Friday, October 30, 2009

Russian Circuit Bending Workshop

NCCA, Kaliningrad 23-26.10.2009
(click for more pics on vtol)

Delia Derbyshire

YouTube via iiishtar

Delia Derbyshire/Blue Veils and Golden Sand
Delia Derbyshire/Nightwalker
Delia Derbyshire/Freeze Frame
Delia Derbyshire/Frontier to Knowledge
Delia Derbyshire/Air - 1971
Delia Derbyshire/Depression - 1971
Delia Derbyshire/Pot Au Feu

Interview with Bert Schiettecatte of Percussa

full interview on wire to the ear

A couple of excerpts:
"Do you find artists using AudioCubes in the studio or are they solely for a live performance situation?

Up to now artists have been mostly using them Live I believe, but now there are more and more people using them for various applications, because we’ve released all this new software for the hardware, so the applications are now really wide and people are really enthusiastic about it."

"What’s next? AudioSpheres? Something else?

That’s top secret :-) I think right now we’re focused on developing more software and perhaps a few hardware addons for AudioCubes too. We’d also like to get more open source developers involved from non-music areas, maybe visual artists or game developers."

Flame: Six-in-a-Row Arrives at Analogue Haven

flickr by Analogue Haven

"The Flame Six-in-a-Row sequencer is here! This multi-functional performance controller can act in various ways. The manufacturer has been hard at work to develop, for example, a Clip-Sequencer for Ableton Live, to turn the device into a general midi controller as well as refining its use as a matrix sequencer (see the Youtube video on our site). The software protocol will be opened up to third party developers so there could also be applications in Max, Pure Data, etc. The Six-in-a-Row costs $499 and ships from stock. LINK."

nord lead

flickr by Section 45
(click for more)

Roland Juno 106

flickr by Section 45
(click for more)

West Coast Boys: Dutch Electro Portraits

"Paul Langlade calls it "gear p.rn" or "synth p.rn" because - jammed as they are with sequencers, synthesizers, samplers and various other pieces of equipment - his photographs of the leading lights in the Dutch electro scene are a music nerd's wet dream."

click here for the article on FACT magazine. You'll find more studio shots.

Pictured here:
Top: Legowelt
Bottom: Rude66

via bleepology

mochika3 raw sound demo

YouTube via AtomoLabs. AtomoSynth on Ebay
"Hello world. in this demo you can hear the mochika3's raw sound, playing 4 different pattens, it is synchronized by midi to a drum pattern created in the computer with fruity loops..."

VOSTOK !! Introduce VOSTOK Modular Synth part1

YouTube via kickitagainagain. Not seeing a part 2 here.
"VOSTOK is an Analog Solution's "SuitCace Type" Analog Modular Synth."

Synthesizer Boot Camp #5--Frequency Modulation Synthesis (part 1 of 2)

YouTube via noisesculpture. You can find all parts here.

"Synthesizer Boot Camp is a series of videos which looks at specific synthesizer techniques that can be applied in creating sounds. This video looks at using envelopes as a modulation source.

You can find out more about the series at, and check out to read more"

Synthesizer Boot Camp #6--Frequency Modulation Synthesis (part 2 of 2)


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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