Showing posts with label AHNE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AHNE. Show all posts

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Happy Syntho De Mayo - AHNE 2007 via Stretta

And the official set via Stretta. Title link takes you to thumbnails for each shot in the set.

"Analog Heaven Northeast gathering May 5, 2007 "Syntho De Mayo"

Buchla & More - AHNE 2007

flickr by stretta.

Title link takes you to more. There are also great shots of PPG, Oberheim SEM and more.

Update: Wait a sec... Isn't this Dave and The Packrat? Yep, this must be shots of this year's AHNE gathering. Nice. I think the East Coast has it better.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

AHNE 2007: An Analogue Cinco de Mayo

Just a reminder via alt-mode on AH:

"Analogue Heaven North East 2007 is next Saturday, May 5th from 11AM to
5PM in Bolton, MA! Yup, we're going to make Cinco de Mayo into Syntho
de Mayo!

Dean Stiglitz is also hosting a party and jam session afterwards.

Information can be found at:


Saturday, April 14, 2007

AHNE 2007: An Analogue Cinco de Mayo

via alt-mode:


We're running a bit late this year but Analogue Heaven Northeast 2007
will be on Saturday, May 5th in Bolton, MA USA from 11AM to 5PM! More
information can be found at:

That is just three weeks from today so make your plans now! You can
subscribe to the event mailing list via the web page above.

Join us for an Analogue Cinco de Mayo, umm celebrating our victory over
digital tyranny... ;) Plans are also afoot for a party afterwards.

Please feel free to post this to other analogue synth groups.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

More AHNE 2006 Pics

Pics via David White

Pics via Bill Manganaro (aka Statemachine)

Both links via alt-mode on AH.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

ASM-1 at AHNE 2006

Apparrently this beauty was at AHNE 2006. It's an ASM-1. Title link takes you to the ASM-1 homepage.

AHNE 2006 on

Title link takes you to the image set.

Monday, May 01, 2006

AHNE 2006 Maplin

Shot of the Maplin via AHNE 2006. Description below by Eric (alt-mode).

"It's a 4 oscillator monosynth with a pin matrix for patching (the pins are not compatible with EMS synths). It has some unusual routings in that there are no oscillator outputs on the matrix. All of the oscillators go into 3 different mixers that then can be routed to other modules.

It has two filters and a phaser as well as some LFOs, I think. It sounded pretty good in my limited use. It did have some very odd EGs with multiple segments and different terminology. I didn't have time to wrap my brain around the EGs.

The real issue with Maplins is that they were sold as kits so the quality is based on the skills of the builder. David was telling me that this particular unit was assembled by someone who was very very good. He said there are wires that go across the chassis, as part of the design. Each wire is tagged on each end so there is no need to trace the wires. All of the soldering is exceptional and given that it is working today after 20+ years is testament to good construction skills.


AHNE 2006 by alt-mode

Title link takes you to more. Mmmm... Waldorf Wave.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

AHNE 2006 Shots

Title link takes you to some pics via Steve from this year's AHNE.

You are looking at a shot of some homebrew drums. Click for a bigger image. Absolutely gorgeous work.

Via this post on the-gas-station.

Update: The following are notes via Steve on AH. I thought the Buchla 200e comment was kind of funny.

" Highlights for me..
-Getting a sound out of the 200e
-Using the spectacular JKJ CV3 MIDI/CV to finally let my P3 and modular play together. : )
-Seeing some amazing DIY work. circuits, panels, cabinets.. bravo guys!
-20 solid minutes of EMS AKS patching/tweaking. Now I serioulsly want one of these!
---Wish I could have patched the Serge a bit!! aargh, maybe next year."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

AHNE 2006 This Saturday - Hooowl!!!!

I've already put up a couple of posts on AHNE 2006. Thought I'd put up one last one as it's this coming Saturday, 4/29. Wish I could be there, but I'm stuck on the west coast. : (

Here's a shot from last years get-together. Hmm... That's one funny looking cat. Title link takes you to more info including links to images from last year's get together.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

AHNE 2006

Just a reminder, AHNE is coming April 29th. Title link takes you to more info.

Monday, February 20, 2006

AHNE 2006

For those of you lucky enough to be in the area, AHNE in Bolton, MA is coming. Title link takes you to the site - make sure to check out the shots from previous years like this tiny Buchla Music Easel surrounded by a mammoth Roland System700 and Doepfer modular.

"Announcing Analogue Heaven NorthEast (AHNE) 2006 to be held on Saturday, April 29th at the Nashoba Regional High School in Bolton, MA from 11AM to 5PM. For the 3rd year in a row, we will be tweaking, patching, and making lots of synth noises!

Information can be found here:

We will be having a party afterwards, thanks to Dean Stiglitz. Details
will be forthcoming.

For those who have been on the AHNE mailing list in the past, please resubscribe (directions on the web page above). The old list was deleted.

Thanks to Matthew Davidson for hosting the web page and mailing list.

Please feel free to send me any questions. See you there!


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