MATRIXSYNTH: Midi / Error!! Alternate MIDI Max/MSP Controllers

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Midi / Error!! Alternate MIDI Max/MSP Controllers

Midi / Error!! /// phulebox2012 \\\ Multi-Effects Unit - playstation controller + MaxMSP

YouTube Uploaded by midierror on Mar 22, 2010

"This is my final year uni project from a few years back. Its a software multi-effects unit I built in MaxMSP. It is controlled using a playstation controller, and is designed to be used while DJing. That said, it can be used with any input device such as a guitar, mic, drum machine, commodore 64, or minidisc player.

It has had changes made to make the screen more functional and user friendly. The 'engine' routing matrix is now hidden and all its settings can be changed using the directions.

Each of the effects can be fed through one another, or used singularly. The analog sticks control four parameters that can be locked to store placement.

At the time this was amazingly difficult to program, and the front end was a full screen. Its looking swish in MaxMSP5 !"

MIDI / error !! /// Xitar \\\ Xbox 360 Rock Band Guitar as Midi Controller

Uploaded by midierror on Jul 7, 2010

"Pronounced "Zitar" this is a Xbox 360 wireless controller sending messages to a hardware synth.

The tune on the intro is: Autologue - Last (Midi/error!! jungle mutation)"

Midi / Error !! /// Walyx \\\ Wacom Tablet + Max MSP - Controls Amen Break pitch and loop points

Uploaded by midierror on Mar 24, 2010

"This is an illustration of what can be done with a wacom graphics tablet and max msp. Using a max external it picks up the x y axis of the pen and converts it to the pitch (x-axis) and loop end (y-axis). It took about 2 minutes to make this patch. . . . .

The tablet has 3 buttons for on/off states and features pressure sensitivity......therefore a total of 9 parameters can be changed using it. Im going to dig a bit deeper with this idea, and see what I can make; particularly in terms of synth playback."

Midi / Error !! /// X-bovst \\\ Xbox Midi Controller for FM VST using Max MSP

Uploaded by midierror on Mar 23, 2010

"I wrote this patch for MaxMSP to control the amazing YMVST synth. As you can hear its a great little vst; based on the old YM2149 can get it from here:

Im not too happy with the way this worked out as its controlled mainly by buttons......but im sure someone might appreciate this.

I have also written a patch to control an Astation synth using a Playstation controller......but that is currently getting an overhaul.

respect to gareth morris for a wicked peice o kit !"


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