MATRIXSYNTH: Alan Pearlman - Philip Dodds & Close Encounters (Bright Sparks Outtake)

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Alan Pearlman - Philip Dodds & Close Encounters (Bright Sparks Outtake)

video by GForce Software

"In an outtake from the Bright Sparks Documentary, ARP founder Alan R Pearlman talks about Philip Dodds and the story behind the use of the ARP 2500 on Close Encounters Of The Third Kind.

Originally released in December 2015 to critical acclaim and created to compliment the I Monster album of the same name, Bright Sparks documents the human stories of eight musical instrument pioneers, - Robert Moog (Moog), Alan R Pearlman (ARP), Don Buchla, Harry Chamberlin, The Bradley Brothers (Mellotronics), Adrian Wagner (Electronic Dream Plant), Peter Zinovieff (EMS) and Ken Freeman.

'An engrossing and fascinating documentary that pays tribute to the modest but amazing innovators who changed the face of electronic music' Vince Clarke
Alan Pearlman Foundation:"

You can find additional Bright Sparks Documentary posts here.

Update: see this post for the actual order invoice for the 2500.


  1. Love hin, miss him. But Alan's memory is playing tricks on him. ARP did not loan a 2500 to the CE3K production. Columbia Pictures bought it. The purchase order has been posted online, maybe at this very site?

    1. Or possibly not. The purchase order has no price. Maybe it was built to order and borrowed? He does say at the end of the interview they didn't get paid.


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