MATRIXSYNTH: New Behringer DS-80 - Yamaha CS-80 is Coming - First Renders

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

New Behringer DS-80 - Yamaha CS-80 is Coming - First Renders

The Behringer CS80 is real. Click on the images to zoom in. You'll find some pics of the inside below.

Update: PDF scans added below, in via Soviet Space Child.  The DS-80 is being developed in their new Italian studio.

Update2: here's an interview with the head of the Italian division, Luigi Scarano of Fingersonic.

Follow-up to this post. No levers in the bottom section. Looks like they are replaced with sliders. Levers do make a difference in the feel of the instrument. It's almost like replacing the warp drive level on the millenium falcon with a slider. :) Regardless, that is impressive. The 4 preset slots on the left implies this will be fully analog with basic midi.

Some notes from Behringer:

"As promised here is our DS-80 design draft;

Multi-Timbral 8-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer with Dual Channels per Voice, Polyphonic Aftertouch, Ribbon Controller and Patch Memory

We want to be absolutely clear that this a very complex synthesizer project and it is at a very early stage. It will take us a long time to complete, however we are committed to deliver.

Why are we showing you this project at such an early stage? We believe that including you in the design process from the very beginning while help us and the synthesizer community to create a better product – and that’s all that matters to us."

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