Thursday, January 12, 2012

Double Andore test (#4)

"... sans manual, the learning curve of The Harvestman's Double Andore module (essentially two AD / AHD envelope generators & two VCA's with HEAPS of cross-modulation & routing possibilities & several pre-programmed wave-shapes on a set of digital voice-boards) is significantly steeper than most (save for the MakeNoise Maths, with which it shares some functional similarity / complexity, even if they sound/work in COMPLETELY different ways) ; watch as i fumble through discovery, arbitrarily twisting knobs until it starts sounding like "music" (i kid, i watched the Trash Audio video about 15x just now & even made a little "map" in my notebook) ...

This video was shot with a Canon Digital Rebel T2i (with the macro lens) hovering about 6 feet above the synth ; audio was piped directly out of a Radial Stereo Direct Inject box into the stereo "mic" input of the camera (hence the overall dynamic awesomeness) ..."

I was trying to figure out what the repeating sound that comes in at about 9 seconds reminded me of.
Here you go:

"Teddy Bear," the porcupine, doesn't like to share...

At :47 - "It's my cob!" Don't miss him in his Santa hat, in the thumbnails after the video ends.

Tinysizer, Juno 60 Minerva, Perfourmer MK2

YouTube Uploaded by zaphid on Dec 22, 2011

Vermona Perfourmer MKII

YouTube Uploaded by zaphid on Jan 11, 2012

"little jam with the perfourmer mkII and SP12 turbo (standard drums)"

Vermona perfourmer mk2

Uploaded by zaphid on Dec 16, 2011

"Deze video is ge�pload vanaf een Android-telefoon."

Zaphyd - Maplin 3800 Analog Synthesizer

Uploaded by zaphid on Jan 15, 2011

"Modified Maplin 3800: patchpoints, Midi installed and via midi velocity sensitive and aftertouch routings to aftertouch cv, computer installed with 2 digital lfo's and 2 digital envelopes. 5 different waveshapes per lfo with programmable delay and fade out. Standard adsr envelopes (env 2 bipolar). Improved eq board and low noise vca + extra vca. Computer functions and commands can be selected by pressing keys on the Maplin."

Doepfer A101-2 Low Pass Gate-VCA Mode

YouTube Uploaded by raulsworldofsynths on Nov 3, 2011

"Demonstration of the Doepfer A101-2 Low Pass Gate VCA Mode"

All parts here.

Oddy-Free - Free VST synth -

YouTube Uploaded by vstplanet on Jan 12, 2012

"Oddy-Free -

klang system

YouTube Uploaded by Ebotronix on Jan 12, 2012

"Roland System 100
Sequencer Oberheim Cyclone
Drums Clavia ddrum4se Simmons ClapTrap Nord Modular Vocoder Boss DR 770
Kenton Pro 2000 II for Roland System 101 & 102
Moog MP 201 Midi LFO via CP 251 to System 100
Logic Master"

Metasonix D-1000 KV-100 jam

YouTube Uploaded by d4nnyp on Mar 4, 2011

"Having a Jam with the D-1000 and KV-100

Much chunkiness was found"

BugBrand Modular Videos by d4nnyp

BugBrand SEQ1 beta Video.MOV

YouTube Uploaded by d4nnyp on Jun 14, 2011

"Quick Video (demo) of the beta SEQ1 Sequencer Hub 8step sequencer from BugBrand.

SEQ1 acting as sequencer Hub (that's what its called after all) Also using 2x CTL which are stepped from the Gate A/B slots then mixed. Bits of Sequencer cross modulation also going on between these, one of the CTL1's also sends CV to the EXT CV in that varies the range of the CV out."

BugBrand Bogle Jam

Uploaded by d4nnyp on Mar 5, 2011

"BugBrand being triggered by Tetra MAPS"

BugBrand Modular Live Vid Test 1.mp4

Uploaded by d4nnyp on Jan 27, 2011

"Just doing a test record and upload.

output direct to cam from mixer."

Also see: Bugbrand With Altitude

Tempest Demo 1, rough

YouTube Uploaded by d4nnyp on Dec 19, 2011

"Quick Tempest Demo, its a kit I put together with a mix of tweaked factory and made from scratch sounds. Its all tempest with reverb from an EHX Cathedral pedal. It was a pretty rough take as I wanted to do a demo more than a tune, so its a bit like "new toy" time!
There is a bit of noise on it too, I forgot to unplug the PC out from the mixer and the PC noise gets sent down the wire!. The Tempest itself is noise free and sounds lovely.
Hopefully the video shows some of the fun to be had when its Tempest time.
If I get round to recording it as a tune then I may add it later."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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