Showing posts with label Harms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harms. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

HARMS MAC16 MIDI Analog Converter

Here's one from obscure synth history. I found this on Florian Anwander's website when updating this post.  This is the first post on MATRIXSYNTH to ever feature the HARMS brand.

"The Harms MAC16 is a rare MIDI-to-CV/Gate converter which was made by a small one man company Harms in Hamburg Germany in the late nineties. The original price was around 1250 Deutschmarks (about 600 Euro). It provides 16 channels, which can be configured for any kind of MIDI to analog conversion. Basically there are five modes:

VCO (CV) - which converts note data, pitchbend into either Oct/V or Hz/V Voltage. Portamento can be added. There is also the possibility of microtuning, octave spread (for mistuned or non standard synths!), pitch offset and keyboardsplit zones

VCF - converts basically the note info into a voltage; then a SoftEnvelope, a SoftLFO, and one MIDI controller (modwheel or aftertouch) can be added; the amount of the envelope and/or the controller can be controlled by the velocity of the corresponding note. The converter channel can get its information either from a MIDI channel in general (using the last note) or can be assigned to a dedicated VCO-channel for polyphonic setups (* see below); keyboard splitzones are possible

VCA - same as VCF, only with other name

Aux - same as VCF, only with other name

Lite - similar as VCF, but no assignment to a dedicated VCO

Gate/Trigger - creates a gate (positive or inverted) from a note on event. Again it can use either the last note information from all notes of one MIDI-Channel or it can be assigned to a dedicated VCO-channel for polyphonic setups (* see below); splitzones are possible too of course
DIN-Sync out from MIDI-Clock"

See Florian Anwander's page on the Harms MAC16 for a pdf of the manual and more.

Chord-Trigger for Korg Polysix and Poly61

Chord-Trigger for Korg Polysix and Poly61 from Florian Anwander on Vimeo.

"This is a demo of an addon module for the Korg Polysix and the Korg Poly61. The addon establishes a trigger input, which triggers the played voices of the synth if an external trigger signal is provided. If no cable is inserted in the trigger input, the synth will behave normally.

This is still a prototype, and the final version will look a little bit different.The addon module will be available as kit and as complete module.

To add the module to the Polysix/Poly61 good skills in desoldering chips are required. It is easily possible to remove the kit and to bring the synth back to the original state.

If you are interested in the module, please visit As soon as I will have the final version, I will announce it there."

Update: the following are some other projects by Florian Anwander:

Most well known are the Korg Monopoly Modifications (and the simplified adjustment procedure)

Modifications for the Jupiter 6:
* adoption of the signal level to the resonance
* linear FM for the Crossmodulation
* Filter-FM
(I can put the sound examples to soundcloud, so you can include them easier)

A very simple addition of a LED to the voicecards of Yamaha CS50/60/80, which makes it much easier to tune the synth.

A DIN-Sync to Trigger-Module
It can be used as 3HU modul or as module in other boxes. Like in a CR-78 (this one is with a prototype board, but meanwhile I have a complete pcb)

Other information that might be interesting is

about the Harms MAC-16, a rare 16-Channel MIDI-CV/Gate converter

a overview about all analog roland filters:

the service manual for the Akai S-612
and also some information about the rare multisampling option for the S-612"


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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