more Matriarch related videos.

Thanks for listening."

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Moog Subharmonicon Dark Ambient

video upload by riotbell

"This is another slow ambient patch made on the Subharmonicon trying to assign all available oscillators.

Grasping at a Hans Zimmer sort of vibe, but don't know if it fully comes off.

I do wish there was a patch point for the envelope amount. Sequence 1 patched into the Filter Cutoff. Sequence 2 patched into the trigger."

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Moog Subharmonicon and Hologram Microcosm Ambient Toy Piano

video upload by riotbell

"Here's an attempt to simulate the sound of an old toy piano. Maybe a little broken, maybe a little out of tune. The patch is relatively straightforward.

I'm starting to feel like the best way to approach the Subharmonicon is to pair it with other complimentary synths and effects. Here the Microcosm is functioning less like an effects box, and a bit more like an accompanying synth supplying a gentle wash of sound.

Thanks for listening."

Friday, October 21, 2022

Twenty Moog Subharmonicon Patches

video upload by riotbell

"Here are twenty original patches for the Subharmonicon. Thought I would take a different approach. Instead of uploading one long play patch, I figured it would be more helpful and digestible to just gather them all into one video.

After nearly a year of battling with the Subharmonicon, I decided to approach it as a sort of Zen project in which I would just explore the synth on its own terms, and see where it led.

This video chronicles some of the more musical (and unmusical) patches that I've struggled to put together.

Huge thanks to the guy that runs It's cool to see a creative community dedicated to freely sharing ideas. More than one of these patches evolved out of a failed attempt to replicate something cool I found on that site.

Sorry for he lack of patch notes, with work and family I just don't have the spare time to make and edit videos and sketch out patch notes on modulargrid. I hope the video quality allows people to clearly see what's going on. Please feel free to ask about anything that might be unclear.

More explanation in the video itself."

Friday, September 16, 2022

Moog Subharmonicon with Oto Bam Cutoff Filter Exploration

video upload by riotbell

"One of my minor frustrations with the Subharmonicon is that it's hard to dynamically modulate the cutoff filter when using the synth in isolation.

I really wish the SH had an expression pedal in, because some very cool stuff can be done with filter sweeps.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

The fiddling stops and the full patch plays out at around 3:30.

Thanks for listening!"

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Oberheim OBX8 Patch Preview

video upload by riotbell

"Here is a short preview of a patch set that I've been working on for the OBX8.

I decided this time to present the patches totally dry with no external effects to give a good sense of what the synth actually sounds like raw.

I hope to have a full patch set preview up and available for free download for those who are interested sometime later this weekend."

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

1010 Music Lemondrop Synth, Soma Cosmos, and Linnstrument Ambient Flutes

video upload by riotbell

"This is another Lemondrop video. I don't know how many people are really interested in this little synth, but I've had a lot of fun with it, and it definitely punches above its weight class.

Wish it had MPE support, but it still works pretty well with the Linnstrument.

The Cosmos is on its most basic setting, having a lot of fun with this too.

I'm thinking of doing a Lemondrop review if there's interest. Please let me know.

Thanks for listening!"

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Oberheim OB-X8 Forty Free Presets

video upload by riotbell

"Here are the first forty patches I created on the OB-X8. It's unquestionably the richest sounding analog synth I've ever heard in person. A stellar modern reissue that does Tom's legacy proud.

I've had a lot more fun designing patches on this synth than I initially thought. The LFO routing is quirky but surprisingly versatile considering how simple things are. The multiple filter types add a considerable amount of depth as well. For those worried, the notorious Page 2 functions are just fine. Not including a simple screen would have been a nightmare.

For the most part these are big spacey, retro patches that take advantage of the SEM filter. Some heavy bass, pretty gentle patches, and a few wild experimental patches just for fun. What you won't find is anything particularly funky or jazzy because that's not really my thing.

These patches are all presented completely dry without effects. No post processing except some minimal leveling for Youtube. I was tempted to record with a little reverb because these patches really bloom with a touch of space, but I figure it's better to allow such a beautiful synth to speak for itself.

Here is the link for download if anyone is interested. Uploaded into a folder via Sysex into five banks of eight:

As always, thanks for listening!"

Monday, May 22, 2023

UDO Super 6 and Rossum Eurorack Generative Ambient

video upload by riotbell

"This is a generative ambient piece made on the UDO Super 6 and a few Rossum modules. The Super 6 is supplying all of the oscillators while the Morpheus and the Mob of Emus are providing most of the modulation.

So far I have mixed feelings about the Super 6. It sounds undeniably gorgeous and it's a joy to program--until it isn't. Like most people, the buried secondary controls have left me somewhat perplexed on certain patches. Still shocked at how many lovely places it can go however.

Thanks for listening."

Monday, July 11, 2022

Sequential OB6 and Thermae Ambient Bells

video upload by riotbell

"This is a short piece pairing the OB6 and the Chase Bliss Thermae. Just a gentle sequenced piece meant to simulate slightly detuned bells.

I think the Mercury 7 actually provides more texture than anything. I don't know if I'd call the M7 underrated, but it really does rich spacey soundscaping better than just about any reverb I've so far used.

Thanks for listening."

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Soma Lyra 8 and JMT Synth LD2 Ambient Drone

video upload by riotbell

"This is a drone piece featuring the Soma Lyra 8 and the JMT Synth LD2. The Lyra is running directly into the LD2 in order to access its filter and delay.

A short phrase on the Lyra begins the piece, is looped on the Microcosm (offscreen) and then more oscillators are slowly worked in as the piece progresses, including the oscillators of the LD2.

I've been curious how these two unique drone synths would work together for some time, though I haven't been able to find an LD2 until recently. A dedicated filter does a lot to rein in some of the brighter tendencies of the Lyra 8."

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Dreadbox Nymphes and Linnstrument Baby Dinosaur

video upload by riotbell

"Another Nymphes improvisation with the Linnstrument and Microcosm. Don't know why I called the piece Baby Dinosaur, but that's just what the track was titled in my Logic folder.

Hope these aren't getting to repetitive or self-indulgent. But uploading the videos is really encouraging me to practice with the Linnstrument, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of Youtube content featuring the Nymphes and MPE.

Thanks for listening!"

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Moog Spectravox Oscillator Sound Demo

video upload by riotbell

"This is a simple sound demo that examines the Spectravox as an individual voice, focusing on the two VCO wave shapes and how they interact with the filter. The Spectravox is played via KB CV, CV OUT and Gate Out via the Matriarch (tutorial video by Moog below).

There's no vocoding or processing of external sounds going on here. Just the Spectravox "speaking for itself"--if that doesn't sound to corny.

I was really shocked at just how massive the pulse wave can sound in isolation for a single VCO. Likewise, it appears the Spectravox is one of the very few Moog semi-modular synths that features some sort of resonance compensation, because the bass doesn't completely drop out when cranked.

Because there's no full onboard ADSR (only decay), I still think the Spectravox functions better as an accompanying drone voice. But it's cool to hear it on its own.

Thanks for listening!"

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Deckard's Dream Fifty Patches

video upload by riotbell

"This is a demonstration of a patch set that I recently finished for the Deckard's Dream. I'm working on getting it uploaded for free download if anyone is interested.

Paul Schilling's original patch set is simply a master class, and arguably one of the best collection of presets I've ever encountered. Just did my best to expand on some of those ideas and explore the synth in a slightly different way.

Lots of spacey pads and mournful leads on tap. Not much in the way of bass or more traditional sounds.

As a whole, the Deckard's Dream seems to really excel at layered, nuanced, often delicate patches. It's certainly not as 'massive' as people seem to presume (or at least presume the CS-80 was). It produces some wonderful flute and woodwind sounds as well.

I shot this all in one take, and apologize for some of the Linnstrument noodling, there are definitely a few flubs and some shoddy playing scattered about. My apologies for that.

I gave most of these patches spacey sci-fi Blade Runner inspired names. Which I hope isn't too corny. Just kind of whatever popped into my head. Likewise, please forgive the top of my head from floating in and out of the frame at times. Making these videos has really given me an appreciation for all the little production issues you run into when creating Youtube content.

Hopefully the leveling is decent enough. I've noticed that Youtube compression really shaves off a lot of the high end sparkle that VCO analog synths really excel at. This synth sounds absolutely lovely in person.

Varying amounts of reverb provided by the Oto Bam.

Thanks for listening."

Monday, August 01, 2022

Moog Subharmonicon Ghost Ships Ambient Patch

video upload by riotbell

"I've nearly given up on the Subharmonicon at least half a dozen times. Recently dove back into it with hopes of creating some sharable patches.

I've decided to devote the next month to really delving into this beguiling little synth in hopes of learning at least some of its quirks and secrets.

This is a slow ambient patch with reverb courtesy of the Oto Bam (ambient mode with chorus engaged).

Thanks for listening!"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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