Showing posts with label M Editor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M Editor. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Yamaha FS1R Editor for iPad

Update: you can find a TB MIDI Stuff port here that does not require The Missing Link.

TouchOSC editor for the Yamaha FS1R. 80 pages and months in the making. This editor was made with TouchOSC and is currently mapped for The Missing Link. You can, however, re-map it for Osculator or other, but it is fairly large - over 1000 parameters. Every single parameter controlling sound on the FS1R is covered. You can find the editor here and on The Missing Link forum here.

Click each pic for the full size shot.

The full editor is actually split into five editors, one main editor and four Operator editors (one for each part). Pictured here are the unique editing screens to give you an idea of the sheer number of parameters available on the FS1R. This is one massive synth consisting of FM, Formant and subtractive synthesis.

Main editor (16 pages/tabs): fseq editing, common controls, Part1 control (if you look at the tabs you can see Part2 - 4 as well), LFO & Filter, Formant Algorithm selection, FM Algorithm selection, Reverb, Variation Effects (two pages), Insert Efects (three pages), and EQ.

Operator editor (16 pages/tabs x 4 editors): Below EQ are two screen grabs for the Operator edit pages. Each of four parts on the FS1R has a total of eight voiced operators and eight unvoiced operators. Each voiced and each unvoiced operator has the same set of parameters.

Note there are a couple of quirks to this editor. The FS1R has a few parameters that are higher resolution than The Missing Link supports. You can get from 0 to max, but fine tuning is best done on the FS1R itself.

Some parameters are only applicable based on other parameter settings. I tried to capture these, however I did a much better job with the effects section and later in the editor. If you look at the FX pages you will see color coding for each slider. This is because the effect parameters on the FS1R share the same sysex but do different things depending on which effect is selected.

If you use the editor and find any other quirks let me know.

The great thing about the editor, in this case specifically, is that it will allow you to explore the FS1R without hunching over the rack and flipping through menus. It's all laid out in full screen in front of you. You can flip through pages and just explore and try things out. For a synth this complex it really does help in learning how each parameter effects a given sound. You can set the mix levels down for all but one part, focus on it and then bring other parts back in.

As with all TouchOSC based editors, you can also jump values, while on the FS1R there is no number pad so you have to go the full range from point a to point z. If you look at the Algorithm screens for example you can see with this editor you can directly select any algorithm you want.

If you look at the top screen you can play the fseqs start and end times like an old school sampler - think Akai S612 sliders.

The one thing I do wish the FS1R did was update it's screen to the parameter being edited, that way you can use both. If anyone knows if this is possible, let me know.

Click each screen to get a taste of what the FS1R can do.

TouchOSC - hexler - iTunes
The Missing Link
iPads on eBay

Monday, August 22, 2011

Prophet VS Editor for iPad

Update2: you can find a TB MIDI Stuff port of the editor in this post.
[Update: the Wave screen to the left has been updated with additional waveform names in via Jason Proctor. Updated screenshot below.]
TouchOSC editor for the Sequential Circuits Prophet VS. Click each pic for the full size shot. This editor was made with TouchOSC and is currently mapped for The Missing Link. You can, however, re-map it for Osculator or other. You can find the editor here and on The Missing Link forum here. Note in order for your Prophet-VS to responds to MIDI Sysex parameter changes you need to set "MIDI Parameters" under "MIDI Option Select" to enabled. Your MIDI device also has support MIDI Sysex.

The cool thing about this editor vs. editing directly on the Prophet VS is you can jump values. With the VS you select a parameter and use the slider to adjust, meaning to get from 15 to 120 you have to scroll through all values from 15 to 120. With this editor you can switch directly to 120 or any other value. I also created an XY pad for waveform selection, so instead of being limited with the onboard joystick for mix levels of the four oscillators only, you can use the additional XY pads for waveform selection (see bottom pic). Again you can jump parameters with the XY pads for both mix levels and waveform selection. This is not possible on the Prophet VS directly. And of course you can jump other slider values like cutoff frequency, resonance, and others. This allows you to play parameters in real time including creating manual rhythmic effects not possible on the VS directly.

TouchOSC - hexler - iTunes
The Missing Link
iPads on eBay

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sequential Circuits Six-Trak iPad Editor

This one is for the MIDITouch editor. You can find it here. To install it, you email it to yourself and then open it on the iPad. Odd, but it works. Also you will need to enable the Six-Trak to receive MIDI CC messages by holding down the Control section record button followed by 4 in the Select section to the right of Control (see this pic for reference).

I created an iPad Editors label for synth specific editors on the iPad. These are for existing templates. Let me know if I'm missing any and I will post them. Contact email is on the bottom right of the site.

MIDI Touch - Domestic Cat - iTunes
iPads on eBay

Friday, March 18, 2011

TouchOSC Template for the M-Audio Venom

You can find the TouchOSC template here. Note this does require The Missing Link to work as it uses OSC to MIDI for sysex support.

You can find a TB MIDI Stuff port of the editor which does not require The Missing Link here.

video here

The template covers single mode for the M-Audio Venom. Click on each image for the full size shot. You can see every single editable parameter of the Venom in single mode. Note the Venom does have 16 modulation slots. I stopped at 10 as that is good enough for me for now.

The template is mapped for The Missing Link. You can however map it to OSCulator or other so it should at least save you some time if you are on those formats. Update: You can find a TB MIDI Stuff port of the editor which does not require The Missing Link here.

See this post for a video - note I switched to the Venom color scheme for the template. It looks much sharper than the rainbow colors I originally had.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Rhodes Chroma TouchOSC Templates Complete

Update: see this post for a port that does not require The Missing Link.
One for The Missing Link and two for OSCulator. Click the images for the full size screens. They will show you every editable parameter on the Chroma. The template interfaces for The Missing Link and OSCulator are exactly the same. The only difference is in the message format each sends. You can find a video of the previous template in this post. It's roughly the same but I switched out sliders for toggles where appropriate for finer control over the parameters.

I sent the following to the Rhodes Chroma List and wanted to capture it here in a post. If you have a Chroma and are not on the list, you owe it to yourself to join it. See for everything Chroma. It's an amazing resource.

"Hi everyone. The Chroma TouchOSC editors are ready. Yes editors plural. I made two, one for The Missing Link, and one for OSCulator so those that don't have The Missing Link can try it out. If you have an iPad and a Mac with MIDI you can get going right now. If you don't you can still check out the templates in the TouchOSC editor which runs on Windows, Mac or Linux.

If all of this is new to you and a little confusing. It's not as complicated as you think. Once you get set up it's a breeze and running the editor is as simple as launching a stand alone app for the iPad.

In short:
1. TouchOSC is an iOS and Android app that transmits OSC (Open Sound Control) Messages.
2. OSCulator and The Missing Link translates these messages into MIDI

TouchOSC consists of two programs, an editor and the app that runs on the iPad, iPhone/iPod Touch, or Android. The editor runs on Windows, Mac or Linux and is where you design templates. The app runs your templates on an iOS or Android device.

OSCulator is an app that runs on a Mac only and acts as the translator for TouchOSC to MIDI. You connect from the iPad to your Mac over wireless.

The Missing Link is a little wireless TouchOSC MIDI device that does the same as OSCulator minus the need for a PC or Mac. It is also a class compliant USB MIDI merge device.

You can grab the templates here.

Setup Instructions for TouchOSC (only do this once):
1. Install TouchOSC on your iPad via iTunes or It is free. Follow the instructions on site.
2. Install the TouchOSC editor Follow the instructions on site.

Setup Instructions for OSCulator (only do this once):
1. Install OSCulator:
2. Follow the Quickstart Guide:

Install Templates:
1. Download the appropriate templates - two OSCulator files if you are going to use OSCulator or one ML file if you are going to use The Missing Link.
2. Copy the .touchosc file/s to the TouchOSC application folder.
3. Copy the .oscd file to the OSCulator application folder.
6. Double click/open the template you plan to use
7. Click on the Sync button
8. Open TouchOSC on your iPad
9. On the iPad, in TouchOSC's settings, click on the template name listed under Layout
10. Click on Add
11. Click on your computer's name. It should add the Chroma template
12. Click the TouchOSC button on the top left of the screen to get out of the Layout screen
13. Click Done on the top right of the TouchOSC screen. With The Missing Link you are good to go. For OSCulator:
14. Launch the Chroma OSCulator template, click on Parameters and set MIDI for your MIDI device - MIDI out of your Mac to MIDI in of your Chroma. You should be good to go.

If things don't seem to be working, close out of TouchOSC completely. Get out of the program, double click on the iPad's "launch/start" button, hold your finger down on the OSC icon for a few seconds and then click on the minus to close it. Make sure your iPad is connected to the same network as your Mac and then open TouchOSC again. Follow the setup instructions on and/or to make sure everything is connected properly.

Once setup is complete you can just launch whatever template you want to use and go.

A quick note: if you plan on using The Missing Link and OSCulator interchangeably, remember to switch the Network setting in the TouchOSC iPad app's settings. It does not auto discover like the iPad's wireless settings, so be sure to write them down."

TouchOSC - hexler
iPads on eBay

Update: Some troubleshooting tips via Ben on the Rhodes Chroma list:

---OSCulator was not sending midi out of my interface, even though I had it selected to do so. I had to go into Audio Midi setup on my Mac, enable IAC, and then select it as an input source within OSCulator. It then properly passed the information out of my interface, an old first gen USB MOTU Midi Express XT. Although this is listed in the OSCulator manual, I didn't see it in any of the general setup instructions on Matrix's site so if you have this problem turning IAC on may fix it.
---The Chroma must be set to Extended Program mode... set split 36, parameter 6 set to on
---The Chroma must be set to Custom MCM mode... set split 18 set to Cust
That was pretty much it, the rest was just basic missteps with me learning how to get the Ipad/TouchOsc/Osculator stuff working properly.
Now that I have it working, It should be pretty solid unless I go start changing parameters.
Thanks everyone, and especially to Matrix for making this available for free!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Wireless iPad Editor for the Waldorf Pulse+ - TouchOSC & The Missing Link

The Missing Link TouchOSC Template for Waldorf Pulse

YouTube via matrixsynth | February 06, 2011

Note how you can jump between parameter values. You can't do that with traditional sliders and knobs.

TouchOSC editor for the Waldorf Pulse+. This should work with the Pulse as well. The editor is mapped for The Missing Link ( wireless TouchOSC to MIDI device. No PC/Mac is used. Communication is as follows:

iPad ---(wireless)---> The Missing Link ---(MIDI cable)---> Pulse+

Note there is no PC in between. The Missing Link handles all communication between the iPad and the Pulse+, and communication between the iPad and The Missing Link is completely over wifi - no cables. You are free to roam with the iPad. The video above shows some basic editing of parameters to show how it works. Every editable parameter of the Pulse+ is featured along with some custom controls including touch pads, keys and more. Not in the demo, but on each screen you can see a red and green square. These are middle C note on and note off buttons for drones and experimentation with the controls when you do not want to use an arpeggiator. I actually have The Missing Link going into a MIDI Merge so I can use an external keyboard as well. The Missing Link is a class compliant MIDI USB device and can be used with the iPad camera connection kit as a CoreMIDI device or with your PC/Mac. Note in the beginning of the video the Pulse is sitting in a rack. The iPad with The Missing Link frees you of the rack and enhances the editing interface of the Pulse, making it much more usable in the studio or live setting. Below are screens for each page of the template in order. You can find the template here and on here. You can find more info on The Missing Link wireless TouchOSC to MIDI box here. Click the screens below for the full size shots. Also see my Rhodes Chroma editor. I'll be testing and posting that in the coming week/s.

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