Sunday, July 03, 2022

T-420 Eurorack Video Synthesizer Module - LoFi Future Glitch Effects Processor

video upload by LoFiFuture

"Available to order:

During packing / shipping of the first batch of these modules, it dawned on me, I haven't made a demo video for it yet!

The T-420 video processor finally gets its Eurorack transformation! Coming in at 4HP and just 23mm deep it is compact to fit into even the shallowest of skiffs.

The three knobs work in conjunction with each other so many effects are possible ranging from frame tearing glitches to bright rainbow colourize effects as well as invert/negative effects. Check out the demo video / pictures for some examples.

Great for processing clean composite signals to add some, or a lot of glitch and grit. It does wonderful stuff in feedback loops too!

This unit works and looks its absolute best when plugged directly into a CRT TV, but it will work with LCD TVs & Projectors and only tends to drop out (lose signal) when the first knob is near its maximum setting. Also works well in bigger video rigs with video mixers/ TBCs etc.

Composite video In/out
NTSC/PAL Compatible
Weight - 90 Grams
Dimensions - 4HP / 23mm Deep
Power - Uses 12V rail / 210mA max power consumption"

Messing about with the Sequential Prophet 5 rev 4

video upload by Synth-o-rama

"Trying out different patches I made. The Sequential Prophet 5 rev 4 is going through an old Roland mixer, and a stereo spring reverb as well.

Sorry for the video quality. Turns out the iPhone blurs the video whenever it gets sound pressure (from my speakers). I'll might make a better quality video later. :-)"

Music & More MAP-1 Midi Arpeggiator, and Sequential Prophet 5 rev 4

"Here's a demo of the MAM Music & More MAP-1 hardware arpeggiator and what features it has. For this demo I'm also using the Sequential Prophet 5 rev 4."

Soma Pulsar & Lyra 8 + ornament 8 & Dfam

video upload by Endless Arp's

Studio Electronics BoomStar 8106 Jam - Jupiter/Juno Filter

video upload by Aperture Sound Lab

"A solid Jam with a simple arp-y melody. Boomstar is (by a mile) the best monosynth I've ever played. So good in fact that I ended up handing off the Matrixbrute just to afford one. The unit you see here in this video is the one Voltage&Co was kind enough to lend me. I've got my own 8106 boomstar with slightly darker wood that'll be a mainstay here for quite sometime. This jam is just a short example of what it can do. More of these to come..."

Dawless hardware jam #14 with Novation Circuit Tracks Digital Groovebox & Roland MC-09 PhraseLab.

video upload by Ascetic Wires

"Dawless hardware jam #14 with Novation Circuit Tracks Digital Groovebox & Roland MC-09 PhraseLab Tabletop Synth/Audio Looper with onboard sequencing and effects (here sequenced by Circuit Tracks).

Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio) with some software compression."

Tama Techstar TSQ1000 & Pearl DRX-1 Demo

video upload by Synth-o-rama

"Just got this Tama Techstar TSQ1000 drum trigger. Bought it at an auction, and it wasn't guaranteed to work. Seems to work nicely though. Here triggering my Pearl DRX-1 synth drums."

Original ARP 2600 synthesizer, with Antonus Step Brother sequencer

video upload by Synth-o-rama

"This is a POV video, with me exploring my recently purchased Arp 2600 synthesizer. It's an original grey face model from 1976.

Arp potted the modules in this model, to make it more difficult to know what's going on inside them. Especially the 'Moog' filter they probably wanted to keep secret. However, in 1976, with the introduction of the "Halloween" coloured version of the Arp 2600, they no longer potted the modules.

At the same time they introduced their own version of the filter module (they kinda had to, as they got sued by Moog), the 4072. Many people think that it was inferior sounding to the 4012 "Moog" equivalent.

However, although my Arp 2600 is from 1976, and maybe "should" have been equipped either with the potted 4012 Moog filter, or, the unpotted inferior sounding 4072 filter, I was lucky enough to get an unpotted 4012 Moog filter. All other modules in this Arp 2600 are not potted as well. Sometimes you luck out. 🎉"

Original ARP 2600 synthesizer, with Antonus Step Brother sequencer, second video

Nanobox Fireball - "Neon Heart" 40 Presets

video upload by LFOstore

"We continue Nanobox Fireball soundsets series & present 'Neon Heart' now is the time for Analog & Vintage Sounds!


Nanobox Fireball is a powerful synthesizer with great potential and an incredible variety of sounds.

Welcome to the vintage world!

40 presets ready to breathe new colors into your music and inspire creativity.

Cinematic, Electronic, Ambient, Retrowave, create new music worlds with Nanobox Fireball and "Neon Heart"

In the bank you will find neon pads, airy plucks, warm poly that will fill your compositions with new colors and emotions.

Every patch of our soundset is musical & can be immediately used in your tracks & production.

Enjoy and may the music come with you!"

Octatrack Tutorial: How To Playback Long Samples

video upload by Mamotreco

"You can play long samples on the Elektron Octatrack by loading them onto a Static Machine (not a Flex Machine) and following the steps on the video to set a One Shot Trigger instead of a normal one.

Current channel music compilation:
Previous music releases available here:"

Ratcheting Effects with the TAP TEMPO VC-LFO Eurorack Module and a Step-Sequencer

video upload by AJH Synth Official

"This Patch of The Week shows a way of achieving racheting effects in sequences using the Tap Tempo VC-LFO - the new voltage-controlled low-frequency oscillator from AJH Synth. It involves using one row of 8 steps to control the pitch of the sequence, whilst a second row controls the LFO, determining the multiplication of the clock speed, which is set by the sequencer's gate output. This LFO then controls both filter and VCA like a repeating envelope generator, and it's clock speed is tied to that of the sequencer. The TAP TEMPO VC-LFO is a very powerful 16-waveform LFO module. Here only a simple sawtooth wave shape is used, but it contains many unusual and complex waves that are suitable for a huge range of applications, 15 of which can be twisted, modifying their wave shape in a similar way to square wave pulse width modulation. Two of the waves are similar to sample & hold, where random voltages are generated. All waves share the same clock behaviour and can be synced to external CV, which makes the module great for use with sequencers. A built-in VCA with level control, along with both bipolar (LFO type) and unipolar (envelope type) outputs."

Video by DreamsOfWires

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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