Saturday, August 18, 2012

Synthetic Sound Labs Segwencer IV Model1520

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Full description here:"

"The SSL Segwencer IV™ module is indeed in a class of its own. The name derives from the audio term “segue” (fading from one sound to another), and the synth term “sequence” (moving from one point / sound to another), and once combined, there is a synergy that blasts these concepts into a totally new way of morphing sounds, textures and even control voltages.

Before we go any further, a bit of explanation is probably in order. If you know a bit about pipe organ history, you know that a "crescendo" pedal is not a simple volume control. Pipe organs can control volume by opening and closing louvers in front of the pipes (called “swell”), but can’t really control brightness / timbre. A crescendo can add the perception of brightness and impact by adding more “ranks”. This is typically done with a separate pedal that the artist moves forward to bring in brighter and louder sounds. On a pipe organ, the mechanics of this are fairly straight-forward but technically complex. As the artist goes from soft to loud with the crescendo pedal, several “switches” are sequentially engaged. Each successive switch causes a new pipe rank to sound, therefore it becomes increasingly fuller with each stage of the crescendo pedal.

So, what is the SSL Segwencer? In a typical Voltage Controlled studio environment, a control voltage is fed to the “Depth” input which (through an on-board attenuator) controls which of the four Segwencer channels is active based on the input voltage. Each channel of the Segwencer has a separate built in VCA (DC coupled!) input and output, as well as a comvenient Mix output that can frequently save a mixer..."

Korg Sigma Mono Synth with MIDI Retrofit

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"It has 2VCO's and 3 sections, SYNTHE / INSTRUMENT / EFFECTS (all mixable). Its also got the following although not implemented as standard synths. Random and noise generation, PWM, vibrato, ring modulation, some VCF, LPF, HPF control etc etc etc. Put it this way you'll never run out of possibilities. The bad new is, as with most synths of this era it's got its faults but these are minor. Anyhow here's a list of known problems:

1. One of the keys has been cracked (pic3) but doesn't detract from playing.

2. Both joystick stalks have been broken (a common fault) but replaced years back (pic2) with bespoke plastic ones. These still work and look great.

3. Pots on the performance section (pic2) need either cleaned ot replaced, Yes they crackle when turned but that's easily sorted perhaps with a bit of contact cleaner. Switches are a bit hard to move, probably worn out with over 30 years of use. This has to be expected though so please keep that in mind.

However, there's lots of good news. It's cosmetically in very very good condition, fully intact with some minor small scratches and still has its pull out music rest . I played it before advertising and it sounds fine. But best of all it has a MIDI retrofit installed (many years ago). This has pretty basic midi implimentation whereby you press a little button on the fascia and the channels go through 1-16. I have no way of testing it but know it worked because I used it in midi setup (many moons ago). It also has midi independent tuning, again by a little pot just under the fascia (access hole). You can see them on pic2 just below the gold legend. There's no midi sysex here mind you, just note on/off data accepted. It also has your usual Hz / Volts connectors so midi converters could be used although I've never tried.

Anyone familiar with these machines will know how good they are. Users include Rick Wakeman, Keith Emerson and Jean Michael Jarre, all great musicians of the time but you can still see these machines in action on youtube. I've owned it for a considerable amount of time (with a Korg Lambda ES-50) but with the passage of time means I'm never gonna use it again. Since there are plenty of musicians & collectors out there who would and the inclusion of a midi retrofit must make it extremely rare and desirable."

YouTube Uploaded by ikworgek on Dec 28, 2008

"Korg Sigma with a Kenton pro-solo.
Weird old Korg synth with nice filter (same as MS20) and ringmodulation"

Soviet RITM-2 (Rhythm-2) Analog Synthesizer Video Demo

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YouTube Published on Aug 17, 2012 by Strangesoundful

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"This synthesizer was manufactured by Kirovsky musical instruments' factory in 1984, designer - Viktor Nikulin. The EMI Ritm 2 is an one-voice keyboard synthesizer designed for solo, ensembles and orchestral playing musical compositions of any genre. It can be used both for educational needs and creating different musical effects. This synthesizer can be used with an acoustic amplifier which has a response of 0,775. There is a possibility to use a low frequency amplifier such as radio receiver, TV and tape recorder. The quality of the sounding depends on an acoustic amplifier. The synthesizer Ritm-2 can play soundings of the other classical instruments (keyboard, strings, reed and percussion instruments). It is intended for creating some specific sounds (wind, noise of surf, train, gun and whine). Using this instrument one can play some compositins with a random pitch and a timbre. Control parametrs name: pitch wheel, modulation slider, modulation frequency, registers (4'8'16'32'), tuning modulation on, modulation amount, modulation waveform, noise, square waveform level, select waveform, wave level, cutoff, key track (1/1-1/2), resonance, modulation form/depth, phone, contour osc, output, memory, filter - attack, decay, sustain, release."

Vintage Analog Yamaha SY-2 Monophonic Synthsizer SN 2626

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"This machine is rare, all analog, and is in perfect working condition..."

Roland Organ/strings RS-09

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Moog Source Synthesizer

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"The Source is one of the coolest Moogs and looks very 80's! The bass sounds this thing emits rival the great Minimoog Model D!

This lovely Source was serviced by veteran Moog tech Larry Church (Portland, Or). Like all Source's - it needs just a few minutes to warm up, as it runs an ancient microprocessor to control all the analog circuits.

It is in pretty good condition, with only minor scuffs and scratches here and there. The wood end caps are new, made by a master guitar luthier..."

Moog Micromoog Synthesizer SN 1854

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"In amazing condition for it's age, this Micromoog sounds warm, juicy and is capable of some serious Moog bass. The filter on the Micromoog and Multimoog have a very unique characteristic - all Moog, yet slightly different than other Moog models..

This unit was thoroughly gone through by us - Adventures in Analog (Vancouver Wa), an authorized Vintage Moog Service center! We also did the clear modulation wheel modification and backlit it with a VERY BRIGHT blue LED. The Power LED was also changed to blue.

All the key contacts were cleaned, new power cable installed, the power supply board was "re-capped" (new capacitors) which makes for an outstanding S/N ratio for a 35 year old synth!

The wood panels are in remarkable condition without any serious scuffs, marks or peeling.

This is one of the nicest Micromoog Synths you'll ever see!"

Analogue Systems French Connection CV Controller

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AKS live 27-10-2012

YouTube Published on Aug 18, 2012 by skoulaman

"Yes...we are going live for audiance...this short video shows our 3d jamsession.
At 27-10-2012 we (Attorks, Keesvangelis and Skoulaman) are on stage for the first time.
Visit for more information, the EM music festival in the Netherlands.

See you"

webstersizer fiddling

YouTube Published on Aug 18, 2012 by JingleJoe

"I can't begin to describe everything I do here but there is waveshaping, pulse width modulation, tuning, sequencing, noise modulation of pulse width all sorts of things.
And a better amplifier."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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