Saturday, December 20, 2014

Clavia Nord Wave SN WA12721

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via this auction

Elements & Mikrophonie

via Laurentide Synthworks

"I've been beta testing the new set of MI modules the past couple months. Elements by far is my favorite. The others are amazing in their own right, but Elements is something special. Hook a Mikrophonie up to it and it becomes unworldly."

Happy Holidays via Din Sync with the Drum Dokta 2

via Din Sync

"Time for holidays at here at DinSync, so here's a proper look at the panel of the DrumDokta2

Production starts mid January so it shouldn't be too much longer before these start making it out in the wild.

Meantime have a great holiday everyone



Waldorf Rocket Synthesizer Demo

Published on Dec 19, 2014 Benedikt Boehm

"All sound from Waldorf Rocket"

Waldorf Rockets on eBay

Razmasynth CTHULHU // DRONE // miniatures 17

Published on Dec 20, 2014 LESINDES

"Razmasynth CTHULHU + Mutable Instruments Edges"

Мой модульный синтезатор YUSYNTH.

Published on Dec 20, 2014 sergioavia

"Мой самодельный модульный синтезатор на основе YUSYNTH
Ну вот, наконец я его заснял в работе. Поскольку midi-CV конвертер еще не готов, самодельная клавиатура-контроллер тоже "в процессе", а аналоговый секвенсор только изготовлен и занял свое место в системе, то... обязательно нужно накрутить какую-нибудь неувядающую восьминотную секвенцию, типа "афиллов" или "онзеран"...
Ну, поехали..No midi, no effects. Сплошной аналог.."


"My self-made modular synthesizer based YUSYNTH
Well, finally I photographed him at work. Since the midi-CV converter is not ready yet, homemade keyboard controller is also "in the process" and an analog sequencer only manufactured and took his place in the system, then ... definitely need to wind some timeless vosminotnuyu sequence, such as "afillov" or "onzeran" ...
Well, poehali..No midi, no effects. Continuous analogue .. "

messing around at London Modular

messing around at London Modular from Stormfield Slewdem on Vimeo.

Carol of the bells.

LMA optoDIST Workout

LMA optoDIST Workout from London Modular on Vimeo.

"A jam with the new Roll Your Own(Synth): optoDIST eurorack module.."

Endorphines meets Er-101..

Endorphines meets Er-101.. from London Modular on Vimeo.

"Furthrrrr Generator/ ER-101/Tides/Galileon Moons/Borg/Opto Mix

An awesome selection of modules that I am having endless fun with.."

Er-101 Plays Avril 14th

Er-101 Plays Avril 14th from London Modular on Vimeo.

"Programming some loops from Aphex's Avril 14th..

Nice one Jamie for helping with this..

I did notice I forgot to put the h in 14th, I deleted the files and didn't want to crop the video"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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