Friday, February 05, 2010

The Octavizer

YouTube via 0illuminatedsounds0
"A quick demo of a little launchpad app i made to change the octaves of the rows of notes on the launchpad. You can download this application at"

Elektron Machinedrum live 2

YouTube via xpressunith

How to copy and paste patterns on a Roland TB-303

YouTube via phono1337
"A tutorial video on how to copy and paste patterns on a Roland TB-303. This isn't a documented feature, rather its a "bug" of sorts. Visit my new blog for all things x0x"

SP-404SX ambient track

YouTube via skyskraberen
"First attempt at a track on my new Roland SP-404sx sampler. The samples are marimba and hang drum samples free off the interweb.

I recorded the pattern into Logic, played some Blofeld synth over it and dubbed this over the video.

I find the Sp-404sx a lot of fun and very easy to get started on after getting rid of my MPC. Thanks for watching."

Latest Serge Modular Experiments by Cebec

master year by cebec

bending throat by cebec

lodgeam by cebec

Collection by cebec

Monome Creator Soldering Event in LA

via the SDIY list:
"Monome creators Brian Crabtree and Kelli Cain are in town, and teaching a surface-mount soldering class this Saturday evening from 5-8pm. All materials provided, and you take home a fully functioning two-voice lo-fi oscillator noise instrument. By the end of the evening you’ll no longer be afraid of tiny surface mount components. Stay to participate in a micro-noise ensemble afterwards. Registration required"

1986 Roland Users Group Magazine

via this auction

"Vol. 4 No 1. 50 pages of Roland product info. part of the inventory of Des Moines Music House and has been carefully stored for 24 years. Check my other listing for more awesome vintage treasures!"

Modded Arp Odyssey

via this auction
"Modded with CV in/outputs, by an expert in NY, whose name I forget, for a patchable 'Poor Man's 2600'!!!
37 Key keyboard-
2 Oscillators-syncable, 1 sub-sonic. FM and PWM modulation on both.
Low-pass resonant filter
Filter Modulation
High Pass filter
LFO-Sine, Square, S&H
Sample and hold mixer with lag
White/Pink noise
VCA Gain
ADSR & AR envelopes
OSC/Noise/Ring Mod mixer.
Pitch bend/portamento/transpose +- 2 octaves.

Modifications are: Waveform outs for each Osc., Noise white and pink outs, LFO waveforms out, S/H mixer out, S/H Vc out, AR & ADSR env. outs.
FM1 & FM2 CV ins for each Osc., PWM CV in for each Osc., S/H cv in, (2) VCF FM ins, VCA AM in, 2nd Vc Out. These are 1/8" jacks.
There is a LFO sync on/off switch, as well as a S&H/Ext. in mix knob.
On the back are CV in & out, trig in & out, and gate in & out. These are 1/8" jacks.
Also, an external in is provided! This is a 1/4" jack."

Roland JV-1080 Expansion Cards

via this auction

Note the auction is for the synth as well. Posting hear for the image of the expansion cards.

Pop Vintage Synth
Hip Hop Collection

They look like little credit cards.

Nord Modular G2 Expanded

via this auction

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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