Showing posts with label Vecoven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vecoven. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Synth King Vintage Synthesizer Demos

KORG DW-8000 - Synth King "vintage analog" sounds
Roland JX-8p - Vecoven Super Flash ROM & PWM upgrade
Yamaha CS70m - first contact
Yamaha CS70m - loading patches from magnetic cards !!
Oberheim Matrix-12 -- first contact !
Oberheim Matrix12 - one song - one synth
Rhodes Chroma - one song - one synth
Rhodes Chroma (ex KRAFTWERK Kling Klang Studios) - first contact !
Oberheim OB-Xa - 15 minutes pure analog sounds - part 3/3
Oberheim OB-Xa - 15 minutes pure analog sounds - part 2/3
Oberheim OB-Xa - 15 minutes pure analog sounds - part 1/3
Oberheim OB-Xa - one song - one synth
Oberheim OB-Xa improvisation
Oberheim OB-Xa - first contact
Roland SH-2000 - one song - one synth
Roland MKS80 - one song - one synth
Korg Polysix - one song - one synth - free patches !!!
Roland JX3P - one song - one synth
Roland Juno 106 - one song - one synth
Roland Jupiter 4 & Promars MRS-2 - one song - one synth (ok 2)
Roland Jupiter 6 - one song - one synth
Roland Super JX10 - one song - one synth
64 new sounds for Roland JX10/MKS70 Vecoven PWM 4.xx update
64 new sounds for Roland JX10/MKS70 Vecoven PWM 4.xx update
Fender Chroma Polaris - one song - one synth
Fender Chroma Polaris Sound Demo (132 patches)

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Roland JX-8P VECOVEN Mod - Demoing the arpeggiator, Chord mode and more

video by synthlegends

"Roland JX-8P VECOVEN Mod

In this video I demonstrate the new VECOVEN Mod, you might know from the JX-10 or MKS-70, recently also established fort he JX-8P. I show the main functions, especially the Chord mode and the arpeggiator.

Here partly the description of the Website from Fred Vecoven:

o Chord mode
o Arpeggiator with tons of modes
o each parameter is now OFF/RECV/SEND/ON, allowing fine control of what gets sent and what is filtered.

o sysex support : allow edition of tone parameters individually, including the "patch" parameters.
o midi cc support : allow edition of all tone parameters with midi cc.
o fast bulk dump/load : 1-2 seconds to dump everything. Can dump to/from cartridge and internal memory.
o edition of parameters (patch and tones) sends sysex, so all editions can be sequenced. PG800 is also supported here, so editions made from the PG800 can also be sequenced.
o copy from/to cartridge to create a full backup of the internal memory (all settings are now copied to the cartridge or restored from it)

o flash module provides 32 internal banks (total of 32 x 32 tones = 1024 tones!). Preloaded with hundreds of tones.
o M16C and M64C support : provide one or four extra banks of tones.
o Import mode to load existing internet "dump" files directly into a bank
o any tone parameter can be assigned to the edit slider during play mode [coming soon !]
o control whether updates from sysex, pg800 or controllers are displayed temporarily on-screen
o allows to disable new features for full compatibility with old software (for example, sysex changes made to tone A can be redirected to the currently selected tone, etc...)

This mod is really exciting and the support is great as well. I got the parts within 3 days after ordering.
For the mod soldering is not necessary. There are just two EPROMS to change, which are on sockets.

There is also a PWM mod, but here you have to desolder some IC, but cables are not necessary.
I hope, you enjoy the video and it shall help you to decide about the mod."

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Roland JX-10: Super JX Flash Module with Vecoven 3.22 Firmware and Soundboard ROM Install

video by thesrabbit

"This video documents my own experience with installing the Super JX Flash Module with Vecoven 3.22 firmware in my Roland JX-10. While there are other great videos about the Vecoven firmware, I wanted to make a video that showed the physical removal of all the old chips and installation of the new ones. Let me first say that I am a total amateur at DIY anything, as the video clearly demonstrates. I am not responsible if you try this and break your gear, hurt yourself, or die. For what it's worth, I did all but the latter. Fortunately the thing that I broke was the thing that I was replacing. That said, I'm hoping that the video gives you a clear understanding of what needs to be done if you decide to do this yourself. As for the actual tools and techniques, that's up for discussion. But this is the way. Or at least it's a way.

Shortly after purchasing the JX-10, I knew I needed to get the Vecoven firmware, just to have a proper MIDI implementation. I didn't realize there was a flash module option that allows future firmware updates over MIDI and provides an internal memory of 16 banks of patch storage. That's the equivalent of 16 M-64C cartridges, for a total of 1024 sounds. I contacted Fred Vecoven to inquire about my options and he recommend that I get the flash module with firmware 3.x and also the 2 optional sound board roms, so that's exactly what I did. Note: I don't have the PWM hardware mod, nor do I intend to get it in the future, so it's firmware version 3.x for me.

The idea of removing IC's from sockets and replacing them with new ones seemed on the surface to be a trivial task. But after watching one video, I was a bit intimidated, especially by the need to disconnect the flat white ribbon cable that obscures the firmware chip. This is not your average ribbon cable that is simply plugged into a socket. In fact, I don't even know if it is a ribbon cable at all, though that's what I call it in the video.

As it turns out, disconnecting the flat white cable wasn't too bad, though it was very scary when it came time to do it. I found that the best way was to gently wiggle it side to side while pulling (gently) backward. It came out pretty easy.

Far worse than anything was the removal of the IC's. Maybe the removal tool I have is not the appropriate size. It's possible that the one I have is made for small IC's only. It just feels like I couldn't get a grip on the chip at all. Like there was not enough tension. Looking back, I think a better technique would be to gently loosen the IC on each end from underneath with a small flathead screwdriver, and then use the IC removal tool to grab a hold of it and pull it out. But I'm not confident enough to actually recommend that approach. I would love to know if anyone knows the proper technique!

MIDI Mod: The Open MIDI RTC Schema didn't support the way in which the Vecoven firmware reads MIDI CC sequences. I made changes to the schema to support that and bumped its version up to 0.1.1, where it currently is at the time of this publication. I then just needed to make a couple small tweaks to MIDI Mod to support the new schema. MIDI Mod version 1.5.1 does that and therefore works with a JX-10 or MKS-70 that has the Vecoven 3.x or 4.x firmware installed.

Vecoven Super JX Flash Module:

A JX-10 Vecoven 3.x firmware and soundboard rom installation video that I used for reference:"

Roland JX-10 firmware upgrade

video by Simo Sainio

Here's a video that features the physical installation of the flash module in an MKS-70:

DIY INSTALL Vecoven 3.x SuperJX Flash Module for the Roland MKS-70/JX-10

video by #hardwareonly The MIDI Maniac

See the Vecoven label below for more.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Roland Super JX-10 + PG800 Controller + Vecoven Flash Upgrade

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Friday, February 14, 2020

Roland MKS-70 & MPG-70 Controller | The Perfect Match!

Published on Feb 13, 2020 Espen Kraft

"Using the last of the Roland monster analog synths from 1986, the MKS-70 and the Super JX (JX-10) can be tedious when it comes to editing. Even with the original PG-800 controller from Roland.
But with a Vecoven Firmware chip V.3 and the MPG-70 controller from Retroaktiv, things goes a lot faster and smoother."

Some details on the Vecoven mod:

Sunday, January 05, 2020

Roland JX-10 Analogue Synth w/ Vecoven Firmware 3

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"A classic 80s synth - with new Vecoven firmware 3

Classic 12-voice DCO beast of an analogue synth with a very high quality 76-note keyboard (and with working aftertouch).

Warm, beautiful, and with sounds that fit perfectly in the mix."

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Retroaktiv PG-800 MINI Assembled Desktop Controller

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

See this post for a demo.

"The PG-800 Mini is a compact controller for the Roland JX-8P, Super JX, and MKS-70 synthesizers. This unit comes fully assembled, tested, and ready to be plugged into a JX. Units are available in black gloss and matte black cases.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Super-JX PWM Multitrack

Published on May 23, 2018 Joakim Floke

"In this track I only used my MKS-70 for sounds except for drums.
It's been modified with Vecovens PWM-boards and flashmodule.
The sounds here are almost all based on PWM. No EQ has been used and just some reverb was added on some parts. Hope you like it and if you have any questions, just ask them."

Monday, May 14, 2018

Roland MKS-70 PWM

Published on May 14, 2018 Joakim Floke
Update: Re-Published on May 14, 2018 as Super-JX PWM

"This is a demo of using just one oscillator with pwm mod.
I've installed Vecovens pwm-boards in to my MKS-70 and they make the synth turn out sounds it really was suppost to. Vecovens upgrades to the Super JX are really super.
Check them out here:"

Monday, February 12, 2018

Roland JX10 - Vecoven OS 3.11 + Wilkinson v1.0 Noritake Display driver

Published on Feb 12, 2016 Sandro Codazzi

"Here a small test of some of the main features of new OS combined with enhanced mode editing with Noritake Gu-280 display.
Some other useful features are in, like pedal assign to editing parameters, SysemxDump, Sysex single patch send/receive and more...."

JX10 v3714 - Arpeggiator Test - Milan E-LAB Studio

Published on Feb 3, 2014 Sandro Codazzi

"Roland JX10 v3714 (beta release)
Arpeggiator add ons test performed @Milan E-Lab Feb 3rd,2014"

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Retroaktiv PG-800 Mini - Random Tone Generator & Scratch Patch Buttons

Published on Aug 29, 2017 New England Analog Archives

See this post for one built into the JX-10.

"The PG-800 Mini is a miniature knob controller that mounts inside of the Roland JX-8P or Super JX. This video demonstrates the PG-800 Mini's random tone generator function, as well as the scratch patch function.

Tapping the WRITE button on the PG-800 Mini will generate a generic "scratch patch", which consists of two sawtooth waves, not detuned, through an open filter and a gated VCA. It serves as a great starting point when creating a new program.

Holding the WRITE button will generate a random program.

The unit used in this demo is running Vecoven 4.x firmware, and has the Vecoven PWM PCBs installed."

Monday, May 15, 2017

Roland MKS-70 with Vecoven PWM Mod (OS 4.0), serviced, +M-64C Memory Cart

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Uploaded on May 14, 2017

1. Electric Piano patch
2. Custom patch, via MIDI
3. Custom patch with PWM

via this auction

"Upgrades/service list:
* Vecoven OS 4.0 installed (EEPROMs A, B, C)
* Vecoven PWM boards installed
* Power supply recapped
* Battery holder and new battery installed
* Fixed faulty chorus (2x MN3009 IC, 1x 5218 IC)
* Sockets installed for the commonly replaced ICs: 2x 5218, 4x MN3009, 4x MN3101
All-in-all, ~30 hours was invested into this unit.

Unit is fully functional."

Monday, October 17, 2016

iPG-800 Editor Update Adds a Virtual PG-1000 for Editing the D-50/D-550

iTunes: iPG-800 - kentai

"iPG-800 is a MIDI Controller iPad app emulating the functionality of the PG-800, PG-300, PG-200 and PG-1000 Synthesizer Programmers that were built by Roland.

It only works with a Roland JX-8P, MKS-70, JX-10 (with Colin Fraser OS or Fred Vecoven OS), Alpha Juno 1+2, MKS-50, HS-80, JX-3P with Organix or Kiwitechnics OS and D-50/D-550.

iPG-800 is a CoreMIDI app and connects to CoreMIDI compatible MIDI-Interfaces that support sysex like the iRig MIDI (e.g. Alesis IO Dock does not work) and to wireless MIDI Network sessions.

Note: No Parameterfeedback for JX-10 with Colin Fraser OS

What's New in Version 1.4
integrated a virtual PG-1000 for editing the D-50/D-550"

Saturday, August 15, 2015

JX10 & MKS70 Display

Published on Aug 15, 2015 Guy Wilkinson

"Here is a video of my latest home project; a replacement display for the Roland JX10 and MKS70 Synthesizers. Note that blinking characters on the display don't blink regularly due to video editing.

To attach a new display to the synth and display the basic text is quite straightforward but getting the best out of a modern VFD module using fancy fonts and graphics is much more complicated when linking it to a 30 year old electronic design.

It all began when Frédéric Vecoven had developed a replacement operating system for these synthesizers and kindly invited me into his project to contribute. Fred had developed an extensive set of software tools to allow full simulations of the synths and VFD displays, making the job a lot easier for me as all code could be developed and tested on a Linux or OSX Platform without real hardware. It meant that it worked almost perfectly when running on real JX10 for the first time.

Fred’s JX10/MKS70 software provides additional data in order to make an elegant design of display layout. Tone edit is particularly well enhanced as is the play mode and function display.

In this demo, the display is powered by the JX10 but could also be powered separately if wanted. Careful design of the new circuit, PCB and routing of power in the JX appears to have removed the 'hum' that you can just about hear in the noise floor of the standard JX. The hum is caused by the refresh scheme in the old VFD display and I expect to demonstrate a lower noise floor in final testing when the first bare PCB arrives next month.

Soon I will release details and there will be a viable solution to replace a failed display!"

Quick note: the video is on the display replacement only. The music is for background purposes only and was not created using the Roland JX-10 or MKS-70.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Roland Super JX Upgrade by Vecoven & Protoype 16 x M64c Cartridge Memory Bank by Guy Wilkinson

This one in via Guy Wilkinson on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge. That's his JX-10 pictured to the left.

Guy on the upgrade: "It is simply brilliant. I thought all the switches were "end of life" and bought new, but this total rewrite fixed it because the tasks all run more efficiently and snappier, sysex is fixed totally but is not compatible with the old style midi dump, so I protyped a "super cartridge" loaded using old sw then switched to Freds and dumped out all out to cakewalk. Sysex now is quick & seamless from your DAW. There is an ipad PG800 app that works with it too using the mks70 setting. Makes the instrument feel "finished", it took him a long time to rewrite and is working on other stuff, one of which is the PWM modification, extensive voice card rewire but should really unleash the JX/MKS70. Other great features he implemented are arpeggiator instead of sequencer and assignment of any parameter to the controller sliders......nice"

Details via

"In a nutshell, the rewrite provides:

New midi implementation

- each parameter is now OFF/RECV/SEND/ON, allowing fine control of what gets sent and what is filtered.

- sysex support : allow edition of patch, tone A and tone B individually. (No need for M64 cartridge)

- fast bulk dump/load : 4-5 seconds to dump everything. Can dump to/from cartridge and internal memory.

- edition of parameters (patch and tones) sends sysex, so all editions can be sequenced. PG800 is also supported here, so editions made from the PG800 can also be sequenced.

- copy from/to cartridge to create a full backup of the internal memory (all settings are now copied to the cartridge or restored from it)

Controls C1 and C2 enhancements

- any tone parameter can be assigned to C1 or C2
- any arpeggiator parameter can be assigned to C1 or C2
- C1 and C2 can be used, in tone edit mode, to modify upper/lower tone parameter. This allows quick editing of - tones for those who don’t have a PG800.

Arpeggiator (JX10 only)

- 8 arpeggiators 'patches'

- internal or external synchronization

- supports up, down up/down, played and random notes ordering

- various arpeggio types

- velocity setting (fixed or played)

- note duration (1-15 or legato)

- use lower split point to control which notes are arpeggiated

PG800 support
New display options
- control whether updates from sysex, pg800 or controllers are displayed temporarily on-screen

Compatibility mode
- allows to disable new features for full compatibility with old software (for example, sysex changes made to tone A can be redirected to the currently selected tone, etc...)

Test modes
- test hardware controllers (voices, A/D controllers (aftertouch, bender, C1/C2), keyboard)

- test memory chips

For MKS70 owners, please note that the MONO mode (one voice per midi channel) is NOT SUPPORTED in this release."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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