Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Moody Electronics Baby Box Boutique Ambient Drone Synthesizer

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via this auction

"Moody Electronics Baby Box
Boutique, handbuilt ambient drone synthesizer

The Moody Sounds Baby Box is a fun toy for those looking for mad sounds in the jungle of noise! Make a bizarre distortion of reality with this machine! Use it with guitar or let it make sounds on its own!

Baby Box has three modes of action: Auto, Constant and Trig. In the Auto and Constant modes, it generates noise. And you control parameters like noise pitch and tempo, delay interval and length, with its 10 control knobs.

The noise originates from oscillators in the Baby Box circuit. The signals from them are superimposed and a "noise" is produced. One of the oscillators has much lower frequency of oscillation than the others. It gives a "beat" to the noise and the tempo is controlled with the Sun-knob, up to the left - set it near max for rave-floor like sound, and near minimum position for bomb raid alarm kind of noise!

In the Trig mode it is possible for other sound generating devices, such as a guitar, to "talk" to the Baby Box - a line in signal sets off the sounds of the box. The big knob, Pluto, adjusts the mix between clean and noise. Turned all the way to the left, a clean unaffected signal comes out on the line out. As it is turned up, a classic guitar fuzz blends in. The trigging of the noise oscillators begins when Pluto is near maximum.

The noise oscillators are connected to a delay circuit, which puts some "depth" to the sound. The delay has two controls: number of repeats and time between repeats (Neptune and Uranus).

Baby Box is furnished with stereo output. The signal is split up in two in the delay circuit, and different sounds are produced in the two output channels. Plug in stereo headphones directly to the output and have great fun!

This is a very moody pedal. If you want a decently behaving effect, maybe something else is better?! We have added a true bypass foot switch to it. This is if you quickly want to bypass the odd sounds and get back to normal again!"

SCI Prophet 600++ (GliGli's firmware) Sound Demo

"Some sounds created with a modded Sequential circuits Prophet 600.
This p600 has the Gligli's teensy++ beta Firmware.

Chorus and reverb added, no eq no comp."

P600FW Examples

"This weekend I finally finished repairing some dead IC chips on my old Prophet 600 analog synth. I also installed an amazing new open-source AND open hardware CPU/firmware upgrade by a French developer who goes by name "Gligli." More info here:

Here are some examples of the extreme, glitchy, grungy sounds that are now possible to coax from from this once tame polysynth!"

Sequential Circuits Prophet-600 upgrade.

Synth Rorschach #22

"The Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration Project" via Gizmodo

What does this remind you off?  I'll post what it reminded me of the second I saw it in a bit.  Hint: it's also based out of the Pacific Northwest.

Thao & The Get Down Stay Down performs We the Common live in the Moog Sound Lab

Published on Jun 11, 2013 MoogMusicInc·245 videos

"Thao Nguyen is best known for her quirky but cutting brand of alt-folk, but for their Moog Sound Lab re-imagining of 'We the Common', Thao & the Get Down Stay Down create a driving electronic daydream. For the performance, Thao kept her signiture banjo while the rest of the band traded their traditionally acoustic instruments for Moog analog circuitry. Adam Thompson lays down powerful synth bass on the Moog Sub Phatty Synthesizer & Johanna Kunin uses a Slim Phatty poly-chain to create moving electronic melodies. Jason Slota swapped his acoustic drumset for an all analog synth drum sound powered by 3 Minimoog modules."

Mutable Instruments BRAIDS & Ripples Eurorack Module Overviews

BRAIDS manual overview. from Equinoxoz music solutions on Vimeo.

"This is a run through of SOME of the various modes with manual manipulation of the control parameters being played from a basic sequence.

Another video showcasing the same parameters under modulation will soon be added.

The sound of these things is utterly astounding!"

Ripples overview from Equinoxoz music solutions on Vimeo.

"This is an overview of this wonderful sounding little filter module, i go through the various modes and the on board VCA.

It all sounds good but in particular I think it sounds excellent when modulated at Audio rates. Perhaps the most straight forward of the Mutable Instruments modules I have tried by why complicate things? sometimes all you need is a sweet, musical filter that ticks all the boxes and that's EXACTLY what it is!"

New Abstract Data ADE-30 Wave Boss & ADE-31 Logic Boss Eurorack Modules

flickr by Justin Owen abstractjuz (clic for more pics)

ADE-30 Wave Boss

10 HP multi-function waveform & CV utility module from Abstract Data

ADE-31 Logic Boss

Multi-function Logic & Gate Utility Module

Coming soon from Abstract Data.

Masterclass avec Michel Geiss (rencontre du 25 mai 2013)

For the French speakers out there.  This is a follow-up to this video post from the event.

"(Retrouvez les photos de cet évènement ici :

Nos rencontres sont toujours l'occasion d'en faire des magnifiques, et celle du 25 mai restera pour beaucoup dans les mémoires !

Ce jour là nous organisions une masterclass avec Michel Geiss, ingénieur du son spécialisé dans le mastering, créateur d'instruments, et proche collaborateur de Jean-Michel Jarre de 1976 à 1994.

Cette rencontre fut l'occasion de revenir sur la leur, et d'évoquer leur collaboration riche en créativité. Pour l'occasion, Michel Geiss nous avait fait l'honneur de venir avec le Matrisequencer, l'un des trois instruments qu'il a réalisé pour et à la demande de Jean-Michel Jarre.

Cette rencontre fut également l'occasion d'aborder le métier d'ingénieur du son (mixage, spatialisation...) et plus particulièrement le mastering, étape mystérieuse et abstraite pour beaucoup de musiciens amateurs. Je suis persuadé que Michel, par son approche pratique et logique, en aura décomplexé plus d'un...

Bien entendu, cette rencontre n'aurait pas été complète si nous ne nous étions pas penché sur les travaux personnels de Michel Geiss.

Cet échange, qui a tout de même duré plus de 4 heures, est désormais disponible en MP3 pour que tout le monde puisse en profiter. Vous serez très probablement surpris par sa modestie, sa franchise et son gout de l'échange.

Modularsquare est un magasin et une communauté de passionnés d'instruments électroniques. Chaque mois nous organisons une rencontre gratuite et ouverte à tous autour d'un thème spécifique. et Facebook

Contact : cyril (at) / +33/1 45 15 41 95"

Thomas Henry CMOS ADSR by fonitronik

flickr by fonitronik

"the new finished prototype of the Thomas Henry CMOS ADSR by fonitronik DIY, with added stage gate outputs and an end-trigger."

Livid BASE

Published on Jun 11, 2013 lividTV·140 videos

"BASE combines the technology of drum machines and touch screens, Base merges pressure sensitive pads with touch faders, all brilliantly lit with full-color LEDs. The Base inspires beats, new melodies, instant sound tweaks, and invites control of just about anything that support MIDI. Designed in an ultra sleek, high-quality aluminum body with no moving parts, it's the ultimate mix of ruggedness and portability."

Livid Instruments BASE on eBay

Roland SP-606

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
Perfect Circuit Audio (RSS)

Here's an interesting bit.  So why is it interesting to me?  Out of 94,773 published posts on the site including this one, this is only the second time the SP-606 has been featured in one. It's not because I'm avoiding it or something, it's because it simply hasn't come in.  The only other post is this video post from March 2010. I think I completely forgot this existed until now.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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