Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Ondes Martenot Ring Controller Project

YouTube via happymoogman
"I'm building a Ring Controller, in the style of a vintage Ondes Martenot, to control my modular synthesizer. Here is the first video, showing my progress, so far.
I'm controlling a Q125 Signal Processor, which in turn, is controlling an oscillator on the big synth.
This is a work in progress, and I'm continuing to complete this instrument.
Another video will follow this one, when it is completed."

Analog Computer Bouncing Ball

YouTube via EA78751
"In this video I'm demonstrating an analog computer that models a bouncing ball, with control voltage and trigger outputs that could be interesting with synthesizers, sequencers, etc.

I designed the circuit as an excercise in understanding analog computer techniques. I found that almost all textbook descriptions of analog integrators are incomplete, lacking adequate description of how to set the initial conditions of the integrator and reset it at the end of each computation.

An obvious application of this particular circuit is to generate nonlinear rhythms for electronic music... check out Aphex Twin's track "Bucephalus Bouncing Ball" for a good example of this effect.

more info:

Many thanks to Matthew Thies for filming and editing this video.

-Eric Archer


YouTube via cray56. follow-up to this post. "buchla n delay"

Touchram controller

flickr by rylos51

full size

"Touch control panel for music synthesizer being used with a Yamaha DX7. Real-time dynamic control makes all the difference in the world."

See this post for more info on the Touchram.

Esben Schack and Wetterberg, freestyle in Studio

YouTube via machinate
"a live looping session with Esben Schack, recorded some time in early '08, I think?

no pre-recorded material, no nothing. Just voice and effects. Lemur + Live 7 working overtime."

circuit bent yamaha PSR-11 and Danelectro fab echo

YouTube via 3rdness. Synth lobotomy.
"Instead of adding connections where they shouldn't be, this kind of bend cuts the connections between the FM chip and the main processing chip.

By withholding data transfer between the chips, you can mix-up the sounds and preset rhythms and make them do some pretty messed up junk.

The D-LAY is a modded Danelectro Fab Echo. The chip they use has much greater function than they let you access. If you circumvent their hindrances, you can get a really cool, fully functional delay for under $20."

Sequential Circuits Prophet 10 on Ebay

YouTube via higleyvideos
I'm not seeing it listed yet. Here's a search on Prophet-10: link in case my Ebay feed on the right doesn't pick it up.

musical synth R&D

YouTube via nathanielscott
"The first device is an Optical Theremin, and is a Forrest Mims design. The second device is a bent design of Mim's. The last third of the video shows a 10 step sequencer which is where I will be spending more time trying to develop it into a viable performance device.

I have been toying with the idea of building a modular synthesizer. I was fortunate enough to have had access to a minimoog for a year and I am a huge fan of that design but would like a system that is more modular.

I have started by building some very basic ocillators and sequencers, as you can see. I am using Radio Shack Electronic Project Kit 150 in 1, and the Radio Shack Electronic Learning Lab to learn the the basics. So far so good."

Siel Expander 80 Resource Site

"This page is dedicated to the Siel Expander 80 synth module, which seems to constantly be slated for being an inadequate copy of the Korg EX800. This web page is a complete resource for the Siel Expander 80, showing that if time is given to understand it, and accepting it's limitations, then a very capable synth will become apparrent."

Roland JSQ-60

via this auction

"Roland JSQ-60 digital keyboard recorder. It is an amazing device designed to give you more control and variety on your DCB keyboard... The JSQ-60 is a polyphonic sequencer compatible with DCB synthesizers such as the JUNO-60 or the JUPITER-8. Due to its large memory capacity of approximately 2,000 notes, the JSQ-60 can memorize a complete musical composition . The JSQ-60 can also memorize changes in the patch memory of the JUNO-60. The JSQ-60 is capable of both real-time and single-step loading. In the real-time mode, all performances played by the keyboard are loaded. And in the single step mode, the pitch of each note is loaded in each step. While listening to previously loaded performances, you can overdub up to three times in real time. Shifting the JUNO-60's patch memory and starting/stopping the JSQ-60 can be controlled by the DP-2 pedal switch. A cassette interface is provided for limit less data storage. Two Sync out jacks are provided to sync with devices such as the TR-606 DRUMATIX or TB-303 BASS LINE. Easy to carry. Weight: only 1.5 kg!"


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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