Showing posts with label Midi/Error!!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Midi/Error!!. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

x0xb0x with overdrive

Published on Nov 24, 2015 midierror

"A couple more mods done to the x0xb0x this time with overdrive and vca decay knobs. See the other video [here] for more"

Monday, October 26, 2015

x0xb0x [TB303 Clone] Modifications

Published on Oct 26, 2015 midierror

"Beefed up x0xb0x thanks to the Subatomic glue guide. Lots of easy bends, and quite comfortable to house everything."


Friday, August 28, 2015

Powertran Transcendent 2000 Overview & Demo by Midi/Error!!

Published on Aug 28, 2015 midierror

"A look at the features of the Transcendent 2000 synthesizer, designed by Tim Orr and used most notably by Martin Hannet and Joy Division."

Powertran Transcendent 2000 [ demo ]

Published on Aug 28, 2015

"Messing about with the Transcendent 2000 through a Lexicon reverb/delay unit."

Yamaha DX7 vs ARPIE - MIDI Arpeggiator

Published on Aug 28, 2015 midierror

"Giving the ancient synthesizer a new lease of life with the ARPIE from Jason Hotchkiss! Check out his other goodies here

Synth Explorer DX7 is available here"

Monday, April 06, 2015

midierror Yamaha FB01 Editor Setup

Published on Apr 6, 2015 midierror

"Quick vid on setting up the editor. Get the FB01 receiving MIDI on Channel 1 from your DAW, then open the editor. Select the MIDI device it will receive on and press power.

Ensure the FB01 is set to receive all, and make sure both system and instrument channels are set to 1."

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Midi/Error!! Releases Robotica Sample Pack on Vinyl

Robotica Sample Pack [12" Vinyl] Test Pressing

Uploaded on Mar 31, 2015 midierror

Is this the first sample pack on vinyl?

"Finally, the test pressing of ROBOTICA has arrived. After many months of work, it`s almost ready for release and sounds amazing!

Preorder your copy here:­ca"

Some details on the pack via loopmasters:

"Loopmasters welcome back extreme samplist MIDI Error with a brand new Royalty Free sample collection of twisted and abused electronic talking toys.

Mr Error is back to his old tricks tormenting innocent inanimate objects, this time armed with a PZ2 insulated screwdriver and a wet finger he has managed to coax strange garbled electronic noises and words from a collection of dusty electronic toys and games for your listening pleasure.

Every sound in this collection has come from genuinely abused toys mic-ed and hardwired to a chain of devastating audio effects including Bitcrushers, Watkins Tape Delay, Mooger Fooger Pedals and then plumbed into a vintage Reel to Reel tape machine for some warm Analog saturation.

During the last moments of their inevitable death and whilst under heavy interrogation these battery operated kid’s companions spat out their entire vocal range and then some, luckily our sample hero was there to capture it all to tape.

Producers should expect to find a huge range of sounds and tones that include Crunchy Drums, Nasty Glitch Loops, Noisy Melodies and Circuit Bent Hits and Stabs alongside a wicked collection of Synthesised speech including words and phrases from toys as well as some tasty vocoded phrases..."

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Midi/Error!! FOG Effect Box + Nintendo Gameboy & DIY Ring Modulator

Published on Mar 31, 2015 midierror

"Originally a toy voice-changer megaphone. Now enclosed in a VHS box, and fitted with input/output sockets."

I created a new Midi/Error!! label for these moving forward. Midi/Error!! has been featured on the site before primarily for his mods to existing gear and circuit bending. A search on his YouTube handle midierror will bring up previous posts. Scroll down past this post to get to them.


DIY Ring Modulator

Published on Mar 31, 2015

"Very simple ring modulator made with 2 x transformers and 4 x diodes. Check the internet for schematics, there are loads about!"

Saturday, February 28, 2015

DIY Electronic Drum Kit [Yamaha DD-35 and Nord Drum]

Published on Feb 28, 2015 midierror

"A Yamaha DD35 slightly modified to trigger a Nord Drum machine.

This drum box also has a secret pedal input, if you look on the board next to the audio out."

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cynthcart and DIY Paddle for Commodore 64

Published on Apr 17, 2014 midierror·68 videos

"I take a look at Cynthcart, showing the effectiveness of the DIY homebrew paddle box for filter/pulsewidth/lfo/pitch changes.

My tutorial on making the box:

Cynthcart homepage:

MSSIAH - C64 sequencer and synth:

RetroSkoi synth:"

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Midi / Error!! Alternate MIDI Max/MSP Controllers

Midi / Error!! /// phulebox2012 \\\ Multi-Effects Unit - playstation controller + MaxMSP

YouTube Uploaded by midierror on Mar 22, 2010

"This is my final year uni project from a few years back. Its a software multi-effects unit I built in MaxMSP. It is controlled using a playstation controller, and is designed to be used while DJing. That said, it can be used with any input device such as a guitar, mic, drum machine, commodore 64, or minidisc player.

It has had changes made to make the screen more functional and user friendly. The 'engine' routing matrix is now hidden and all its settings can be changed using the directions.

Each of the effects can be fed through one another, or used singularly. The analog sticks control four parameters that can be locked to store placement.

At the time this was amazingly difficult to program, and the front end was a full screen. Its looking swish in MaxMSP5 !"

MIDI / error !! /// Xitar \\\ Xbox 360 Rock Band Guitar as Midi Controller

Uploaded by midierror on Jul 7, 2010

"Pronounced "Zitar" this is a Xbox 360 wireless controller sending messages to a hardware synth.

The tune on the intro is: Autologue - Last (Midi/error!! jungle mutation)"

Midi / Error !! /// Walyx \\\ Wacom Tablet + Max MSP - Controls Amen Break pitch and loop points

Uploaded by midierror on Mar 24, 2010

"This is an illustration of what can be done with a wacom graphics tablet and max msp. Using a max external it picks up the x y axis of the pen and converts it to the pitch (x-axis) and loop end (y-axis). It took about 2 minutes to make this patch. . . . .

The tablet has 3 buttons for on/off states and features pressure sensitivity......therefore a total of 9 parameters can be changed using it. Im going to dig a bit deeper with this idea, and see what I can make; particularly in terms of synth playback."

Midi / Error !! /// X-bovst \\\ Xbox Midi Controller for FM VST using Max MSP

Uploaded by midierror on Mar 23, 2010

"I wrote this patch for MaxMSP to control the amazing YMVST synth. As you can hear its a great little vst; based on the old YM2149 can get it from here:

Im not too happy with the way this worked out as its controlled mainly by buttons......but im sure someone might appreciate this.

I have also written a patch to control an Astation synth using a Playstation controller......but that is currently getting an overhaul.

respect to gareth morris for a wicked peice o kit !"


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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