MATRIXSYNTH: TouchOSC Template for the M-Audio Venom

Friday, March 18, 2011

TouchOSC Template for the M-Audio Venom

You can find the TouchOSC template here. Note this does require The Missing Link to work as it uses OSC to MIDI for sysex support.

You can find a TB MIDI Stuff port of the editor which does not require The Missing Link here.

video here

The template covers single mode for the M-Audio Venom. Click on each image for the full size shot. You can see every single editable parameter of the Venom in single mode. Note the Venom does have 16 modulation slots. I stopped at 10 as that is good enough for me for now.

The template is mapped for The Missing Link. You can however map it to OSCulator or other so it should at least save you some time if you are on those formats. Update: You can find a TB MIDI Stuff port of the editor which does not require The Missing Link here.

See this post for a video - note I switched to the Venom color scheme for the template. It looks much sharper than the rainbow colors I originally had.


  1. Hi there. I'm really pleased you've made this template. I've downloaded it and would really like to get it to work.
    I'm a bit of a noob to TouchOsc so I'm not sure of the connections I need to set up. Maybe you can help?
    I currently have the template open in TouchOsc with a midi cable directly from my iPad to the Venom, but the Venom is not receiving any of the control change messages. Is there something I've missed?
    Any help would be great! Thanks. Rob

    1. The template requires The Missing Link which is no longer manufactured. There is a TB Midi Stuff port that will work. See the link for it in the post.

  2. It is abandoned as any other Venom editor, isn't it?

    1. I updated the link with a path to the templates I have available. Note I only have the TouchOSC template for the Venom and it is mapped for The Missing Link mentioned in the post. If you do not have The Missing Link you will have to edit each parameter to work over sysex, but the template UI is there.

    2. I found the TB Midi Stuff editor for the Venom and added it to the share. You can find it here:


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