Showing posts with label Hougaku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hougaku. Show all posts

Monday, June 01, 2020

minimal effort music

Published on Jun 1, 2020 wildchurch

"clocked music system

O2 Minipops - clock master/drums through filter
clock goes to buffered multiples in order to sync the following:
- Hougaku Mini Conductor with step sequencer
- Sony Beat Box with trigger sequencer + footswitch for adding fills
- Casio PT-80 with step sequencer (playing chord buttons); running through Zoom B1on multi-FX (creating woosey brass sounds)

The second part features the above, plus:
Victor KB-65 (aka JVC KB-600) - a semi analog home keyboard from the 1980s with primitive MIDI implementation.
Auto accompaniment section sync'ed to above clock system via MIDI"

Saturday, April 18, 2020

confined spaces #3

Published on Apr 18, 2020 wildchurch

More obscure Japanese gear.

"All Hail the Eye tone

"See your pitch!"

Manufactured by Fuji Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., the Eye tone is an aide to vocal training - plug in a microphone to get visual feedback via it's 2 lamp system. One shows you are within range, the other lights up when you are 'spot on'.

This function, however, lends itself well to monitoring drones. Here, I use it to track pitch coming from a variable speed tape player as I attempt to glide between tones and 'enhance my multi-tasking abilities' beyond their infancy.

O2 Minipops
Hougaku Conductor with step sequencer
2 cassette tape players modified for variable speed:
- one playing a drone, the other birdsong
Suiko ST20 - Shakuhachi/Koto/Pipe Organ 'synth'

Aria spring reverb on O2 Minipops
Lots of Korg SDD-3300 on the cassette players
The Hougaku Conductor runs through a Roland VX-66 Echo Mixer and the Suiko ST20 through an ELK EM-13 Analog Echo, before the main mixer"

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Sequenced Hougaku Conductors

Published on Feb 5, 2020 wildchurch

O2 Minipops (clock source) audio out runs through filter
O2 clock sent to multiples and dividers to sync the following:
- 2 Hougaku Conductors each with its own 16 step sequencer and patchwire matrix for key triggering
the 'Conductor Mini' also has a built in pitch shifting delay effect (Sentinel by Arnoud Philip - see here: and is running through a Zoom B1on multi FX
the other Conductor runs through a NUX Mod Core pedal
- LMNC drum sequencer with Wav Trigger
- Boss DR220-A
- LMNC step sequencer for CV control of the filter through which runs the O2 MiniPops
Boss RV-3 for reverb on mixer send/return

Video in two parts
1. clocked 'self-playing' system
2. twiddlin' & tweakin' - generating birdsong with filter resonance

Friday, April 12, 2019

Acid Conductor & Hōgaku Rumba

Published on May 12, 2018 wildchurch

"The 邦楽 コンダクター (Hougaku Conductor) through a Boss ME-6B is great for bass sounds - if a little unpredictable at times.

Video in 3 parts:
1. Short intro and demonstration of the Hougaku Conductor - first clean, then through the ME-6B
2. A bit of jamming along to the O2 Minipops which is feeding a clock signal to my build of Look Mum No Computer's Arduino sequencer (, which in turn is triggering squiggly noises on a PAiA 9700s (off camera here). The O2 Minipops and the PAiA have some spring reverb on them.
3. A brief multi-tracked piece using the above setup, plus some additional drums courtesy of the CM-505 plugin

* Everything's a bit rough'n'ready. I guess it would be possible to add triggers to the Conductor and have it sequenced but for now it's has to be played in real time.


Hōgaku Rumba

Published on Apr 11, 2019 wildchurch

"Me prat-arsing about with:
O2 Minipops - playing rumba pattern (clock master):
Modified Hōgaku Conductor - with 16 step sequencer
AE Modular triggered by external sequencer:
LMNC Big Button drum trigger sequencer with Wav Trigger
Various filters and envelopes
FX - spring reverb, Aria Ape 2, Nux Modcore
probably some other stuff"

Friday, October 23, 2015

邦楽 Conductor - 影の伝説 (TAITO)

Published on Oct 23, 2015 Masami Hashimoto

"Use, Hougaku Conductor, BOSS DM-2, YAMAHA QY10.
雅な電子楽器 邦楽コンダクターの音階が合ったのでタイトーのビデオゲーム「影の伝説」を試みる。
オケにYAMAHA QY10を使用しました。"

This is the first post to feature Hougaku.

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