Friday, January 06, 2012

circuit bent space explorer SOLAR optical theremin synthesizer

via this auction
"dementia labs new fantasy art synthesizer series SPACE EXPLORER this is the SOLAR EXPLORER (its an optical theremin ..get it ? light?..the sun?) the next in the series will be the LUNAR EXPLORER ( it will be a looper.....orbits the earth...get it?) the next in the series will be TERRA EXPLORER...IT WILL BE A LOFI MIC the next in the series will be a delay unit shaped the same called TIME/SPACE EXPLORER>>>all will have diff color schemes...BUT WHEN STACKED SIDE BY SIDE AND ON TOP OF ONE ANOTHER THEY WILL BE AWSOME!!! AND THEY HAVE IN AND OUT GUITAR JACKS SO YOU CAN DIAISY CHAIN THEM WITH GUITAR PATCH has never been funner!!! scope the trippy video to see hoew this sounds !!!...THEREMIN WAND INCLUDED WITH THIS UNIT sold as is"

YouTube Uploaded by SuperRoss007 on Jan 2, 2012

Comparison of vintage analog Soviet synth Alice 1387 and VSTi Alice2012

YouTube ploaded by tikovbcn on Nov 1, 2011

"At beggining you can hear real analog Alice 1387 , from 35 sec - its VSTI emulation purchase at Softrave presents Alice 2012 Vsti. This instrument is based on waveform samples from Alice 1387 vintage analog soviet synth produced in 80 `s. The idea was to recreate deep low sounds of Alice 1387 as close as possible to original. This synth is good for electro, techno, idm ambient and other electronica styles. This synth will be developed further, i have some ideas how to improve it. Upgrade to next versions will be free for all customers."


via this auction

The Pianome

"It is interesting that the piano, an instrument created to popularize equal temperament, is so biased to certain keys.
The Pianome is an ongoing project in an effort to exploit alternative methods of utilizing a Monome, or any grid controller. Columns of buttons output MIDI notes chromatically upward, and in 4ths across from left to right. Very similar to the structure of a lute, or bass, offering a grid or pattern based approach to performing piano music, rather than each key being a different "finger pattern", as in key biased instruments like a piano.
For added velocity, currently mapped to shift pitch registers for added range, I turned my audio volume pedal into a MIDI controller by controlling a generated tone, who's RMS data is being analyzed, scaled and converted to MIDI in Chuck, and sent back to Ableton Live, where MIDI piano is being triggered.
Since this video, I have built a Chronome, which allows for, among other features, pressure sensitivity. This will allow for a more expressive Pianome. That coupled with double the buttons (and better piano samples) will offer a much more comprehensive fingerboard with the complete range of a piano, rendering the piano almost obsolete."

MLR in Reaktor!

"The original MLR was written in Max/Msp by Brian Crabtree, inventor of the Monome. I have rebuilt his program in another language, Reaktor for many reasons: to best understand how a program works, bottom up; because I would like to see the program have more functionality, and I am more fond/capable of/with Reaktor over Max/Msp; and because Reaktor adds certain features that Max/Msp does not allow for. For one, the ability to use any program created in Reaktor as a VST, automatically in your favorite DAW.

After I am complete advancing the program the way I would like to in Reaktor, I will code it in C as a standalone program."


via this auction
mechanical animals


— 5 Octave Keyboard
— Controls on the front panel:
Volume control, Sustain, Brass timbre, Vibrato frequency, Vibrato depth, Detune
— Section of effects (ON): brass, organ, piano, clavesin, chorus, vibrato delay
— Voltage 220 V, 50 Hz
— Weight with case, kg < 15

[DEMO] Roland D-50 Linear Synthesizer

YouTube Uploaded by thiagogomestoledo on Feb 26, 2011

"A full, complete and superb demo of this amazing synthesizer.

Specifications and history:

This synth have 8 banks with 8 patches (total of 64 patches without memory card). I divided into categories:

1 - Pianos and Elec Pianos (00:02)
2 - Bells / Mallets / Misc (02:33)
3 - Organs (04:30)
4 - Bass / Splits (06:45)
5 - Strings (08:38)
6 - Brass (11:44)
7 - Leads (13:40)
8 - Pads (15:59)"

via The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Access Virus Indigo Rug Burns

via this auction

QuNeo & FX

YouTube Uploaded by KeithMcMillen on Jan 5, 2012

"In this video, Pressure, X, and Y CCs have been mapped to different parameters on 16 audio effects allowing for dynamic and performative audio mangling. Each Pad turns effects on and off, as well as tweaks their knobs and tickles their faders. Vertical sliders change volume, horizontal sliders mix in more audio effects, the long slider cross-fades, and the rotaries are tempo control. Very fun to play, very expressive, and very exciting."
I think they surpassed their goal. $124,874 of $15,000 as of this post.

Quneo & Live VJ Performance

Uploaded by KeithMcMillen on Jan 5, 2012

"QuNeo is a powerful controller for any expressive art. Putting multiple parameters into each pad allows fun effective mapping of gestures onto video generation and processing. Here QuNeo is controlling Isadora video software but can work with any program."

Intro to Synthesis Part 2 - Types of Synthesis & Programming Examples

Part 2 is up! You'll find it added to the main post here.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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