Sunday, October 13, 2013

Akai AX60 - VCO Modulating the VCF

Published on Oct 13, 2013 zibbybone·128 videos

"One unique feature on the Akai AX60 that is not commonly found on synthesizers is VCO Mod to VCF. You can create some FM-like timbres with this feature when the VCF Resonance is turned up. I added a tiny bit of reverb with my Roland Fantom X6."

Roland TR-707 in da house

Published on Oct 13, 2013 grauoliv·24 videos

"Short vid with my latest good buy! I had no tripod in da house, so I filmed with my Canon EOS 600 D by hand.

The music is my cheeky attempt to recreate THE classic, ACID TRACKS by PHUTURE."

ETI - Electronics Today International - Jan 1974: Full Scale Synthesizer Build

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"How to repair calculators

Digital Stopwatch Project

Hi-Fi… Construction… Communications… Developments"

Maplin 4600


Published on Oct 13, 2013 kraftzug66·71 videos

"electribe esx +microsampler/versione studio ,cuffie consigliate..forse"

Studio Electronics on eBay

chaos never disturbs me

Published on Oct 13, 2013 pianoloft·211 videos

"a very nice setup, useing the dam drum 2.0 by bleep labs, a modified yamaha pss 100 (squidfanny), run through a pitch effect of the roland sp-404, a noise machine by dr. moonstien with body contacts to create screaming sounds, a casio sa-20, modified by dementia labs with an extraordinary outfit in an old suitcase and wonderful chaotic soundscapes and in the background sometimes a pulsating sound is doing its job, useing a sl-20 and a korg kaos pad."

Inside a Free Dumpster SIEL Orchestra 2

via martinwguy where you'll find more pics.

"The SIEL Orchestra 2 Italian analogue five-octave synthesizer from 1983 that I found next to the dumpsters on my way home ('A keyboard,' I thought. 'If the mechanism works I can probably make a software synth out of it.' I got it home and it worked perfectly, still accurately tuned after all these years)..."

Aperture Science Groove Generator (Volca Demo)

Published on Oct 13, 2013 K More·29 videos

"Artist : Khoral
All Volca Keys and Beats, no FX."

KORG Volcas on eBay

Modular Wild Presents PROFILE- Malekko Heavy Industry Richter Envelator

Published on Oct 13, 2013 Modular Wild·70 videos

"A brief overview of the features of the Malekko Heavy Industry Richter Envelator. Sound and Video by Raul Pena."

A Petition to Publish Delia Derbyshire's music from the BBC Sound Archive

Sign the petition here.

"Most of electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire's music exists in a single copy in the archives of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Many dozens, if not hundreds, of pieces of her beautiful work are mouldering unheard.

Delia's music broke new ground on several fronts: technological as she pushed what was possible with the equipment of her time, rhythmical as she experimented 11- and 13-note bars, and tonal as she freed herself from the 12-tone scale and voyaged into soundscapes and pure sound. Of Delia's work, only a tiny percentage is known to the public, whereas by far the majority of it is on tape in the Archive of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop in the custody of Mark Ayres.

We petition the BBC Trust to apply pressure to the BBC so that these recordings be swiftly published on traditional audio media (CD, DVD) so that the public, and in particular the British public who paid for it to be produced, be able to learn from and develop this woman's amazing musical visionary style.

The petition's closing date, the 5th of May 2014, is Delia's 77th birthday."

Sequential Circuits Prophet 2000 Vintage Sampler Synth

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Sequential Circuits Prophet 2000 sampler, fully working, floppy drive..."

The listing states it uses the same filters as the Prophet-5, however it does not. The Rev 3 Prophet-5 used CEM3320 filter while the Prophet 2000 used a CEM3379 VCF/VCA. You can see a list of CEM and SSM chips and the synths that used them on Wikipedia here.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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