Thursday, February 01, 2007

Plan B Knobs on Doepfer

cray5656 replaced the knobs on his Doepfer modular with Plan B knobs. Pretty nice. I see Livewire there as well. Title link takes you to cray5656's flickr set.


Top left when you get there.


"Solid Rate Studios is proud to announce it's leap into the world of Eprom Programming! Eproms are programmed in-house from a wide range of source material including binary images taken from stock Eproms, after market Eproms and binaries made from custom samples. We provide Eproms for virtually any Eprom based drum machine including... SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS DRUMTRAKS, LINN LM-1, LINN DRUM, OBERHEIM DMX, OBERHEIM DX, E-MU DRUMULATOR, ELEKTRON MACHINE DRUM, KORG ER-1, ROLAND MC-303, ROLAND TR-909, ROLAND TR-808, ROLAND TR-727, ROLAND TR-707, ROLAND TR-606, ROLAND DDR-30, BOSS DR-202, ALESIS SR-16, ALESIS HR-16, MPC MUSIC PERCUSSION COMPUTER, VARIOUS MODULAR ANALOG DRUM KITS, and more."

Title link takes you there.

Inside the Hartmann Neuron

Title link takes you to more on

Inverse Room

Looks like Inverse Room has a new album out titled "American Recluse," along with a completely revamped website. You'll find new studio pics, samples, and more including the less often seen Yamaha SY-2 and Casio PT-7. Title link takes you there. Enjoy.

Vintage Analog Percussion

ACE Tone FR-3

Synsonics Pro

The Kit by M.P.C Electronics

The Clap by M.P.C Electronics

Multivox FR-4

Univox JR-5

No title link. These were sent in via Mo Rosati and are up for auction.

Roland TB-303 Devil Fish

Another TB-303 Devil Fish up for auction. Title link takes you to the shots. These are big ones, so be sure to click on the "All Sizes" link in the menu above the shots on flickr if you want to see the full image.

via Dan.

Kirin Lager Meets YMO in Akira Kurosawa's Dreams

Click image to launch video. Title link takes you to the Kirin Promo site with a very nice image of YMO.

This is NOT the Graffiti Research Lab

YouTube via ni9e25.

In case you missed it there was a scare in Boston yesterday over these little devices cropping up around the city. They were mistaken for bombs. The officials brought out the bombs squads and blew them up. In actuality they were promo material for "Aqua Teen Hunger." You can read more about it on the excellent Laughing Squid.

To keep this post on topic, I'm curious if anyone knows what sound devices were used for the early arcade coin-op version of Pac Man. I always loved the richness of the sound and it was obviously before the SID. Anyone know if it was analog or digital? Also has anyone done anything new with the old devices? Seems like it would make for a good DIY project.

Updating The Site Template to Support New Blogger Features

If you read my last Blogger update post you will note that I noted search was broken. I think I figured it out. I need to update the site with a new Blogger template. This will finally give the "Older Posts" link at the bottom of the page that lets you go to the next page in the archives. Hopefully this will let you page through search results as well. I will also have a new Archive format that I think will be pretty cool. Anyway, I'm going to update the template now, so the site will look broken while this is happening.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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