MATRIXSYNTH: Arturia V Collection vs the Real Hardware : Part 1

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Arturia V Collection vs the Real Hardware : Part 1

video upload by Luke Million

Part 1 here

"I'm an avid user of vintage synths and keyboards and also a fan of the Arturia V Collection. So I thought it would be fun to put them side by side.

No processing of audio is applied except for a dash of UAD EMT 140 Plate Reverb.

1. 1982 Roland Juno 6 vs Arturia Jun-6V
2. 1984 E-mu Emulator ii + HD vs Arturia Emulator IIV
3. 1984 Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev 3.3 vs Arturia Prophet-5 V
4. 1974 Solina String Ensemble vs Arturia Solina V2
5. 1978 Rhodes Stage Piano Mk 1 73 vs Arturia Stage-73 V2"

1 comment:

  1. The Arturia sounds seem to be coming out monotonal. That's the major difference I hear.


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