Friday, June 08, 2012

Make Noise DPO Audio Demos

Make Noise Dual Prismatic Oscillator audio demo #1 by Raglani
Make Noise Dual Prismatic Oscillator audio demo #2 by Raglani

Also see the videos posted last night.

via Joseph Raglani on Facebook

Noisebug June Art Walk Sale - This Friday & Saturday

x0xi0 synthesizer SN SN x0xi0100B Reference Unit for Auction

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction

Click the pics for the super size shots. According to Lorne Hammond at the MMTA Summer SYNTHFEST, this is the x0xi0 to have.

"If not familiar with the x0xi0 or x0xb0x in general check out the x0xi0 website This x0xi0 is one of the reference units of this design of the x0xi0 kits. This unit was built using the custom x0xb0x and x0xi0 PCB assemblies and is equivalent to the x0xi0 Complete kit shown on the website. The unit is updated to the latest specifications. In addition to the normally specified parts this unit also uses the same Sanyo green polyester caps and Chemi-con SM-series electrolytic caps as the original TB-303. This unit is one of the standard reference units that was used for comparison for the testing of other kits. It was also used for the majority of the 2010 sound demos on the x0xi0 website. The functional and cosmetic condition is exactly as new. The item will come with the appropriate power supply for the location of the winning bidder."

Pics of the inside below.

See the seller's other items for more.


Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

Another PIF via this auction

BTW, if you haven't yet, check out the audio demos at the auction or in this previous post. It looks like a little mini toy organ, but it actually creates analog synth sounds.

Update: There are 12 to 15 of these left from the seller that will be posted in time so if you miss out now there will be more. But obviously don't wait too long as these are limited. An interesting side note is although the beige is the same color on these, the surround case color differs. According to the seller, "this black one was the only one. The rest are blue\brown and there are 2 so-called albinos - greyish-pastel colours."

DJ Lace VS Creed MD - Zeroes on acid

flickr set By lacedj
(click for more)

Track and details below.

via Lace DJ on

DJ Lace vs Creed MD - Zeroes on acid by lacedj

"This is a classic west coast acid breaks track in the vein of old school records like Richard humpty visions’ “The feeling”, Dj Lace’s “The Future”, DJ Czech’s “I’ll bass you”, and the hot box remix of DJ prettyboy’s “Get on up”. It’s dark, moody and heavy. Perfect for a sweaty breaks jam.

It was created with Ableton Live 8, Roland TR 808, Sequential Circuits TOM, Korg DR-55, Xoxbox, Future Retro Revolution, Korg Poly six, Korg Monopoly. It was mixed on a DM4800 using the onboard TC electronics reverb, and a Fuzz factory guitar pedal set up in an effects send/return chain.

The track was originally recorded as a simple filter jam using the TR-808, the Tom, and the Xoxbox. The 808 kick drum was left at ¾ decay for most of the track and slowly closed at the end. Two more runs of the Xoxbox were recorded to create a total of 3 basslines that mix and match based on how each is modulated. There are no mixer moves on the bass lines other than mutes. The 3 volumes and effects send levels change based on filter and envelope settings of each Xoxbox. One bass line is dry, one has bright hall reverb, one has a swung tempo delay. All of them send some signal to the fuzz factory, which is mixed back in on a separate track for a bit of of top end distortion.

The Xoxbox with the TC reverb is the main lead of the track, and was set up with the effects send in pre-fader mode so the reverb setting could be set first and then bring in the dry sound to fill in after. The heavy top end noise near the end is added naturally by the resonance of the xoxbox filter feeding the reverb.

Although the TR-808 is run in sync, The sequential tom sounds are triggered via midi from Ableton. The kick, snare, hats and claps are used. The machine was recorded in mono to one track, and compressed for a bit more bite. The 808 was also recorded in mono to one track but not compressed. The two drum machines are mixed together dry. The tom track was slightly offset back from the 808 so it feels a little sloppy compared to the 808. It also lets the 808 kick drum point take precedence.

The Korg DR-55 has a modification so it can be triggered via midi. It also has a Korg style analog trigger output which was used to trigger the monopoly’s arpeggiator.

The Monopoly has four oscillators that you can trigger to play one after the other with the arpeggiator. It this case it is controlled by two devices. The Korg DR-55 is used to step the arpeggiator forward and the Future retro revolution is sending the note voltages that play the actual melody. Cross modulation is also used & you can clearly hear the resulting effect on the way the notes sound at the end of the track. The Korg Polysix was used for the string line, It was chosen because it sounds great with the monopoly as they share similar filter architectures, gelling the two synths together in the mix.

The vocal sample was recorded on location in Vancouver during a rainstorm using a zoom H2. It was shelved and compressed to bring up the ambient noise and make it sound like a sample taken from a movie. The zoom was chosen over better shotgun mics to help get a “recorded on location” feel. The filter is just the built filter in Ableton. The vocal filtering is not dramatic so the basic filter did the job fine.

The finished product has a true old school sound giving it an authentic vibe that you could imagine Donald Glaude or dj Czech dropping in a set at a classic Vancouver breaks party back in the 90s. Enjoy.


Sonic six mk1

YouTube Uploaded by MegaSniv on Feb 9, 2012

"This sonic six is from a friend of mine.
Made a quick fm lfo thingy drone.
The sonic 6 can sound pretty nasty with fm modulation :D"

Summer MPC Deep House

YouTube Published on May 27, 2012 by MegaSniv

"Track made in the garden with the MPC 500 during this sunny day.
Video is recorded in one take and audio is recorded with the RME fireface UC audio interface. No audio post processing.

subscribe if you like it, there will be more to come!"

via Ivo Hurkmans on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

MidiPads for iPhone Now Avialable

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

Crossfire Designs

You'll find the iPad and lite versions there as well.

"Welcome to MidiPads, the professional and fully configurable drumpad controller, now also for your iPhone! This is a Midi controller for Network MIDI, virtual MIDI and iPhone connector MIDI interfaces. With Network MIDI, you can take your iPhone on stage and trigger your music wirelessly! Or imagine to be a DJ who can dance with the crowd while tuning in and playing the next track...

★ Supports Core MIDI interfaces like iRig MIDI and Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer II
★ Supports network MIDI over WiFi
★ Supports virtual MIDI to trigger other iOS MIDI Apps with virtual MIDI support
★ All Midi sources/destinations can be connected individually
★ Presets (interchangable with other users, midipads can be started with them from other apps, e.g. Dropbox)
★ All elements customizable (color, label, Midi channel, CC/key, range...)
★ 64 drum pads, resizable area (4, 9 or 16 pads per page)
★ Two fully customizable pages
★ Several modes to influence velocity: Finger velocity, Two-finger-tap, vertical pad position, random velocity, and min and max velocity always definable
★ Touch pads and faders support snapping, automatic fading and bouncing
★ Use drum pads as tap or toggle buttons, either in key or CC mode
★ Drum pads can act as X/Y controller and pad at the same time (trigger your effect and change it with just one finger!)
★ Faders can act as VU meter and fader at the same time
★ Drum pads can show incoming values (e.g. that a sample is on that pad)
★ Send pitch bend or modulation over faders, touch pads or drum pads
★ Gravity controller (use iPhone's rotation axis as controller)
★ Easy Midi learn for each controller, as a learn CC value is sent on CC selection
★ Lock mode locks all elements that would hinder your performance
★ Supports all 16 midi channels (for each element and its sender separately!)
★ Drum pads can blink on incoming midi sync and hence support you with the beat
★ Extensive help covering connection, editing the user interface and troubleshooting
★ Multiple senders for each axis and knob

★ iPhone 3GS+ with iOS 4.3+ (iPhone 4+ with iOS 5 recommended)
★ A Mac or a PC for Network MIDI -or-
★ a virtual MIDI capable App you want to control -or-
★ Any MIDI device with MIDI in (in case you use an interface)"

Crossfire Designs

iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

Moonwind Demos

YouTube Published on Jun 6, 2012 by vidjoyogi

"Little Moonwind demonstration.
Sound source is an XBASE 999 fed into the Moonwind, stepping through presets and editing them. Later it is midi synced from the 999 and some sequence capabilities and pattern presets are shown."

Moonwind Sequence Evolution

Published on Jun 4, 2012 by vidjoyogi

"Evolution of a Moonwind sequence.
Sound and clock source is an XBASE 999.
The Cutoff and Q/Resonance are edited by knob movement and single step editing."

Moonwind Preset Editing

Published on Jun 4, 2012 by vidjoyogi

"Moonwind Preset Editing.
Sound source is an XBASE 999"

XBASE888 First Steps 1

YouTube Uploaded by vidjoyogi on Mar 2, 2011

XBASE888 Short Sample

Uploaded by vidjoyogi on Mar 1, 2011

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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