MATRIXSYNTH: Marble Jam //Marbles/Subharmonicon/Mother 32/STO/Rings/Tides/Magneto/Maestro/Voltage Block//

Monday, February 07, 2022

Marble Jam //Marbles/Subharmonicon/Mother 32/STO/Rings/Tides/Magneto/Maestro/Voltage Block//

video upload by Aleatoric Machine

"I’ve wanted to try this for a while. The two channels from Mutable Instruments Marbles are playing the two channels of Moog Subharmonicon, with a sound that reminds me of a Fender Rhodes, through Strymon Magneto. A couple different clocked LFOs from Acid Rain Maestro cause the pitches from Marbles to keep gravitating back to the tonic, with some jamming in between. Mutable Instruments Rings repeats a single note in a Euclidean rhythm coming from ALM Pamela’s New Workout, but modulating the structure causes the ringing to drift up and down from a fifth to an octave. Moog Mother 32 and Make Noise STO double on the bass line. When the melody finally comes it, it is Mutable Instruments Tides through Chase Bliss Warped Vinyl, Mood, and Dark World. Malekko Voltage Block handles the mix scenes, with Mutable Instruments Stages providing slew in between."

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