Showing posts with label Razmasynth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Razmasynth. Show all posts

Monday, April 05, 2021

Testing new live rig with plinky itération 5

video by Meska

"Juste quick & raw preview of the new live rig i build, this time they are coming:
Elektron octatrack mixing and EQ
Gotharman ld3 all the drum (no sample) , sub and sidechain
Plinky chords and it sequence the sub via CV
dual passive lpg into typhoon
and some euro module : razmasynth unknow pleasures, 4ms rcd and MI grids..

Thank you for watching.
My name is Meska of the statik collective . I've been making mostly "dark and expérimental" music for more than ten years now, i'v learn so much online, now it's time for me to share my knoledge, my exploration and this channel is a place to talk about the tools, sound design and techniques to make music with.
i'm tattooist at day jobs and you can found my work here :

You can stream my albums and EPs at

If you'd like to support the channel​ consider buying music from bandcamp ;)"

Friday, March 26, 2021

Unknown Pleasures quick review/demo

video by Meska

"Quick demo review of Unknown Pleasures by razmasynth, find it here:​

Thank you for watching.
My name is Meska of the statik collective . I've been making mostly "dark and expérimental" music for more than ten years now, i'v learn so much online, now it's time for me to share my knoledge, my exploration and this channel is a place to talk about the tools, sound design and techniques to make music with.
i'm tattooist at day jobs and you can found my work here :

You can stream my albums and EPs at

If you'd like to support the channel​ consider buying music from bandcamp ;)"

Monday, March 22, 2021

Testing new live rig with plinky itération 4

video by Meska

"Juste quick & raw preview of the new live rig i build, this time just close you'r eyes :
Elektron octatrack mixing and EQ
Gotharman ld3 all the drum (no sample) , sub and sidechain
Plinky chords go to thypoon and it sequence the sub via CV
and some euro module : razmasynth unknow pleasures, 4ms rcd and MI grids..

Thank you for watching.

My name is Meska of the statik collective . I've been making mostly 'dark and expérimental' music for more than ten years now, i'v learn so much online, now it's time for me to share my knoledge, my exploration and this channel is a place to talk about the tools, sound design and techniques to make music with. i'm tattooist at day jobs and you can found my work here :

You can stream my albums and EPs at"

Monday, January 25, 2021

Testing new live rig with plinky itération 2

video by Meska

Juste quick & raw preview of the new live rig i build:
welcome to the new added: trig 31
elektron octatrack
gotharman ld3
and some euro module : razmasynth unknow pleasures and MI grids

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Three New Modules

juanito moore

"Last week's hardware challenge was to use new hardware, so JUST IN TIME for last weekend, here's my three newest modules.

The 'clouds' sound and some of the chord sounds are coming from my new Mutable Instruments Braids (very DIY) modules. The blinking lights create that weird chirping noise, and of course there's goofy reverb goodness going on too.

Here's the Razmasynth Super Warp Generator that inspired my seven-LED chirper module:"

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Razmasynth Telewizor: Mazinger pattern Demo

Published on Oct 29, 2016 RazmatazTG

"Demo of new patterns for Telewizor V2. The arduino code is available on the Telewizor building page at"

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Razmasynth TelewizorV2 Demo Prototype

Published on Feb 23, 2016 RazmatazTG

AV Display Oscilloscope Video Generator.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Too late EBM session

Published on Jan 4, 2016 Jedi Meister

"Minimal EBM Session using my new Razmasynth Shibuya as a Master Clock.

Gear used:
Razmasynth Shibuya
Razmasynth VIII
Korg Volca Beats
4MS Pingable Envelope Generator
Doepfer A-110
Doepfer A-135
Doepfer A-199
Synthrotek NAND

No Post-Processing done. Fully analog sound."

Razmasynth Shibuya [Modular Synthesizer Session, Minimal Techno]

Published on Jan 4, 2016 Jedi Meister

"Minimal Techno Session using my new Razasynth Shibuya as a Master Clock

Gear used:
Razmasynth Shibuya
Razmasynth VIII
Korg Volca Beats
4MS Pingable Envelope Generator
Music Thing Modular – Turing Machine Random Sequencer
Little Dieter
Doepfer A-110
Doepfer A-132
Doepfer A-135
Doepfer A-199

No Post-Processing done. Fully analog sound."

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Shibuya Demo

Published on Dec 10, 2015 RazmatazTG

Awesome see through acrylic eurorack case!

"Demo of Razmasynth Shibuya, LFO and Eurorack acryl ears sides

-LFO pots, 9 Waveforms: Sine, Triangle, Ramp Down, Ramp Up, Staircase, Square, Static ADSR, Trig, Random and Noise
-Start/Stop Button
-Color Match Button: 14 colors available
-Bipolar -3,7/3,7V LFO’s
-Master Clock (Dedicated potentiometer and Output) From 0,49Hz to 109Hz

-2/4/6/8/12/24 Clock Multiplier (Dedicated potentiometer and Output)
-2/4/6/8/12/24 Clock Divider (Dedicated potentiometer and Output)
-Special VIII Sequencer trigger function: When the X and % pots are completely turned to right, the X and % Outputs send pulses alternatively to drive two VIII Sequencers as one 16 steps sequencer.

-Blink In fonction: Shibuya is able to modulate the led with any external waveform plugged on the "Blink IN" input (enveloppe etc...). Here is a Sine from Doepfer LFO.
-Fully compatible with Razmasynth Eurorack Acryl Ears Sides kits (With RGB led strip)
-Arduino based, easily hackable"

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Telewizor Demo

Published on Nov 1, 2015 RazmatazTG

"Two channel AV Display for Eurorack Modular, PAL, NTSC. Jack Mono 3.5 and Cinch input.
Watch your movies or play video game on your modular."

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Razmasynth Telewizor: Prototype

Published on Oct 25, 2015 RazmatazTG

"Two channel AV Display for Eurorack Modular, PAl, NTSC. Jack and Cinch input.
Watch your movies or play video game on your modular.

Only 10 modules, available early november 2015"

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Shibuya demo of PCB prototype

Published on Aug 8, 2015 RazmatazTG

"Demo of Razmasynth prototype module's named Shibuya:
LFO with 9 waveforms, Clock out, Clock divider out, clock Multiplier out, , Start/Stop button, pulse canon to trig 2x 8 stps sequencer as an 16 steps seq and a RGB Led control for illuminating your rack to the rhythm of the LFO, or any waveform you patch in!
Coming September end 2015, with acryl rack earside and RGB led ribbon 1 to 5 meter."

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Razmasynth Shibuya : Module and Rack Prototype

Published on Jun 7, 2015 RazmatazTG

"Short demo of forthcoming Razmasynth module and eurorack acryl case named Shibuya.
Shibuya include all you need to start in Modular in a sigle module + Eurorack case with Arcyl earside, with a terrific look: Clock, Clock divider, clock Multiplier, LFO with 9 waveforms, Start/Stop button and a RGB Led control for illuminating your rack to the rhythm of the LFO, or any waveform you patch in!
Coming soon, early September, 3U/6U/12U with everything you need: Z rails, Power Bus, etc..."

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Demo Rack Tokyo

Published on May 9, 2015 RazmatazTG

"Demo rack for Tokyo Festival of Modular, 16 and 17th May 2015."

Nice acrylic light case.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Razmasynth Alex & June V2 -limited Yellow Magic Edition

Published on Mar 23, 2015 RazmatazTG

"This is a limited pre-release of Alex & June V2 with Magic Yellow panel: A small batch 10 modules full mounted and calibrated. The official released of this filter will be available as a kit at june 2015, after the Tokyo Modular Festival only.

-Low Pass, High Pas & Notch Filter with 2 Jack entries.
-Attenuverter potentiometer
-CV Jack IN,
-Cutoff and Resonance potentiometers
-10ma power draw (+/-12V or +/-15V)
-Reverse polarity protection
-Depth: 6hp

The filter accept now line level entry ( from Korg Volca etc..) An attenuverter was added on the CV IN. The new version is more versatile and offer smother controls on the cutoff and the resonance.
Now the filter can be used as a Gate.
The CV input can be used as an Audio IN (produced some delicious fuzzle and Grittlle)."

Monday, March 16, 2015

RAZMASYNTH Cthulhu // feeding the monster (3) // miniature 30

Published on Mar 16, 2015 LESINDES

"Last PART:
Playing the very rare RAZMASYNTH CTHULHU. Only 10 were made worldwide. Feeding one of the rarest synth modules CTHULHU with Synthesis Technology E340 Cloud Generator"

Friday, February 27, 2015

RAZMASYNTH Cthulhu // feeding the monster (2) // miniature 26

Published on Feb 27, 2015 LESINDES

"Playing the very rare RAZMASYNTH CTHULHU. Only 10 were made worldwide. Feeding one of the rarest synth modules CTHULHU with Synthesis Technology E340 Cloud Generator"

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Razmasynth Cthulhu Mini23

Published on Feb 19, 2015 LESINDES

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Razmasynth CTHULHU // DRONE // miniatures 17

Published on Dec 20, 2014 LESINDES

"Razmasynth CTHULHU + Mutable Instruments Edges"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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