Monday, June 25, 2007

Synth Jam

YouTube via verstaerker.
"a little chaotic video of a jam with my S1, MD, Drumstation & Sherman"

MOOG Micromoog

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

Oberheim OB-1

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Andromeda hard at work, makin' me money

Via Paul Sop aka Doktor Future:
"Here's a nice shot of my Andy. In the background is part of Plexus's old modular which I bought off him (way cool BTW) and some giant headphones."

SEMdrone Mix pt1

"A research team based on a station on planet X is on a mission to explore the planet and it's wildlife. But during this exploreration their spaceship crashes."

via Dennis on the Cyndustries list:
"Made some drones in the last weeks and did mix them together as a 30 minute project. So the drone story part 1 is kinda complete. It's about a research group on planet X witch is doing exploreariont on that planet about nature etc. But during that research their spaceship crashes hehehe.

Oow gear used mainly the Oberheim SEM modular. With aditional mainly the zero oscilator and some other cyndustries stuff. Some Wiard stuff (noise ring, borg, sequantizer, vco) and my RSF Kobol in a drone."

Also see this post.

Roland GR-500

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

"Up for auction is a Roland guitar synthesizer model Gr-500 for a GS-500 guitar. As far as I know this model was the first guitar synth that Roland or for that matter any company produced."

According to VSE it was produced in 1997 as was the ARP Avatar. Anyone know which guitar synth was the first?

Legacy Software - RapMaster

YouTube via adiblasi.
"RapMaster - an old audio program from back in the day. Enjoy a bit of retro audio with this one! More retro apps to come!"
Funny side note: I have the exact same wallpaper up as adiblasi in this vid. It was from this post. adiblasi also brought us these great vids.

Roland Juno-60

YouTube via analoguecrazy4.
"Here are a few classic 80's sounds i created on my Roland Juno-60."

Creamware ASB Rack

via Sendling.

Three ASB Boxes

Image originally via fidgit on


"EMXP is a software primarily designed for use with vintage Emu samplers, especially Emax samplers.

EMXP is currently the only Windows XP software available which is capable of writing and reading Emax sound data and OS data to and from floppy disks.

Started as an evolution of the original EMX software (which was only available for MS-DOS), EMXP now contains a lot of additional features such as WAV-to-EMAX conversion and support for removable harddisks (like ZIP disks and CDROMs).

Moreover EMXP is not limited to Emax samplers anymore. Other vintage Emu samplers are also (partly) supported: Emulator II and Emulator III."

Title link takes you there. via dvdborn.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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