Saturday, October 08, 2005

1977 Korg MicroPreset

Never saw one of these before. Title link takes you a couple more shots.

Korg MicroPreset

Via Craigslist, Vancouver BC
"-small and portable;
-cool "retro" fake-wood chassis;
-very expressive
-warm analog sound;
-sound "matrix" with 30 presets.
This is a little, fun synthesizer! I find it very expressive, and - after a bit of practicing using the Traveler and Modulation Depth sliders, you can get amazingly "felt" usic passages. Of course, being this small, it has many limitations: the attack and sustain knobs won't work with all families of sounds, and so the traveler (filter) effect.

The momentary Portamento-on switch is very useful - so you can add portamento only when you need it (i.e., on a trombone patch, only when you want it to "slide"). The Random Repeat feature is a "random vibrato" effect, but it subtle and chaotic-sounding. This synth can sound very similar to a Theremin, and it can definitely nail down the sound from "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys.

Reportedly this synthesizer was used for the synth line in the '80s hit "Enola Gay" by OMD!"

I got the above off the internet. Really, this is an awesome keyboard that i don't have much use for anymore. If you're into spacey blips and bleeps, or into collecting cool keyboards, this is the one for you. As you can tell by the picture a couple of knobs are missing, but the last time it was played there was nothing wrong with the machine sound wise. "

AES - NeKo Gen2

Via Harmony Central.

NeKo Gen2

"Open Labs today announced at the Audio Engineering Society (AES) conference the release of the first Athlon 64-bit dual-core keyboards, the NeKo64 Gen2, a powerful new version of the NeKo line, and the NeKo LET Gen2. Boasting a 2.0 GHz Athlon dual-core 64-bit processor, the NeKo64 Gen2 maintains the NeKo64's legacy as the most powerful production stations available, by providing the latest generation of advanced processors, while substantially lowering the price. Both models are shipping today; the NeKo64 Gen 2 will list for $5,995 and the NeKo LET Gen 2 will list for $2,295."

AES - Native Instruments

As you all probably know the 119th Audio and Engineering Society convention is on. I've been watching the news trickle in via Harmony Central and other blogs. I'll post synth specific items that catch my eye like the title link that takes you to Native Instruments new offerings. But if you want to get the full scope on other items like audio hardware, monitors, and DAW do check out Harmony Central.

Virus Ti Shots

I told myself I would believe it when I see it. Well, the Virus Ti has shipped. Title link takes you to some shots from one of the first delivered via the Virus Ti forums.

Virus Ti

Friday, October 07, 2005

Kraftwerk Gadgets

GetLoFi has a post up on what he beleives are the instruments in the following picture of Kraftwerk. Pretty cool. Title link takes you there.


Howard Jones on Synths

Great video interview on Howard Jones the RL Music site. He talks about Emerson's influence on him and synths in general. Howard definitely loves his synths. : ) His favorite synth? The Roland Jupiter 8.

Synth Secrets - Buying your first Vintage Analogue Synthesizer

Wow, I'm really impressed with what I'm finding on the RL Music site. And no I have no affiliation with them. Remember this blog is just about me sharing stuff I find out there. If I get paid for any of these posts, yeah right, I'll be clear that it's a sponsored post and precede the post with Sponsored Post -. Hmm.... I haven't thought about that. Anyone out there interested? : )

Update: Also check out this First Time Owner's Experience PDF on the RL Music site.

Digisound 80 Modular & RL Music

I was poking around the RL Music site and found this picture of a Digisound 80 Modular for sale. If you are addicted to synths I recommend checking out their site for more. There are tons of high quality synth shots and much more there. Now if I only had a ton of cash to burn... : )

Digisound 80 Modular
Digisound 80 Modular

Tip: Click on the Title Link, then click on the RL Music logo and then the For Sale button to see some great shots of old analog gear.

Two Amazing Yamaha CS80 Tracks

In via the CS80 User Group. Wow. Title link takes you to RL Music, Europe's largest Vintage Analogue Synthesizer dealer, which hosts these two tracks. Off to puruse their site for more. : )

Tracks by Richard Lawson and Kent Spong

This CS80 is listed for sale on RL Music's site.
Yamaha CS80

Another SH-3 Shot & Early Synth Clones

The SH-3 with Moog filter, not the SH-3a. Roland Polyphonic - 505 and Yamaha CS01.

It's interesting, I never knew the original SH-3 had a Moog filter. Now I'm wondering what the SH-1000 had before it. I also wonder how many synths had cloned features from other manufacturers in the early days.

So far I am aware of the following:

- Ionic Performer - clone of the EMS Synthi
- ARP 2600 with Moog Ladder filter clone
- Octave CAT - said to be an Arp Oddyssey clone
- SH3 with Moog Ladder filter clone

I'm sure I've heard of others, but I don't remember. : ) If you know of any, feel free to share and I'll put them up.

Update via the comments:

Almost everything Multivox put out for several years was a complete Roland ripoff. I had the MX-202 string synth for a while, and it was a part-for-part sounded very good, too.

Image via

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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