Showing posts with label Xbox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Xbox. Show all posts
Saturday, October 05, 2013
XBOX Rockband 3 Keytar: Controlling the Moog Minitaur
Published on Oct 4, 2013 Jackie Ananian·14 videos
Previous synth videos featuring My Beautiful Leah posted here.
"A delightful song recorded live - bass played with the xbox rockband midi controller/keytar!!!!!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Midi / Error!! Alternate MIDI Max/MSP Controllers
Midi / Error!! /// phulebox2012 \\\ Multi-Effects Unit - playstation controller + MaxMSP
YouTube Uploaded by midierror on Mar 22, 2010
"This is my final year uni project from a few years back. Its a software multi-effects unit I built in MaxMSP. It is controlled using a playstation controller, and is designed to be used while DJing. That said, it can be used with any input device such as a guitar, mic, drum machine, commodore 64, or minidisc player.
It has had changes made to make the screen more functional and user friendly. The 'engine' routing matrix is now hidden and all its settings can be changed using the directions.
Each of the effects can be fed through one another, or used singularly. The analog sticks control four parameters that can be locked to store placement.
At the time this was amazingly difficult to program, and the front end was a full screen. Its looking swish in MaxMSP5 !"
MIDI / error !! /// Xitar \\\ Xbox 360 Rock Band Guitar as Midi Controller
Uploaded by midierror on Jul 7, 2010
"Pronounced "Zitar" this is a Xbox 360 wireless controller sending messages to a hardware synth.
The tune on the intro is: Autologue - Last (Midi/error!! jungle mutation)"
Midi / Error !! /// Walyx \\\ Wacom Tablet + Max MSP - Controls Amen Break pitch and loop points
Uploaded by midierror on Mar 24, 2010
"This is an illustration of what can be done with a wacom graphics tablet and max msp. Using a max external it picks up the x y axis of the pen and converts it to the pitch (x-axis) and loop end (y-axis). It took about 2 minutes to make this patch. . . . .
The tablet has 3 buttons for on/off states and features pressure sensitivity......therefore a total of 9 parameters can be changed using it. Im going to dig a bit deeper with this idea, and see what I can make; particularly in terms of synth playback."
Midi / Error !! /// X-bovst \\\ Xbox Midi Controller for FM VST using Max MSP
Uploaded by midierror on Mar 23, 2010
"I wrote this patch for MaxMSP to control the amazing YMVST synth. As you can hear its a great little vst; based on the old YM2149 can get it from here:
Im not too happy with the way this worked out as its controlled mainly by buttons......but im sure someone might appreciate this.
I have also written a patch to control an Astation synth using a Playstation controller......but that is currently getting an overhaul.
respect to gareth morris for a wicked peice o kit !"
YouTube Uploaded by midierror on Mar 22, 2010
"This is my final year uni project from a few years back. Its a software multi-effects unit I built in MaxMSP. It is controlled using a playstation controller, and is designed to be used while DJing. That said, it can be used with any input device such as a guitar, mic, drum machine, commodore 64, or minidisc player.
It has had changes made to make the screen more functional and user friendly. The 'engine' routing matrix is now hidden and all its settings can be changed using the directions.
Each of the effects can be fed through one another, or used singularly. The analog sticks control four parameters that can be locked to store placement.
At the time this was amazingly difficult to program, and the front end was a full screen. Its looking swish in MaxMSP5 !"
MIDI / error !! /// Xitar \\\ Xbox 360 Rock Band Guitar as Midi Controller
Uploaded by midierror on Jul 7, 2010
"Pronounced "Zitar" this is a Xbox 360 wireless controller sending messages to a hardware synth.
The tune on the intro is: Autologue - Last (Midi/error!! jungle mutation)"
Midi / Error !! /// Walyx \\\ Wacom Tablet + Max MSP - Controls Amen Break pitch and loop points
Uploaded by midierror on Mar 24, 2010
"This is an illustration of what can be done with a wacom graphics tablet and max msp. Using a max external it picks up the x y axis of the pen and converts it to the pitch (x-axis) and loop end (y-axis). It took about 2 minutes to make this patch. . . . .
The tablet has 3 buttons for on/off states and features pressure sensitivity......therefore a total of 9 parameters can be changed using it. Im going to dig a bit deeper with this idea, and see what I can make; particularly in terms of synth playback."
Midi / Error !! /// X-bovst \\\ Xbox Midi Controller for FM VST using Max MSP
Uploaded by midierror on Mar 23, 2010
"I wrote this patch for MaxMSP to control the amazing YMVST synth. As you can hear its a great little vst; based on the old YM2149 can get it from here:
Im not too happy with the way this worked out as its controlled mainly by buttons......but im sure someone might appreciate this.
I have also written a patch to control an Astation synth using a Playstation controller......but that is currently getting an overhaul.
respect to gareth morris for a wicked peice o kit !"
Alternate Controllers,
Soft Synths,
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
another demo of the rock band 3 pro squier midi output
YouTube Uploaded by hewstigator on Mar 8, 2011
Follow-up to this post.
"OK after that first video i realized i hadn't taken advantage of two key features of the rock band 3 squier guitar so here is another demo:
because each string of the guitar transmits on a different channel, you can assign each one to a different instrument. (imagine 6 fat monophonic synths assigned to each string!). here, in the first track (the large video) the top two (thickest) strings are assigned to an acoustic bass, and the lower four (thinner) strings are assigned to a modular lead on my beloved mattson mini modular analog synth... (because i was not feeling very coordinated, i am only playing the 1st, 2nd, and 4th strings though)...
the inset video is all of the strings assigned to control a lead patch on the mattson modular synth, but this time i have enabled the pitch bend - i said before that the guitar did not detect any "string vibrato" you may give it.. well, if you enable pitch bend, and set the max bend depth to one half step (it is very sensitive), then if you wobble your hand to give the note vibrato, the guitar will sense your hand shaking the guitar and actually output a useable vibrato via pitch bend... so that is what you want to pay attention to in the inset...
i think, if i recall correctly, the large video lead is the mattson + a VCO from the moogerfooger freqbox, and the inset is the mattson + moogerfooger ring modulation...
finally, a close listen to the bass line track will reveal that sometimes each finger-pluck sends a bunch of note-ons which is a little muddy... i think that this would not happen if i were wearing "finger picks", but i didn't have any on hand at the time!
also, sorry about the pre-mature fade-out, my android phone randomly decided to stop recording the large video prematurely..."
Monday, March 07, 2011
Quick test of rock band 3 squier stratocaster guitar midi
YouTube Uploaded by hewstigator on Mar 7, 2011
"So I just bought this rock band 3 pro guitar, and viola, my xbox 360 decided to give me that infamous RROD 2 years out of warranty, sigh...
...feeling weird about throwing more money into another xbox (or a repaired one) I decided to do some preliminary messing around with the guitar's MIDI. Here, there is one track with the guitar doing rhythm work into a wurlitzer EP patch (it's not a great interesting sound, i know, but i use it to show that the polyphonic tracking is pretty decent), and then, just for kicks another track with the guitar controlling my new addiction, the mattson mini modular, with some impromptu knob adjustment and then adding an octave saw with the moogerfooger freqbox.
the guitar is nice in that it is $280 for a guitar midi controller. it is not so nice in that (a) it will not detect any bent notes, (b) accurate transient detection requires putting up the string mute (thereby making it not well suited for using both the guitar's audio output and the midi output at the same time), and (c) if you are plugged into a bright amp, you can hear the midi messages clicking away if it's on... oh also (d) sometimes, depending on what you're connecting to, having both the midi and audio connected will cause the midi generator to "go crazy".. i think it's a grounding thing...
all that being said, i think it's probably unbeatable at this price - the entire fretboard is wired so that each fret is divided into 6 contact points (one for each string) meaning that polyphonic note tracking feels perfect - with the caveat that since it doesn't use the audio for any pitch tracking, it will ignore vibrato, etc.
the guitar attempts to compensate for this by adding two axes of position detection - lifting the neck will send a scattered bunch of pitch bend signals, that, with smoothing, could be made usable. tilting the face of the guitar down towards the floor sends expression controller data which seems a little more smooth than the pitch bend... so in theory you could re-map those to get back some of the functionality you lose by not being able to wobble the strings around on their frets...?"
Thursday, January 06, 2011
XBox 360 Ableton Live device parameter controller
XBox 360 Ableton Live device parameter controller from AntonAudio on Vimeo.
"This patch started as an OSC game controller that I decided to port to Max for Live to take advantage of the device parameter control API. It was a pretty painless port, most of the work was trying to fit everything into the narrow UI space and attempting to execute a clever way to tab through the 5 pages of control options. I think it turned out pretty nice, its still got some bugs but is a lot of fun to experiment with.
As in my OSC patch, I’ve made each message range scalable for fine tuning control possibilities. There are 5 nodes for each joystick plus XY values which gave me 7 possible control parameters for each joystick! I also implemented an adjustable sustained noteout message when pushing the sticks down so I could trigger pads and arpeggiators with the same controller.
I again pretty much randomly assigned a bunch of controls to an arpeggiator, percussive synth, drum machine parameters, ambient synth, effects, effects and more effects:) Check the vid if you’re interested to hear some results. Sound starts at 00:18 seconds."
Monday, December 13, 2010
OpenKinect - Keyboard Anywhere
YouTube via petermmoz | December 04, 2010 | 112 likes, 1 dislikes
"Next iteration of OpenKinect Piano
Demoing placing the keyboard wherever you like.
Also, attempting to play a duet (inspired by the movie "Big" -
Made possible by libfreenect ( and coded in python
Works at 30fps with no lag!"
Friday, December 10, 2010
Air Guitar prototype with Kinect
Air Guitar prototype with Kinect from Chris O'Shea on Vimeo.
"Sorry about the filming quality, need a screen recorder.
Full description here
Follow me for project updates"
XBox 360 OSC Controller
XBox 360 OSC Controller from AntonAudio on Vimeo.
"I have wanted to do something creative with a game controller ever since I first discovered the [human interface] object in Max. And as soon as the new Nodes object was released I thought a great implementation would be to use it with some sort of joystick.
I’m using MaxMSP to receive all the control data from an XBox 360 controller and converting it to OSC messages to be used with any program that accepts OSC, in this case Reaktor. I’ve made each message range scalable as well, for fine tuning control possibilities.
I added 9 nodes for each joystick which gave me 11 control parameters (including XY) for each joystick! It was a little unpredictable to know what kinds of results that would achieve but that was the fun part :)
I pretty much randomly assigned all the controls to this ring modulating synth and buffer effect Buffeater. Fun times."
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Therenect - Kinect Theremin
Therenect - Kinect Theremin - 2nd Demo from Martin Kaltenbrunner on Vimeo.
"The Therenect is a virtual Theremin for the Kinect controller. It defines two virtual antenna points, which allow controlling the pitch and volume of a simple oscillator. The distance to these points can be controlled by freely moving the hand in three dimensions or by reshaping the hand, which allows gestures that should be quite similar to playing an actual Theremin.
In this new demo we demonstrate the improved handling of the Therenect, getting closer to a common Theremin playing style. This updated version also synthesizes the original Theremin waveform as well as alternative sine, saw and square waves. In addition to an improved pitch scaling this version introduces discrete musical scales such as the chromatic, major and pentatonic scale, which automatically tune the instrument.
This application still needs several enhancements before it will be released to the public. The overall stability of the hand tracking and the modeling of the subtle hand and finger gestures still need some major improvements in order to simulate the behavior of an original Theremin more satisfactory.
This musical instrument has been developed by Martin Kaltenbrunner at the Interface Culture Lab at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz, Austria. The software has been developed using the Open Frameworks and OpenKinect libraries."
Therenect - Kinect Theremin from Martin Kaltenbrunner on Vimeo.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
kinect tuio midi synth
kinect tuio midi synth from dustin o'connor on Vimeo.
"just discovered tuio kinect."
Monday, November 22, 2010
Kinect - MIDI Controller in C Major
YouTube via svenisnumb | November 22, 2010 | 2 likes, 0 dislikes
"Did a little bit more work on the software, and I've added a mute button and the ability to play notes from a specified scale. In this case, 2 octaves of C Major.
Many apologies for the bad sound quality. Microphone in front of a speaker and dodgy screen capture software. Any recommendation for a free Windows based one?
Binaries and source here:
I've noticed its quite the CPU hog, so I'll need to fix that up.
Most likely going to switch to the libfreenect library soon though.
As always, my digital footprint is here
If you are a musician or a music business in Australia, check out and sign up!"
Friday, November 19, 2010
Kinect - MIDI controller
YouTube via svenisnumb | November 19, 2010 | 4 likes, 1 dislikes
"MIDI contoller using the Kinect.
Coded in using this:
Very hacky ugly, yucky, alpha prototype, source code available here:
Next project is making a version of pmidic that uses Kinect. Then, you can control Ableton Live or any other MIDI software or hardware with you limbs. Isn't that amazing!!!
If you are interested, you should also check out:"
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Guitar Hero to MIDI app AXIS - playing chords
YouTube via zealtv
How to play chords with a MIDI enabled Guitar Hero axe using Guitar Hero to MIDI app AXIS. Get axis for free from"
AXIS Guitar Hero to MIDI app for Windows and OSX
"AXIS available now from
AXIS allows your Xbox USB Guitar Hero controller to be played as a MIDI instrument while simultaneously navigating any MIDI compatible software to trigger samples, loops and effects. Works with any MIDI capable hardware or software.
Mac users require Tattiebogle drivers:
Windows users require LoopBe:
The Heads Up Display requires Quicktime or Quicktime alternative:
if the windows driver doesn't install automatically try here:
AXIS was built in MAX/MSP. If you'd like to play with the source just hit me up! I'm working on a max for live versionbat the moment."
more vids here
Monday, February 08, 2010
Chime Game Trailer 1
YouTube via zoemode
"Chime pits gamers against the melody in this all-new puzzle experience:
Players place blocks against the clock, remix famous artists music tracks and contribute to childrens charities around the world. More than 60 percent of the purchase price of Chime will be donated to charities around the world, helping those who need it the most."
Chime Tutorial Video
"Chime explained in this tutorial video with Philip Glass Brazil."
Chime versus Markus Schulz
"Chime versus Markus Schulz in this new video for the musical puzzle game released on the 3rd Feb 2010 for XBLA."
via CDM where you'll find a write-up on the game.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Guitar Hero controlling Ableton & KORG MS2000
YouTube via zealtv
"AXIS enables an xbox usb guitar hero controller to output midi to control of ableton or any other software or hardware that eats midi.
free to download now!
it has two modes - play and control.
in control mode the buttons, whammy and 3 tilt sensors send out midi messages. this is intended for interfacing with software.
in play mode any musical scale can be superimposed over a guitar hero scale built on the first four buttons. the up pick can be offset to allow rapid playing of fifths or whatnot. the orange button acts as a modifier key allowing change of key and offset on the fly. the D-pad changes scale and the back and start keys change volume (velocity). the three tilt sensors and whammy send out MIDI CCs to control what ever. the tilt sensors on this guitar are particularly awesome, they sit on three different axes and you can make the guitar really expressive.
there's a little HUD you can sit on top of what ever you're controlling to monitor mode, key, volume, offset and scale.
i'm sorting out some documentation and then i'll release it as a stand alone mac app. if a max-head out there want's to help me port it over to windows that'd be ace. mac and windows interpret the guitar controller differently. once finished, i'll release the source so people can modify it for other system's guitars too. I went for an xbox guitar because it's usb and the tilt sensors and whammy work which is a problem for ps2 guitars/adapters.
thanks for watching. if you dig, hit that chunky subscribe button up there ;D"
Friday, November 13, 2009
YouTube via ebraimpsy. via Resonant Filter
"depois de 15 horas mais ou menos tentando mapear o controle, ta aki uma amostra de como será as próximas festas tocados por um ''video-game'' hahahhaa"
"after 15 hours or so trying to map the control, ta aki a sample of how the next party will be touched by a''video game''hahahhaa"
Friday, May 08, 2009
Daft Punk 360 Controller
YouTube via myredhotcar.
update to this post
"The different trigger buttons trigger the sample from a different part of the loop and the left stick controls the filter cutoo on the x axis and resonance on the y. The analogue sticks are still a bit erratic but I think thats just the nature of the hardware. glove pie script available here:"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Xbox 360 Controller - Reaktor - GlovePie - Breaks
YouTube via myredhotcar
"We used glovepie to build an xbox controller script before building some machines in reaktor tocreate dum and bass (ish ) beats. The analogue sticks control bass pitch and filter whichs the buttons fire different one shot and looped samples"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.