Showing posts with label Panther. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Panther. Show all posts

Monday, October 03, 2016

Elka Capri 300 / Panther 300 Combo Organ with Strings & More

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via this auction

"Here we have a 1960's Elka Capri 300 combo organ. It is identical to the more well known Elka Panther 300. According to the Combo Organ Heaven website, this organ was marketed under two different names depending on the location.

This organ has been professionally serviced and is in great working condition. We recapped the power supply, cleaned the keyboard bus bars, replaced the tone decay lamp, replaced the knobs and tuned the oscillators. We also replaced some faulty components that were causing some parts of the organ to not function.

Features include: multiple vibrato options, multiple footages per note with selectable filters for each footage, mixture control for unique harmonics / ring modulator like sound, fully polyphonic bass section with optional extension for two octaves of bass (grey keys), tone decay (subtle envelope applied to the mixture footages).

The output of this organ uses a TRS (stereo) jack. The purpose of this is to allow you to use a bass amp for the bass section, and another amp for everything else. If you plug in a regular mono instrument cable, you will not hear any bass section. You can use an adapter that merges the two signals into one cable, or you can use a split cable and plug the two ends into two different amps.

There is a discoloration on one corner of the organ. We've included a picture showing that. The organ also comes with a sheet music stand and we'll include a power plug with it."

Thursday, August 08, 2013


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via this auction
Rhythm Active (RSS)

"The Panther ED122 is a fully assembled 14HP Power Panel Module that fits straight on to your Eurorack case unit.

The Panther ED122 Power Unit takes a +15VDC supply and generates a linearly regulated +/-12V supply for powering your system and can deliver up to 1.5A on each rail. The 15V supply may be either a linear unit or an SMPS."


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


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"On offer is a set of Panther modules, in housing with power supply.

Modules: SH-Noise, MIDI2SDS(X), Cynare Drum Simulator, Slope Detector, Mangler, 4x4 AD/AR

Rack: Construct a Rack top, sides, rear and rails

Power: Elby Power Supply 110/240v, 2 x Panther Power Supply Delay Bus boards.

These have seen very little use, and a great chance for a scope by to save a few dollars."

Friday, June 01, 2012


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via this auction

See the seller's other items for more.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Panther Modules

"Designed by Ken Stone, and bought to market by Laurie Biddulph of Elby Designs, TheBeast is proud to present The Panther Modular.

The module range is intended to work within the current market framework, set out by doepfer, analogue systems,, but, insted of simply offereing yet another 'moog ladder' filter, to offer some truely unique modules, be it in function (Ken's 'Super Psycho LFO' is a fortcomming module) or in sound (try recreating the Steiner filter eleswhere!)

These modules, of course, are fully compatible with the Eurorack systems offered by Doepfer, Plan-B, Analogue Solutions, and the like, and electronically compatible with Analogue Systems modules, although different power cables must be used."

click here for the full list of Panther Modules via The Beast, makers of the Roland TB-303 Beast mod. via

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