Showing posts with label After Later. Show all posts
Showing posts with label After Later. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Synthesis Basics: How To Ring Mod, FM, and AM

video upload by Patchwerks

"In this video we talk about 3 types of modulation commonly used in synthesis. Ring modulation, frequency modulation, and amplitude modulation. Learn how to do it and what it sounds like.

Get the Intellijel Ring Modular here:
Get the Sputnik Variable Waveform Generator here:
Get the ALA Beehive (Plaits) here:
Get the Mordax Data here:
Video by: Matthew Piecora ( EZBOT), Steven Ly (Project 32)"

Monday, November 21, 2022

Synthesis Basics: How To Ring Mod, FM, and AM

video upload by Patchwerks

"In this video we talk about 3 types of common modulation used in synthesis. Ring modulation, frequency modulation, and amplitude modulation. Learn how to do it and what it sounds like.

Get the Intellijel Ring Modular here:
Get the Sputnik Variable Waveform Generator here:
Get the ALA Beehive (Plaits) here:
Get the Mordax Data here:
Video by: Matthew Piecora ( EZBOT), Steven Ly (Project 32)"

Quarks, Fuse, Monocle, Alan 1u, SHTH Jam

video upload by After Later Audio

"Last week (11/16/22) we released 7 new modules! Here is a video taking some of them for a spin.

Razor (1:1 Mutable Instruments Blades clone)
Fuse (1:1 MI Warps clone)
Monocle (half of a MI Blinds)
Quarks (micro-MI Elements)
uGrids (micro-MI Grids)
1u Alan (Turing Machine clone)
1u SHTH (Sample and Hold, Track and Hold)"

Thursday, November 17, 2022

SEVEN new modules from ALA

video upload by After Later Audio

ALA is proud to bring you seven new modules!
Razor (1:1 Mutable Instruments Blades clone)
Fuse (1:1 MI Warps clone)
Monocle (half of a MI Blinds)
Quarks (micro-MI Elements)
uGrids (micro-MI Grids)
1u Alan (Turing Machine clone)
1u SHTH (Sample and Hold, Track and Hold)

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Intro to Modular Synthesis – Part 1 of 3: Control Voltage

video upload by Robots Are Red

All parts here

"Looking to get into modular synthesizers, or just curious how they work? Join me in this video where we go back to the basics with an introduction to modular synthesis. In part one of this three part series we will talk about the main building block of modular synthesis, control voltage. Breaking control voltage down to it's most basic 5 types: LFOs, Stepped Voltage, Triggers, Gates, and Envelopes.

Jump to any section of the video:
00:00 - Opening
00:35 - Introduction
01:11 - What is Modular Synthesis?
02:05 - How does it work?
04:22 - Control Voltage
05:52 - CV Types
07:14 - Low Frequency Oscillators
08:01 - Stepped Voltages
08:40 - Triggers
09:04 - Gates
10:33 - Envelopes
12:06 - All you need to know
12:25 - What is so special about Modular Synthesis?
13:17 - Some Music

Part 2 will be a video rundown of all the basic module types and how they work. Part 3 will be utilizing all we learned from Parts 1 and 2 to build some synth and drum patches.

Special thanks to After Later Audio for providing some modules for this video series."

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Razor (1:1 MI Blades)

video upload by After Later Audio

"The next installation in our MIC line of modules is RAZOR (1:1 Blades) a dual multi-mode filter with a lot of wonderful features. 11/16/22"

"This is an exact hardware replica of the Mutable Instruments Blades module.

Our model uses the original 'hard-to-find' opamps, but we do substitute V2164M with AS2164D. All of our products use AS2164D and there should be no measurable change in behavior."

Monday, October 31, 2022

After Later Audio CLOVERLEAF: Intellijel Case Interface

video upload by After Later Audio

"Cloverleaf is an interface for the case 1/4" jacks in Intelljel cases. The jacks are marked as if they are part of the case, so the jacks marked out, require an input. I know it's confusing, but my brain just may be a little backwards.

The module sports both input and output for either a consumer line level (0.447Vpk) or a professional line level (1.095Vpk). These levels are controllable via jumper on the back of the module. It can also have a single input and output channel switched to pedal level. The case output is fed to the headphone amp that has a corresponding level control. The module otherwise does not have any level control and relies on using a VCA or other module to perform any level controls.

The module can essentially be run in one of three modes:

1) Stereo line level in and out

2) Stereo line level in and out via the left side and mono pedal in and out on the right side. In this mode the stereo line levels leverage TRS on the 1/4" jacks. You can use the included 3.5mm couplers to get TRS on the 3.5mm side.

3) Mono line level in and out via the left side and mono pedal in and out on the right side.

For Palette 64hp users only have two 1/4" jacks. You can choose if you want to use the case jacks as either inputs, outputs, or one input and one output."

See this post for additional details.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Sum+Inv (Sum and Invert)

video upload by After Later Audio

"This video covers using Sum+Inv to create quadrature signals out of Cascades' Sine and Cosine outputs..

About Sum+Inv:
Two identical channels with two inputs and two outputs. For the first output the two inputs are summed (at unity) and the second output the sum (at unity) is inverted.

The second channel is identical to the first channel but it normals channel one summed output to the first input. This enables a 3:1 configuration with both a summed and inverted output.

This is a great companion to the COCO system."

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

VALLEY: Wavefolder/Tiber Generator and Mixer/Crossfader

video upload by After Later Audio

"Valley is both a mixer/crossfader and wavefolder/timbre generator.

Some key features:
Five stage wavefolder
Input crossfader between the two inputs
Output crossfader between the fundamentals and folded signal
Odd and even harmonics
CV control over all parameters
Tuning and sync controls for connected COCO oscillators"

Monday, October 24, 2022


video upload by After Later Audio

"Brooks - Brooks is a smaller thru-zero 4hp basic VCO that has all the basic waveforms, FM control, sync, and Time Reverse which simply reverses the wave. While it is a fully capable oscillator it works best as a modulation oscillator in the COCO system."

See the After Later label below for more.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Exploring and Experimenting with the new Coco System from After Later Audio

video upload by Patchwerks

"Assembling and exploring the new Coco System from After Later Audio. The Coco System is collection of modules from ALA that allows you to pick and choose the parts you want for a complex oscillator. From sub harmonics to upper harmonics, the Coco system has you covered.

Learn more about the Coco modules here:

Learn more about QARV here:
Demo by: Nick B.
Video by: Matthew Piecora ( EZBOT), Steven Ly (Project 32)

00:00 Start
02:20 Tutorial Starts"

After Later Audio CANYON: Sub-harmonic/Stepped CV Generator

video upload by After Later Audio

"Canyon is a sub-harmonics generator with two sections fed by two different clock sources. The first section offers odd sub harmonics, dividing the clocks by 1, 3, 5, and 7. The second section offers even sub harmonics, dividing the clocks by 2, 4, 6, and 8. These two section outputs are then mixed together via a voltage controlled crossfader. The outputs can either be used in the audio range to create rich sounds or used at slower rates as CV sources, even patched back into one of the oscillators. Each side of Canyon can also be clocked independently, which can lead to some rich tones."

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

After Later Audio Cascades VCO Overview

cascades 1 video upload by After Later Audio

"This is an overview of the Cascades VCO as a stand-alone module.

Cascades is our most fully featured analog oscillator. Some of the unique features are:

Through zero FM oscillator
Morph output with CV control to morph between TRI, SAW and PUL waves.
Octave switch to simplify tuning
Cosine output - fun for stereo - also for going full analog quadrature with our SUM+INV module.
VCO and LFO ranges
Amplitude modulation built-in with either offset or full wave rectification for the modulating wave.
Switchable mod wave output between morph out and SIN (jumper on back)"

See the announcement post here.

Monday, October 17, 2022

COCO System Part Two: VALLEY

video upload by After Later Audio

"This is an overview of the COCO System with the Valley (Upper-Harmonics Generator) control module used as its center-piece.

With the COCO series the aim is to bring all the goodness of a complex oscillator while aiming to minimize some of the downsides. The main thing that I appreciate about complex oscillators is that you can have a lot of fun without having to patch too much. By default, you can get some very deep sounds that go far beyond the standard bleep and bloop. On the downside, complex oscillators are big and have a fixed set of capabilities.

The COCO series allows you to choose your oscillator features and choose your control module and connect them all together into a complex oscillator. You can then break them down and each module also works as a standalone module as well. So when you need that extra oscillator for your performance case, you can break the system down and use it accordingly."

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

COCO System Part One: CANYON

video upload by After Later Audio

"This is an overview of the COCO System with the Canyon (Subharmonic Generator) control module used as its center-piece.

With the COCO series the aim is to bring all the goodness of a complex oscillator while aiming to minimize some of the downsides. The main thing that I appreciate about complex oscillators is that you can have a lot of fun without having to patch too much. By default, you can get some very deep sounds that go far beyond the standard bleep and bloop. On the downside, complex oscillators are big and have a fixed set of capabilities.

The COCO series allows you to choose your oscillator features and choose your control module and connect them all together into a complex oscillator. You can then break them down and each module also works as a standalone module as well. So when you need that extra oscillator for your performance case, you can break the system down and use it accordingly."

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

The COCO Series by After Later Audio || Cascades, Brooks, Valley, & Canyon - Full Walkthrough

video upload by Robots Are Red

"In this video we take a look at the full Create your Own Complex Oscillator system by After Later Audio. Featuring the Oscillators Cascades & Brooks, the Wavefolder Valley, and Subharmonic Generator Canyon. I'll go in depth as to how the COCO system works, how to install it, and dive into every knob, switch, button, input, and output on all four modules. Along with some patch examples and some music at the end.

Jump to any section of the video here:
00:00 - Introduction
01:41 - Installation
02:43 - COCO System Rundown
04:25 - Cascades Overview
10:26 - Cascades: Diving Deeper
14:52 - Cascades Exploration
17:04 - Brooks
20:51 - Valley: Wavefolder & Crossfade Mixer
25:41 - Canyon: Subharmonics Generator
29:13 - Canyon: As A Sequencer
32:41 - Canyon Exploration
35:56 - Some Music"

Saturday, September 24, 2022

CLOVERLEAF - Intellijel Case Interface and Headphone Module by After Later Audio

video upload by Robots Are Red

"In this video we take a look at the new 1u Intellijel case interface module, Cloverleaf. This module can act as a line-in/line-out module, a pedal interface, and/or a headphone output utilizing the 1/4" jacks built into your intellijel case.

Jump to any section of the video here:
00:00 - Introduction
01:53 - Installation
04:21 - Module Rundown
09:05 - Microphone
09:29 - Pedal Interface
12:00 - Stereo Synth
13:48 - Guitar
15:00 - Some music"

An interface for the case 1/4" jacks in Intelljel cases. The jacks are marked as if they are part of the case, so the jacks marked out, require an input. I know it's confusing, but my brain just may be a little backwards.

The module sports both input and output for either a consumer line level (0.447Vpk) or a professional line level (1.095Vpk). These levels are controllable via jumper on the back of the module. It can also have a single input and output channel switched to pedal level. The case output is fed to the headphone amp that has a corresponding level control. The module otherwise does not have any level control and relies on using a VCA or other module to perform any level controls.

The module can essentially be run in one of three modes:

1) Stereo line level in and out

2) Stereo line level in and out via the left side and mono pedal in and out on the right side. In this mode the stereo line levels leverage TRS on the 1/4" jacks. You can use the included 3.5mm couplers to get TRS on the 3.5mm side.

3) Mono line level in and out via the left side and mono pedal in and out on the right side.

For Palette 64hp users only have two 1/4" jacks. You can choose if you want to use the case jacks as either inputs, outputs, or one input and one output.
Width: 14hp

Introducing COCO: ALA's new Create your Own Complex Oscillator Series

video upload by After Later Audio

"We are VERY excited to anounce COCO, or Create your Own Complex Oscillator. This series of stand-alone modules can be combined to create a very robust complex oscillator capable of rich sonic textures and wild modulation!
Cascades: primary oscillator
Brooks: secondary and tertiary oscillator(s)
Canyon: Centerpiece control module 1; creates even and odd subharmonics from any one of the 3 oscillators
Valley: Centerpiece control module 2; creates upper harmonics through Buchla-style wavefolding of any one of the 3 oscillators
Available 9/23/22"

COCO – Create your Own Complex Oscillator

With the COCO series the aim is to bring all the goodness of a complex oscillator while aiming to minimize some of the downsides. The main thing that I appreciate about complex oscillators is that you can have a lot of fun without having to patch too much. By default, you can get some very deep sounds that go far beyond the standard bleep and bloop. On the downside, complex oscillators are big and have a fixed set of capabilities.

Mutable Instruments Classics from ALA

video upload by After Later Audio

"After Later Audio presents the Mutable Instruments Classics series of modules."


This is an exact hardware replica of the Mutable Instruments Marbles module.

Width: 18hp
12V: 80mA
-12V: 20mA

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Typhoon Quick demo/review

video upload by Meska

"Quick demo/review of the Typhoon, it's aclouds iteration wIth several improvment .
if you whant a specific algorithm demo just let a comment.

Thank you fwor watching.
My name is Meska of the statik collective . I've been making mostly 'dark and expΓ©rimental' music for more than ten years now, i'v learn so much online, now it's time for me to share my knoledge, my exploration and this channel is a place to talk about the tools, sound design and techniques to make music with.
i'm tattooist at day jobs and you can found my work here :

You can stream my albums and EPs at

If you'd like to support the channel​ consider buying music from bandcamp ;)"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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